The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 9 

    Chapter 9     9.
    A computer chattered to itself in alarm as it noticed an airlock open and close itself for no apparent reason.     Kompjuter panično začegrta kada je primetio da se vazdušna komora otvorila i zatvorila bez ikakvog razumnog razloga.
    This was because reason was in fact out to lunch.     Bilo je to zato što je Razum, u stvari, otišao na ručak.
    A hole had just appeared in the Galaxy. It was exactly a nothingth of a second long, a nothingth of an inch wide, and quite a lot of millions of light-years from end to end.     U Galaksiji se pojavila rupa. Bila je duga tačno jedan nulti deo sekunde, široka nulti deo inča, a s kraja na kraj merila je popriličan broj miliona svetlosnih godina.
    As it closed up, lots of paper hats and party balloons fell out of it and drifted off through the Universe. A team of seven three-foot-high market analysts fell out of it and died, partly of asphyxiation, partly of surprise.     Kada se približila, iz nje je ispalo nebrojeno mnogo papirnatih šešira i raznobojnih balona i razletelo se Vaseljenom. Odatle je ispala i sedmočlana grupa analitičara tržišta, visokih tri stope, koji su odmah odapeli, što od gušenja, što od zaprepašćenja.
    Two hundred and thirty-nine thousand lightly fried eggs fell out of it too, materializing in a large wobbly heap on the famine-struck land of Poghril in the Pansel system.     Sa istog mesta ispalo je i dvesta trideset devet hiljada jaja na oko koja su se materijalizovala u obliku ogromne, drhtave gomile na glađu pogođenoj zemlji Pogrila u sistemu Pansel.
    The whole Poghril tribe had died out from famine except for one last man who died of cholesterol poisoning some weeks later.     Čitavo pleme Pongrila skapalo je od gladi, izuzev poslednjeg pripadnika koji je nekoliko nedelja kasnije skončao od trovanja holesterolom.
    The nothingth of a second for which the hole existed reverberated backward and forward through time in a most improbable fashion. Somewhere in the deeply remote past it seriously traumatized a small random group of atoms drifting through the empty sterility of space and made them cling together in the most extraordinarily unlikely patterns. These patterns quickly learned to copy themselves (this was part of what was so extraordinary about the patterns) and went on to cause massive trouble on every planet they drifted on to. That was how life began in the Universe.     Nulti deo sekunde, tokom koga je rupa postojala, odjekivao je napred-nazad kroz vreme na najneobičniji način. Negde u drevnoj prošlosti ovo je ozbiljno poremetilo malenu grupu atoma, koja je nasumce lutala kroz praznu sterilnost kosmosa, i navelo je da počne da se spaja u najčudnovatije oblike. Ovi oblici brzo su naučili da umnožavaju sami sebe (bila je to jedna od stvari zbog kojih su oblici bili toliko neobični) i dali su se u stvaranje grdnih nevolja na svakoj od planeta na koju bi dospeli. Tako se začeo život u Vaseljeni.
    Five wild Event Maelstroms swirled in vicious storms of unreason and spewed up a payment.     Pet divljih vrtloga uzroka i posledice zakovitla se u opakim olujama bezumlja i prosu se na neki pločnik.
    On the pavement lay Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent gulping like half-spent fish.     Na pločniku su ležali Ford Prefekt i Artur Dent i gutali vazduh poput riba na suvom.
    “There you are,” gasped Ford, scrabbling for a finger hold on the pavement as it raced through the Third Reach of the Unknown, “I told you I’d think of something.”     "Eto, vidiš", zadahta Ford, grebući po pločniku, ne bi li našao neki oslonac, dok je ovaj jurio kroz Treći Doseg Nepoznatog, "zar ti nisam rekao da ću nešto smisliti?"
    “Oh sure,” said Arthur, “sure.”     "Oh, svakako", reče Artur. "Svakako."
    “Bright idea of mine,” said Ford, “to find a passing spaceship and get rescued by it.”     "Bila je stvarno blistava ideja", reče Ford, "da nađem svemirski brod koji će nas spasti u prolazu."
    The real Universe arched sickeningly away beneath them. Various pretend ones flitted silently by, like mountain goats. Primal light exploded, splattering space-time as with gobbets of Jell-O. Time blossomed, matter shrank away. The highest prime number coalesced quietly in a corner and hid itself away for ever.     Stvarna Vaseljena vrtoglavo se zakrivi ispod njih. Različite moguće Vaseljene tiho su promicale, poput divokoza. Praiskonska svetlost eksplodira i rasu vreme-prostor poput voćnog jogurta. Vreme se rascveta, a materija stade da se skuplja i beži. Najveći prost broj tiho se zgrčio u jednom uglu i zauvek sakrio od svih.
