Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


Cab drivers







Best man

Chinese people



Horse racing


Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 

Chinese people 

    Reći ću vam što mi se sviđa kod Kineza...     I'll tell you what I like about Chinese people...
    I dalje se drže svojih štapića za jelo, zar ne?     They're hanging in there with the chop sticks, aren't they?
    Znate da su vidjeli vilicu.     You know they've seen the fork.
    Drže se štapića.     They're staying with the sticks.
    Impresioniran sam time.     I'm impressed by that.
    Ne zanm kako im je promakla.     I don't know how they missed it.
    Kineski ratar, ustane, cijeli dan radi s lopatom u polju...     A Chinese farmer, gets up, works in the field with the shovel all day...
    Lopata...     Shovel...
     žlica...      Spoon...
     Ma daj...      Come on...
    Tu je.     There it is.
    Ne orete 40 hektara sa parom biljarskih štapova...     You're not ploughing 40 acres with a couple of pool cues...
    I zašto McDonalds još broji?     And why is McDonald's still counting?
    Stvarno su nesigurni, zar ne?     This is really insecure, isn't it?
    40 gillion, 80 million, zillion, billion, killion, tillion...     40 gillion, 80 million, zillion, billion, killion, tillion...
    Šta je to?     What is this?
    Znači li to išta ikome?     Does it mean anything to anyone?
    89 biliona prodanih.     89 billion sold.
    Ok, ja sam jednog.     Ok.
    Volio bih sresti predsjednika McDonaldovog nadzornog odbora...      I'll have one. I would love to meet the chairman of the board of McDonald's...
    Samo da mu kažem : Čuj, svi smo shvatili. Prodali ste puno hamburgera. Koji god da je broj.     Just to say to him: Look, we all get it. You have sold a lotta hamburgers. Whatever the hell the number is.
    Samo stavite znak : McDonaldu dobro ide! Ne trebam čuti baš o svakom. Koji im je konačni cilj?     Just put up a sign: 'McDonald's, we're doing very well!' I don't need to hear about every goddamn one of them. What is their ultimate goal?
    Da im se krave dobrovoljno predaju?     To have cows just surrendering voluntarily?
    Pojave se na vratima: Željele bi se predati. Vidimo znak... kužimo da imamo male šanse tamo vani.     Showing up at the door: We'd like to turn ourselves in. We see the sign... we realize we have very little chance out there.
    Željele bi postati 'Happy Meal' ako je to ikako moguće. Bio sam u Londonu prije mjesec dana, Svjetsko prvenstvo je bilo u tijeku.     We'd like to be a 'Happy Meal' if that's at all possible. I was in London about a month ago, the World Cup was going on.

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