The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 19 

    Chapter 19     19.
    Are we taking this robot with us?” said Ford, looking with distaste at Marvin, who was standing in an awkward hunched posture in the corner under a small palm tree.     "Hoćemo li povesti i ovog robota?" reče Ford i gadljivo pogleda Marvina koji je, smešno pogrbljen, stajao u uglu, pod malim stablom palme.
    Zaphod glanced away from the mirror screens which presented a panoramic view of the blighted landscape on which the Heart of Gold had now landed.     Zaphod skrenu pogled s ogledala-ekrana na kojima se video panoramski snimak ogoljenog predela u koji se spustilo 'Zlatno srce'.
    “Oh, the Paranoid Android,” he said. “Yeah, we’ll take him.”     "Oh, android-paranoid", rekao je. "Da, povešćemo i njega."
    “But what are you supposed to do with a manically depressed robot?”     "Ali šta da radimo s robotom koji pati od manijačke depresije?"
    “You think you’ve got problems,” said Marvin, as if he was addressing a newly occupied coffin, “what are you supposed to do if you are a manically depressed robot? No, don’t bother to answer that, I’m fifty thousand times more intelligent than you and even I don’t know the answer. It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level.”     "Vi mislite da vi imate nevolja", reče Marvin kao da se obraća novonastanjenom mrtvačkom kovčegu, "ali šta biste uradili da ste vi robot s manijačkom depresijom? Ne, nemojte se mučiti da nađete odgovor, ja sam pedeset hiljada puta inteligentniji od vas, a čak ni ja ne znam odgovor. Dobijam glavobolju kada makar i pokušam da se spustim na vaš nivo razmišljanja."
    Trillian burst in through the door from her cabin.     Trilijan ulete kroz vrata svoje kabine.
    “My white mice have escaped!” she said.     "Moji beli miševi su pobegli!" rekla je.
    An expression of deep worry and concern failed to cross either of Zaphod’s faces.     Izraz duboke zabrinutosti i saosećanja prođe svakim od Zaphodova dva lica.
    “Nuts to your white mice,” he said.     "E baš me zabole za tvoje bele miševe", kazao je.
    Trillian glared an upset glare at him, and disappeared again.     Trilijan ga uznemireno pogleda i ponovo nestade.
    It is possible that her remark would have commanded greater attention had it been generally realized that human beings were only the third most intelligent life form present on the planet Earth, instead of (as was generally thought by most independent observers) the second.     Verovatno bi njena primedba izazvala veću pažnju da je tada bilo poznato da su ljudska bića tek treći najinteligentniji oblik života na planeti Zemlji, a ne (kako su uglavnom smatrali najnezavisniji posmatrači) druga.
    “Good afternoon, boys.”     "Dobro jutro, momci".
    The voice was oddly familiar, but oddly different. It had a matriarchal twang. It announced itself to the crew as they arrived at the airlock hatchway that would let them out on the planet surface.     Glas je bio čudnovato poznat, a ipak čudnovato različit. Imao je nekako materinski prizvuk. Javio se posadi u tenutku kada su došli do prolaza u vazdušnu komoru koja je vodila na površinu planete.
    They looked at each other in puzzlement.     Oni zbunjeno pogledaše jedni druge.
    “It’s the computer,” explained Zaphod. “I discovered it had an emergency back-up personality that I thought might work out better.”     "To je kompjuter", objasnio je Zaphod. "Otkrio sam da ima rezervnu ličnost za slučaj opasnosti, pa sam pomislio da će nam možda bolje poslužiti."
    “Now this is going to be your first day out on a strange new planet,” continued Eddie’s new voice, “so I want you all wrapped up snug and warm, and no playing with any naughty bug-eyed monsters.”     "Dakle, ovo će vam biti prvi dan na stranoj, novoj planeti", produžio je Edijev novi glas, "i zato hoću da mi svi budete ušuškani i utopljeni i da se ne igrate s onim nevaljalim buljookim čudovištima."