    “Oh, come off it,” said Arthur, “the chances against it were astronomical.”     "Ma, hajde", reče Artur, "izgledi da se tako nešto desi bili su astronomski mali."
    “Don’t knock it, it worked,” said Ford.     "Ne zanovetaj, vidiš da je upalilo", reče Ford.
    “What sort of ship are we in?” asked Arthur as the pit of eternity yawned beneath them.     "Na kakvom smo mi to brodu?" zapita Artur kada se pred njima razjapi ponor večnosti.
    “I don’t know,” said Ford, “I haven’t opened my eyes yet.”     "Ne znam", reče Ford, "još nisam otvorio oči."
    “No, nor have I,” said Arthur.     "Nisam ni ja", reče Artur.
    The Universe jumped, froze, quivered and splayed out in several unexpected directions.     Vaseljena poskoči, zaustavi se, zadrhta i rasu se u nekoliko neočekivanih pravaca.
    Arthur and Ford opened their eyes and looked about in considerable surprise.     Artur i Ford otvoriše oči i iznenađeno se obazreše.
    “Good God,” said Arthur, “it looks just like the sea front at Southend.”     "Bože moj", reče Artur, "baš podseća na priobalni deo Sautenda."
    “Hell, I’m relieved to hear you say that,” said Ford.     "Đavo ga odneo, mnogo mi je milo što to čujem", reče Ford.
    “Why?”     "Zašto?"
    “Because I thought I must be going mad.”     "Zato što sam pomislio da me možda hvata ludilo."
    “Perhaps you are. Perhaps you only thought I said it.”     "Možda te i hvata. Možda ti se samo učinilo da sam to rekao."
    Ford thought about this.     Ford razmisli.
    “Well, did you say it or didn’t you?” he asked.     "Pa dobro, jesi li rekao ili nisi?" pitao je.
    “I think so,” said Arthur.     "Mislim da jesam", reče Artur.

    “Well, perhaps we’re both going mad.”     "Možda nas obojicu hvata ludilo."
    “Yes,” said Arthur, “we’d be mad, all things considered, to think this was Southend.”     "Da", reče Artur. "Kad dobro razmislim, bili bismo ludi kada bismo verovali da je ovo Sautend."
    “Well, do you think this is Southend?”     "A veruješ li da je ovo Sautend?"
    “Oh yes.”     "Oh, da."
    “So do I.”     "I ja."
    “Therefore we must be mad.”     "Znači, mora da smo ludi."
    “Nice day for it.”     "Lep dan za tako nešto."
    “Yes,” said a passing maniac.     "Da", reče jedan manijak u prolazu.
    “Who was that?” asked Arthur.     "Ko je to bio?" upita Artur.
    “Who—the man with the five heads and the elderberry bush full of kippers?”     "Na koga misliš - na onog čoveka s pet glava i grmom zove, punim usoljenih haringi?"
    “Yes.”     "Da."
    “I don’t know. Just someone.”     "Pojma nemam. Neki prolaznik."
    “Ah.”     "Ah."
    They both sat on the pavement and watched with a certain unease as huge children bounced heavily along the sand and wild horses thundered through the sky taking fresh supplies of reinforced railings to the Uncertain Areas.     Sedeli su na pločniku i s izvesnim osećanjem nelagodnosti posmatrali ogromnu decu koja su teško poskakivala po pesku i divlje konje koji su grmeli nebom dok su uzimali sveže zalihe ojačanih ograda prema Zonama Neodređenosti.
    “You know,” said Arthur with a slight cough, “if this is Southend, there’s something very odd about it….”     "Znaš", reče Artur i kašljucnu, "ukoliko je ovo Sautend, ima nešto strašno čudno u vezi s njim."
    “You mean the way the sea stays steady as a rock and the buildings keep washing up and down?” said Ford. “Yes, I thought that was odd too. In fact,” he continued as with a huge bang Southend split itself into six equal segments which danced and spun giddily round each other in lewd and licentious formations, “there is something altogether very strange going on.”     "Misliš na to što more stoji mirno dok se zgrade talasaju?" reče Ford. "Da, i meni se učinilo da je to neobično. U stvari", nastavio je on kada se uz užasan pucanj Sautend rascepio na šest jednakih delova koji vrtoglavo zaplesaše i zavrteše se jedan oko drugoga u nekako nepristojnim i vulgarnim pozama, "ovde se dešava nešto stvarno čudno."
