Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 


    odjeća za mene, u večini slučajeva, je takva gnjavaža.     Clothing to me, for the most part, is just such a tremendous pain in the ass.
    Ako razmislite o količini vremena, umnog napora, energije, koji trošite na odjeću: biranje, kupnja, da li se to slaže s ovim mislim da ne mogu to nositi, fali mi botun, ovo je prljavo, treba mi nešto novo, ovo mi je usko, ne mogu obući to...     If you think of the amount of time, mental effort, physical energy, that goes into your clothes: picking'em, buying'em, does that go with that I don't think I can wear that, I'm missing a button, this is dirty, I gotta get something new, that's up my ass, can't wear this...
    Mislim da bi trebali svi nosite identičnu odjeću.     I think we should all wear the same exact clothes.
    Jer se to na kraju krajeva desi.     Because it seems to be what happens eventually, anyway.
    Svaki put kada vidite flim ili seriju gdje ljudi iz budučnosti ili drugog planeta svi nose isto.     Anytime you see a movie or a TV-show where there's people from the future or another planet they're all wearing the same outfit.
    Mislim da se odluka donosi: U redu, od sada, nosit će se jednodijelno srebrno odijelo. s trakama u obliku slova V i čizme. To je odjeća.     I think the decision just gets made: All right, everyone, from now on, it's just gonna be the one piece silver suit with the V stripe and the boots. That's the outfit.
    Posjećivat ćemo druge planeta, želimo izgledati kao tim tamo. Individualnost je gotova. Ne mogu podnijeti kemijsko čišćenje.     We're gonna be visiting other planets, we wanna look like a team here. The individuality thing is over. The dry cleaner I can't stand.
    Jer mislim da ništa ne čisti.     'Cause I don't think he's doing it.
    Ne znam šta se dešava tamo iza, ali ne mogu pojmiti nešto kao kemijsko čišćenje.     I don't know what goes on back there but I cannot conceive such a thing as actual dry cleaning.
    Svi to prihvaćamo jer ih posvuda ima.     We all accept it 'cause we see the stores everywhere.
    Ali, razmislite o tome.     But, think about it.
     Suho (dry).      Dry?
     Šta je suho?      What is dry?
    Ne možete nešto očistiti na suho.     You can't clean something dry.
    Šta rade?     What do they do?
     Potapšaju, protresu, pušu?      Tap it, shake it, blow on it?
    Mora postojati nekakva tekućina tamo.     There's gotta be some kind of a liquid back there.
    da li ste ikad imali neku mrlju i pokušali je noktom skinuti?     Did you ever get something on your clothes and get it off with your fingernail?
    To je suho čišćenje.     That's dry cleaning.
    To je jedino suho čišćenje.     That is the only dry cleaning.
    Donio sam tipu jeknu od brušene kože...     I brought this guy a suede jacket...
    ima mrlje od kiše.     got spots on it 'cause I was in the rain.
    kaže on: ništa ne možemo učiniti. Voda uništava kožu. zar krave nisu pretežno na otvorenom?     He says: there's nothing we can do. Water ruins leather. Aren't cows outdoors a lot of the time?
    Šta?     What?
     Da li kad počne kiša krave odu od farme Ej, pusti nas unutra.      If it rains do the cows go up to the farmhouse Hey, let us in.
    Nosimo kožu. Ej, otvori čovječe.     We're all wearing leather out here. Hey, open up, man.
    Kožna sam. Živa sam koža. samo suho čišćenje je definitivno jedino upozorenje koje ljudi poštuju.      I'm suede. I'm living suede. 'Dry clean only' is definitely the only warning label that human beings actually respect.
    Gledaju cigarete : dobit ćete rak, ubiti vas i djecu. Dobro je, radit ću šta oću.     They look at cigarettes: This will give you cancer, kill you an the kids. It's good, I'll do whatever the hell I want.
    Ne uzimajte ovaj lijek dok upravljate vozilom. Koga je briga.     Don't drink this medicine and operate heavy machinery. Who cares.