    Zaphod tapped impatiently on the hatch.     Zaphod nestrpljivo zalupka po vratima.
    “I’m sorry,” he said, “I think we might be better off with a slide rule.”     "Pogrešio sam", rekao je. "Izgleda da bi nam od veće koristi bio običan logaritmar."
    “Right!” snapped the computer. “Who said that?”     "Aha!" dreknu kompjuter. "Ko je to rekao?"
    “Will you open up the exit hatch, please, computer?” said Zaphod, trying not to get angry.     "Hoćeš li da nam otvoriš taj prolaz, molim te, kompjuteru?" reče Zaphod, trudeći se da se naljuti.
    “Not until whoever said that owns up,” urged the computer, stamping a few synapses closed.     "Neću, sve dok onaj ko je to rekao ne prizna", zahtevao je kompjuter i škljocnuo spojevima nekoliko sinapsi.
    “Oh God,” muttered Ford, slumped against a bulkhead. He started to count to ten. He was desperately worried that one day sentient life forms would forget how to do this. Only by counting could humans demonstrate their independence of computers.     "O Bože", promrmlja Ford; oslonio se o jednu pregradu i počeo da broji do deset. Strašno se plašio da će razumna bića jednog dana zaboraviti kako se to radi. Ljudi samo brojanjem mogu da ispolje svoju nezavisnost pred kompjuterima.
    “Come on,” said Eddie sternly.     "Hajde", reče Edi ozbiljnim glasom.
    “Computer …” began Zaphod.     "Kompjuteru"... zavapi Zaphod.
    “I’m waiting,” interrupted Eddie. “I can wait all day if necessary….”     "Čekam", prekide ga Edi. "Ako treba, mogu da čekam čitav dan..."
    “Computer …” said Zaphod again, who had been trying to think of some subtle piece of reasoning to put the computer down with, and had decided not to bother competing with it on its own ground, “if you don’t open that exit hatch this moment I shall zap straight off to your major data banks and reprogram you with a very large ax, got that?”     "Kompjuteru..." reče ponovo Zaphod, koji je pokušavao da smisli neko domišljato lukavstvo kojim bi nadigrao kompjuter i koji je potom odlučio da se ne bori s njime na njegovom sopstvenom terenu, "ako smesta ne otvoriš taj izlaz, idem odmah do tvojih memorijskih blokova da ih isprogramiram velikom sekirom, razumeš?"
    Eddie, shocked, paused and considered this.     Edi, šokiran, zastade da razmotri ovo.
    Ford carried on counting quietly. This is about the most aggressive thing you can do to a computer, the equivalent of going up to a human being and saying Blood … blood … blood … blood …     Ford je i dalje tiho brojao. To je gotovo najgadnija stvar koju možete da učinite jednom kompjuteru, kao kada biste prišli nekom ljudskom biću i stali da mu govorite: Krv... krv... krv... krv...

    Finally Eddie said quietly, “I can see this relationship is something we’re all going to have to work at,” and the hatchway opened.     Najzad, Edi tiho reče: "Vidim da još mnogo moramo da radimo na izgradnji međusobnih odnosa" - a izlaz se otvori.
    An icy wind ripped into them, they hugged themselves warmly and stepped down the ramp on to the barren dust of Magrathea.     Ledeni vetar dunu im u lice; oni se bolje umotaše u svoja odela i kročiše niz stepenice na pustu prašinu Magratee.
    “It’ll all end in tears, I know it,” shouted Eddie after them, and closed the hatchway again.     "Plakaćete vi na kraju, osećam to", dreknu Edi za njima i ponovo zatvori prolaz.
    A few minutes later he opened and closed the hatchway again in response to a command that caught him entirely by surprise.     Posle nekoliko minuta ponovo je otvorio i zatvorio prolaz u odgovor na komandu koja ga je zatekla potpuno nespremnog.

>> Chapter 20