    Wild yowling noises of pipes and strings seared through the wind, hot doughnuts popped out of the road for ten pence each, horrid fish stormed out of the sky and Arthur and Ford decided to make a run for it.     Divlji, urlikavi zvuci gajdi i violina zaoriše se kroz vetar, vrući kolačići iskočiše iz trotoara, po deset penija svaki, jezive ribe stustiše se s nebesa, a Artur i Ford odlučiše da pobegnu.
    They plunged through heavy walls of sound, mountains of archaic thought, valleys of mood music, bad shoe sessions and footling bats and suddenly heard a girl’s voice.     Oni zaplivaše kroz teške zidove sačinjene od zvuka, planine arhaičnih misli, doline pozadinske muzike, sastanke oštećenih cipela i prostih šišmiša - kad iznenada začuše ženski glas.
    It sounded quite a sensible voice, but it just said, “Two to the power of one hundred thousand to one against and falling,” and that was all.     Zvučao je kao sasvim razuman glas, ali rekao je samo: "Jedan prema dva na sto hiljada jedan."
    Ford skidded down a beam of light and spun round trying to find a source for the voice but could see nothing he could seriously believe in.     Ford spuznu niz snop svetlosti i okrete se u pokušaju da otkrije izvor glasa, ali ne vide ništa u šta bi mogao ozbiljno da poveruje.
    “What was that voice?” shouted Arthur.     "Kakav je to bio glas?" zaurla Artur.
    “I don’t know,” yelled Ford, “I don’t know. It sounded like a measurement of probability.”     "Ne znam", viknu Ford, "ne znam. Zvučao je kao mera verovatnoće."
    “Probability? What do you mean?”     "Verovatnoće? Šta hoćeš time da kažeš?"
    “Probability. You know, like two to one, three to one, five to four against. It said two to the power of one hundred thousand to one against. That’s pretty improbable, you know.”     "Verovatnoće. Znaš, kao dva prema jedan, tri prema jedan, pet prema četiri. Kazala je jedan prema dva na sto hiljada jedan. Znaš, to je prilično neverovatno."
    A million-gallon vat of custard upended itself over them without warning.     Bez ikakvog upozorenja nad njima se pojavila kaca od milion galona prepuna pogačica.
    “But what does it mean?” cried Arthur.     "Ali šta to znači", jauknu Artur.
    “What, the custard?”     "Šta, pogačice?"
    “No, the measurement of improbability!”     "Ne, mera neverovatnoće!"
    “I don’t know. I don’t know at all. I think we’re on some kind of spaceship.”     "Ne znam. Pojma nemam. Mislim da smo na nekakvom kosmičkom brodu."
    “I can only assume,” said Arthur, “that this is not the first-class compartment.”     "Jedino mogu da zaključim", reče Artur, "da ovo nije odeljenje za prvu klasu."

    Bulges appeared in the fabric of space-time. Great ugly bulges.     U tkanju vreme-prostora pojaviše se ispupčenja. Krupna, gadna ispupčenja.
    “Haaaauuurrgghhh …” said Arthur, as he felt his body softening and bending in unusual directions. “Southend seems to be melting away … the stars are swirling … a dustbowl … my legs are drifting off into the sunset … my left arm’s come off too.” A frightening thought struck him. “Hell,” he said, “how am I going to operate my digital watch now?” He wound his eyes desperately around in Ford’s direction.     "​H​a​a​a​a​u​u​u​u​r​r​g​g​h​h​h​.​.​.​"​ reče Artur kada je osetio da mu telo omekšava i razvlači se u najčudnijim smerovima. "Izgleda da se Sautend topi... Zvezde se kovitlaju... Pustoš... Noge mi iščezavaju u zalasku sunca... Odlazi i moja leva ruka." Na um mu pade užasna pomisao. "Do đavola", rekao je "kako ću sada da nosim svoj digitalni časovnik?" On očajnički upre pogled u Forda.
    “Ford,” he said, “you’re turning into a penguin. Stop it.”     "Forde", reče on, "počinješ da se pretvaraš u pingvina. Prestani."
    Again came the voice.     Glas se ponovo začu.
    “Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling.”     "Jedan prema dva na sedamdeset pet hiljada i opada."
    Ford waddled around his pond in a furious circle.     Ford se besno zagega oko svog bazena.