    To se odnosi na one koji ne znaju šta rade. Ja sam profesionalac.     That's for people who don't know what the hell they're doing. I'm a pro.
    Ali kada imate nešto šta se samo čisti na suho i netko ide staviti u perilicu Ne stavljaj u perilicu!!     But if you have something that's dry clean only and somebody goes to put it in the washing machine Don't put it in the washing machine!
    Samo suho čišćenje!! Jesi li lud, zar si sišao s uma? Stvarno je nevjerovatno šta ljudi sve ne povjeruju.     It's dry clean only! Are you crazy, are you out of your mind? It is amazing what people will believe.
    Gledam ove reklame navečer...     I watch these infomercials late at night...
    Ako je dovoljno kasno, počinju mi se sviđati.     If it gets late enough the products start to look good to me.
    Stvarno sam se zatekao kako tako sjedim i razmišljam Mislim da nemam nož koji može rasjeći cipelu. misli da nijeda moj nož ne može rasjeći cipelu.     I have actually found myself sitting there thinking I don't think I have a knife that can cut through the shoe. I don't think any of my knives are good enough to cut through shoes.
    Kupit ću ovaj nož i rasjeći svoje cipele.     I'm gonna get this knife and cut my shoes off.
    To mi se čini dobro. Mislim da je najgluplje što možete kasno napraviti Kupit ću ovo i doći u formu.     That seems pretty good. I think the dumbest thing you can do late at night is I'm gonna get this thing and get in shape.
    3 je ujutro, imate mrvice čipsa po majici, jedno oko otvoreno, visi vam jedna čarapa s noge.     It's 3 in the morning, you got potato chip crumbs on your shirt, you got one eye open, one sock hanging of the foot.
    počet ću vježbati s ovom spravom. Naručit ću je. To je sve šta mi treba da dođem u formu. To je fantastična sprava. Pljačka.     I'm gonna start working out with this thing. I'm gonna order this thing. This is all I need to get in shape. This is a fantastic device. Rip-off.
    ne možemo zaustaviti da nas pljačkaju.     We can't stop getting ripped-off.
     Opljačkat će nas.      We're gonna get ripped off.
    Mislimo da neće, mislimo da smo pametni, mislimo da ćemo prijeći lopove.     We think we're not, we think we're very clever, we think we're gonna foil the crooks.
    idemo na plažu, u more, spremimo novčanik u patiku, tko će znati?     We go to the beach, go in the water, put you wallet in the sneaker, who's gonna know?
    Koji kriminalni um može probiti tu tvrđavu sigurnosti?     What criminal mind could penetrate this fortress of security?
    Ugurat će ga do prstiju, nikad ga neće tamo tražiti. Provjere pete, idu dalje.     I put it down by the toe. They never look there. They check the heels, they move on.
    Kada imate tv na zadnjem sjedištu auta i morate ga ostaviti na ulici par minuta pa stavite đemper preko tv-a.     When you have a TV set in the back of your car and you gotta leave the car in the street for a few minutes so you put a sweater over the TV.
    samo par đempera, to je sve. jedan je kockast s antenom šta viri. Tako su jadne naše ideje da prevarimo lopove! Plakat Traži se u pošti...     It's a couple of sweaters, that's all. One of them is square with an antenna coming out of it. So feeble the things we come up with to foil the crooks! The 'Wanted' posters at the post office...
    Tamo ste, imate paket, pokušavate nešto poslati, tip je tražen u 12 država.     You're there, you got your package, you're trying to mail something, this guy's wanted in 12 states.
    E, šta sad?     Yeah, now what?
     Ok Pogledam tipa iza mene...     Ok. I check the guy standing in line behind me...
    ako nije on, to je otprilike sve šta mogu napraviti.     if it's not him, that's pretty much all I can do.
    Zašto ga ne zadrže kada ga slikaju.     Why don't they just hold on to this guy when they're taking his picture.
    Tip je tu s vama. izađite iza aparata i zgrabite ga! Nwe, ne želimo to. Slikamo ga, pa ga pustimo.     The guy's there with you! Come out from behind the camera and grab him! No, we don't do that. We take their picture, we let them go.
    Tako dobijemo profil i bočnu sliku. profil mu je lice, bočna je kada on odlazi. zašto ne stavljaju slike zliočinaca na poštanske marke?     That's how we get the front and side shot. The front is his face, the side is him leaving. Why don't they put the pictures of the criminals on the postage stamps?
    neka ih poštari traže.     Let the postman look for'em.
    Ionako cijeli dan hodaju okolo.     He's out there walking around all day.
    Nosi uniformu.     He's got the uniform on.
    Zar on ne može učiniti nešto?     Can't he do something?
    Imamo još jedno pismo za vas gosp. Jon.. Mislim da je to on... Tako, bilo nam je zabavno...     We got another letter for you, mister Jon... I think that's him...--- So we really had a good time...

    Ovo je kraj dugačkog puta.     This is the end of a long tour.
    Nalaziš se na putu uvijek moraš raditi sve što drugi predlože toga dana.     When you're on the road you always have to do whatever anyone suggests that day.
    Zato jer nemaš šta raditi i nemaš ideja pa tako radiš šta god drugi predlože.     Because you have nothing to do and you have no ideas so you do whatever anyone suggests.

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