Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 


    Pa, trebao bi ići u Floridu sljedeći tjedan, nako što završimo ovdje.     So, I'm supposed to go to Florida next week after we're done here.
    tamo žive moja starija rodbina.     That's where my older relatives live.
    Stvarno mi se ne ide.     I don't really wanna go.
    Florida...     Florida...
    Puno starih ljudi ima tamo.     A lot of old people down there.
    Znate, žive u onim zatvorima s minimalnim osiguranjem.     You know, they live in those minimum security prisons.
    Tamo smještaju sve stare ljude.     That's where they put all the old people.
    Šta je s svim tim osiguranjem tamo?     What's with all the security there?
    S čuvarem na ulazu, sa spuštanjem ruke, tip ima uniformu, oružje...     With the guard gate, with that arm coming down, the guy's got a uniform, guns...
    Zar starci pokušavaju pobjeći?     Are the old people trying to escape?
    Ili, ljudi kradu starce?     Or, are people stealing old people?
    koji je problem sa sigurnošću?     What is the security problem?
    Ne mogu voziti tamo.     I just can't drive around there.
    Znate kako starci voze...     You know how these old people drive...
    Voze sporo, sjede nisko.     They drive slow, they sit low.
    To je njihov moto.     That is their motto.
    zastava Floride bi trebala biti samo volan sa šeširom i dva zgloba na njemu.     The state flag of Florida should be just a steering wheel with a hat and two knuckles on it.
    I žmigavac im je upaljen otkad su krenuli tog jutra.     And they left that turn signal on since they left the house that morning.
    To je zakonito u Floridi.     That's a legal turn in Florida.
    Znano je kao eventualno skretanje.     It's known as an eventual left.
    Možete dati žmigavac ovog tjedna, a skrenuti bilo koje godine svog života.     You can signal this week, turn any following year of your life.
    Koje su to godine u životu kada starci odluče da kada izlaze u rikverc, više ne gledaju iza.     What is that age that old people reach when they decide when they back out of their driveway, they're not looking anymore.
    znate kako to rade?     You know how they do that?
    samo kažu : Pa, ja sam star i idem u rikverc. preživio sam.     They just go: Well, I'm old and I'm coming back. I survived.
     Da vidimo da li vi možete. Jedna stvar koju volim kad sam sa svojom starom rodbinom je ta da se opet osjećam kao dijete.      Let's see if you can. One thing I like about being with my older relatives is it makes me feel like a kid again.
    Znate, hrane vas.     You know, they're feeding you.
    Pokušavate ukrasti slatkiše.     You're trying to steal candy.

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