    “Hey, who are you?” he quacked. “Where are you? What’s going on and is there any way of stopping it?”     "Hej, ko si ti?" zakvakao je. "Gde si?" Šta se to dešava i može li se nekako prekinuti?"
    “Please relax,” said the voice pleasantly, like a stewardess in an airliner with only one wing and two engines, one of which is on fire, “you are perfectly safe.”     "Molim vas, smirite se", reče glas umilno, poput stjuardese u letelici sa samo jednim krilom i dva motora u plamenu, "potpuno ste bezbedni."
    “But that’s not the point!” raged Ford. “The point is that I am now a perfectly safe penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!”     "Ali nije stvar u tome!" žestio se Ford. "Reč je o tome da sam ja sada potpuno bezbedan pingvin, a moj drugar sve brže gubi udove!"
    “It’s all right, I’ve got them back now,” said Arthur.     "Sve je u redu, ponovo su na svom mestu", reče Artur.
    “Two to the power of fifty thousand to one against and falling,” said the voice.     "Jedan prema dva na pedest hiljada i opada."
    “Admittedly,” said Arthur, “they’re longer than I usually like them, but …”     "Istini za volju", reče Artur, "nešto su duži nego što sam navikao..."
    “Isn’t there anything,” squawked Ford in avian fury, “you feel you ought to be telling us?”     "Zar ne postoji ništa", zakvaka Ford u ptičijem gnevu, "što možeš da nam kažeš?"
    The voice cleared its throat. A giant petit four lolloped off into the distance.     Glas pročisti grlo. Jedan džinovski petit four odleprša u daljinu.
    “Welcome,” the voice said, “to the Starship Heart of Gold.”     "Dobro došli", reče glas, "na zvezdani brod 'Zlatno srce'.
    The voice continued.     Glas je nastavio.
    “Please do not be alarmed,” it said, “by anything you see or hear around you. You are bound to feel some initial ill effects as you have been rescued from certain death at an improbability level of two to the power of two hundred and seventy-six thousand to one against—possibly much higher. We are now cruising at a level of two to the power of twenty-five thousand to one against and falling, and we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway. Thank you. Two to the power of twenty thousand to one against and falling.”     "Molim vas, nemojte se uzbuđivati", kazao je, "onim što vidite ili čujete oko sebe. Normalno je što ćete na početku osećati neke neprijatne uzgredne posledice, jer spaseni ste od sigurne smrti na nivou neverovatnoće od jedan prema dva na dvesta sedamdeset šest hiljada - možda i nešto više. Sada se krećemo na nivou od jedan prema dva na dvadeset pet hiljada, a i to opada, tako da ćemo ponovo biti u normalnom stanju čim budemo sigurni šta je, zapravo, normalno. Hvala vam. Jedan prema dva na dvadeset hiljada i opada."
    The voice cut out.     Glas se prekide.
    Ford and Arthur were in a small luminous pink cubicle.     Ford i Artur nalazili su se u nekoj maloj, ružičasto osvetljenoj kabini.
    Ford was wildly excited.     Ford je bio mahnito oduševljen.
    “Arthur!” he said, “this is fantastic! We’ve been picked up by a ship powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive! This is incredible! I heard rumors about it before! They were all officially denied, but they must have done it! They’ve built the Improbability Drive! Arthur, this is … Arthur? What’s happening?”     "Arture!" reče on, "pa ovo je fantastično! Pokupio nas je brod koji radi na Pogon Beskonačne Neverovatnoće! To je nemoguće! Već sam ranije čuo neka govorkanja o tome. Zvanično su sva demantovana, ali mora biti da im je to ipak pošlo za rukom! Sagradili su Pogon Neverovatnoće! Arture, pa to je... Arture! Šta se to dešava?"
    Arthur had jammed himself against the door to the cubicle, trying to hold it closed, but it was ill fitting. Tiny furry little hands were squeezing themselves through the cracks, their fingers were ink-stained; tiny voices chattered insanely.     Artur je bio leđima oslonjen o vrata i upinjao se da ih zatvori, ali mu to nije sasvim polazilo za rukom. Malene, dlakave ruke probijale su se kroz pukotine pored vrata, njihovi prsti bili su umrljani mastilom; tanki glasići sumanuto su ćeretali.
    Arthur looked up.     Artur podiže pogled.
    “Ford!” he said, “there’s an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they’ve worked out.”     "Forde", rekao je. "Napolju se nalazi bezbroj majmunčića koji žele da porazgovaraju s nama o rukopisu Hamleta koji su upravo dovršili."

>> Chapter 10