Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 


    Ali, prilagodio sam se cestama.     But I have fully adjusted to the road.
    Volim hotele.     I like hotels.
    Uživam u onim malim sapunima.     I enjoy tiny soap.
    pravim se da je normalni sapun, a da su mi mišići ogromni.     I pretend that it's normal soap and my muscles are huge.
    i uvijek možeš vidjeti kad si u dobrom, luksuznom hotelu kad je tv zavidan na čeličnu šipku zavarenu u zidu.     And you can always tell when you're in a fine quality luxury hotel when the TV is bolted to a solid steel beam and welded into the wall.
    Da li je to velik problem u hoteljerstvu?     Is this a big problem in the hotel business?
    Ljudi dolaze na recepciju: Želio bih se odjaviti.     People coming up to the desk: I'd like to check out.
    Glavna stvar je kupaonica, tuš, to mora biti dobro.     The main thing is the bathroom, the shower, that's gotta be good.
    Zato ne volim odsjedati s ljudima na putovanjima.     That's why I don't like to stay with people on the road.
    Ne želim biti u tuđim tuševima.     I don't want to be in other people's showers.
    ne znam upravljati s njima.     I don't know how to operate them.
    Nikad ne možete dobro podesiti toplu vodu.     You can never get the ratios right on the dials.
    ponekad je djelić centimetra, a nekad par stupnjeva.     Sometimes a 16th of an inch is a thousand degrees.
    Morate se skloniti s puta vode.     You gotta get out of the way of the water.
    -Uvijek je ta mala dlaka na zidu.     There's always that little hair stuck on the wall, too.
    I želite je maknuti, ali je ne želite dirati.     And you wanna get rid of it but you don't wanna touch it.
    kao prvo ne znam ni kako je dospjela tako visoko.     I don't know how it got up that high in the first place.
    Možda ima svoj život.     Maybe it's got a life of its own.
    Pa morate nišaniti s tušem u dlaku...     So you gotta aim the shower head at the hair...
    to nikad ne uspijeva.     That never works.
    Morate uzeti lavandin vode it tuša pa onda po dlaci.     You gotta get a pool of water from under the shower and over to the hair.
    Spuštati je dio po dio.     Get it down a foot at a time like this.
    Dlaka se ne da.     The hair is hanging on.
    Ali... moramo voditi ove bitke.     But... we have to fight these battles.
    Samo smo u kupaonici.     We're all alone in the bathroom.
    Šta god pošlo po krivu moramo se nositi s tim.     Whatever goes wrong you have to handle it.
    Da li ste ikad bili na velikoj zabavi, otišli u kupaonicu, pustili vodu, voda se počne dizati...     Did you ever go to a big party, go into the bathroom, flush the toilet, the water starts coming up...
    To je najstrašniji trebutak u ljudskom životu.     This is the most frightening moment in the life of a human being.
    Napravili biste sve da je zaustavite.     You'll do anything to stop this.

    Gubite razum, počinjete govoriti s školjkom: Ne, molim te , ne radi mi to!     You'll loose your mind, start talking to the toilet: No, please, don't do this to me!
    Ne, ajde, znaš da to nije moja briga.     No, come on, you know this is not my responsibility.
    Nisam ja to napravio. Nabavi ću ti ono plavo, čavjeka u brodiću, samo me pusti ovaj put.     I didn't make this happen. I'll get you the blue thing, the man in the boat, just let me off the hook this one time.
    Hvala ti.     Thank you very much.
    Bili ste divna publika.     You've been a wonderful audience.
    Hvala što ste došli.     Thank you for coming.