The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 31 

    Chapter 31     31.
    It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full scale of the problem is not always appreciated.     Naravno, dobro je poznato da nepažljive reči koštaju života, ali ljudi još ne shvataju pune razmere ovog problema.
    For instance, at the very moment that Arthur said, “I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my life-style,” a freak wormhole opened up in the fabric of the space-time continuum and carried his words far far back in time across almost infinite reaches of space to a distant Galaxy where strange and warlike beings were poised on the brink of frightful interstellar battle.     Na primer, u istom trenutku kada je Artur rekao: "Izgleda da imam gadnih problema s načinom na koji živim", u tkanju prostorvremenskog kontinuuma otvorila se neobična crvotočina koja je prenela njegove reči daleko, daleko u prošlost, preko gotovo beskonačnog svemira, sve do jedne udaljene galaksije u kojoj su čudnovata i ratoborna stvorenja upravo stajala na rubu jezivog međuzvezdanog rata.
    The two opposing leaders were meeting for the last time.     Vođe dve sučeljene strane srele su se poslednji put.
    A dreadful silence fell across the conference table as the commander of the Vl’hurgs, resplendent in his black jeweled battle shorts, gazed levelly at the G’Gugvuntt leader squatting opposite him in a cloud of green sweet-smelling steam, and, with a million sleek and horribly beweaponed star cruisers poised to unleash electric death at his single word of command, challenged the vile creature to take back what it had said about his mother.     Strašna tišina pala je po stolu za pregovore kada je zapovednik Vl'hurga, veličanstven u svojim crnim, ratničkim, kratkim pantalonama, posutim draguljima, optužujuće odmerio predvodnika G'Gugvunta koji je čučao nasuprot njemu u oblaku zelene pare slatkastog mirisa i, uz potporu milion elegantnih i užasno naoružanih međuzvezdanih krstarica spremnih da prospu električnu pogibelj na jednu jedinu reč njegove komande, pozvao podlo stvorenje da povuče ono što je reklo o njegovoj mami.
    The creature stirred in his sickly broiling vapor, and at that very moment the words I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my life-style drifted across the conference table.     Stvorenje se promeškolji u svojim isparenjima koja su se nezdravo komešala, a u istom trenutku do pregovaračkog stola dolutaše reči: "Izgleda da imam gadnih problema s načinom na koji živim."
    Unfortunately, in the Vl’Hurg tongue this was the most dreadful insult imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for centuries.     Na nesreću, na jeziku Vl'hurga, ovo je najgora zamisliva uvreda i nije preostalo ništa drugo nego da započne užasni rat koji je potom trajao stolećima.
    Eventually, of course, after their Galaxy had been decimated over a few thousand years, it was realized that the whole thing had been a ghastly mistake, and so the two opposing battle fleets settled their few remaining differences in order to launch a joint attack on our own Galaxy—now positively identified as the source of the offending remark.     Razume se, posle desetkovanja čitave Galaksije, koje je potrajalo nekoliko hiljada godina, na kraju je shvaćeno da je čitava stvar bila užasna greška i zato su ostaci dve sučeljene ratne flote zaboravile svojih nekoliko drugih razmimoilaženja da bi se udružile i započele zajednički napad na našu Galaksiju - koja je u međuvremenu nepogrešivo identifikovana kao izvor uvredljive primedbe.
    For thousands more years, the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across—which happened to be the Earth— where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.     Hiljadama godina moćni brodovi plovili su beskrajnom prazninom svemira i najzad uz urlik jurnuli na prvu planetu na koju su naišli - desilo se da je to bila Zemlja - gde je, usled strašne greške tokom proračunavanja razmera, čitavu borbenu flotu slučajno progutao jedan pas.
    Those who study the complex interplay of cause and effect in the history of the Universe say that this sort of thing is going on all the time, but that we are powerless to prevent it.     Oni koji proučavaju složeno preplitanje uzroka i posledica u istoriji Vaseljene kažu da se takve stvari neprekidno dešavaju, ali smo nemoćni da ih sprečimo.
    “It’s just life,” they say.     "Takav je život", kažu oni.
    A short aircar trip brought Arthur and the old Magrathean to a doorway. They left the car and went through the door into a waiting room full of glass-topped tables and Plexiglas awards. Almost immediately, a light flashed above the door at the other side of the room and they entered.     Kratka vožnja vazdušnim kolima dovela je Artura i starog Magratejca do jednih vrata. Ostavili su kola i ušli kroz ta vrata u čekaonicu prepunu stolova sa staklenim plohama i plastičnih trofeja. Gotovo u istom trenutku kada su ušli, nad vratima na drugom kraju prostorije zablistalo je svetlo.
    “Arthur! You’re safe!” a voice cried.     "Arture! Živ si!" uzviknu nečiji glas.
    “Am I?” said Arthur, rather startled. “Oh, good.”     "Jesam li?" upita Artur, prilično zbunjen. "E, baš dobro."
    The lighting was rather subdued and it took him a moment or so to see Ford, Trillian and Zaphod sitting round a large table beautifully decked out with exotic dishes, strange sweetmeats and bizarre fruits. They were stuffing their faces.     Blesak se prilično ublažio i sada je, trenutak ili dva kasnije, uspeo da vidi Forda, Trilijan i Zaphoda koji su sedeli za ogromnim stolom divno postavljenim egzotičnim jelima, čudnovatim slatkišima i voćem neobičnog oblika. Obedovali su.
    “What happened to you?” demanded Arthur.     "Šta vam se dogodilo?" pitao je Artur.
    “Well,” said Zaphod, attacking a boneful of grilled muscle, “our guests here have been gassing us and zapping our minds and being generally weird and have now given us a rather nice meal to make it up to us. Here,” he said, hoicking out a lump of evil-smelling meat from a bowl, “have some Vegan Rhino’s cutlet. It’s delicious if you happen to like that sort of thing.”     "Pa", reče Zaphod i navali na komad mesa pečenog na žaru, "naši domaćini svašta su nam napričali, potpuno nas zbunili i, uopšte, bili su vrlo neobični, a sada su nam poslužili prilično fini ručak da to izglade. Evo", reče on i podiže sa tanjira komad mesa koje je gadno zaudaralo, "probaj odrezak od veganskog nosoroga. Izvrstan je, ko voli."
    “Hosts?” said Arthur. “What hosts? I don’t see any …”     "Domaćini?" reče Artur. "Kakvi domaćini? Ne vidim nikakve..."
    A small voice said, “Welcome to lunch, Earth creature.”     Tanki glas reče: "Dobro došao na ručak, zemaljski stvore."
    Arthur glanced around and suddenly yelped.     Artur se obazre i iznenada jauknu.
    “Ugh!” he said. “There are mice on the table!”     "Uh!" rekao je. "Na stolu ima miševa!"
    There was an awkward silence as everyone looked pointedly at Arthur.     Zavladala je neprijatna tišina, dok su svi gledali Artura.
    He was busy staring at two white mice sitting in what looked like whisky glasses on the table. He heard the silence and glanced around at everyone.     On je i dalje gledao dva bela miša koja su sedela na stolu u nečemu što je ličilo na čaše za viski. Onda je zapazio tišinu i obazro se.
    “Oh!” he said, with sudden realization. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t quite prepared for …”     "Oh", rekao je s iznenadnim razumevanjem. "Oh, tako mi je žao, nisam očekivao..."
    “Let me introduce you,” said Trillian. “Arthur, this is Benjy mouse.”     "Dozvolite mi da vas upoznam", reče Trilijan. "Arture, ovo je miš Mika."
    “Hi,” said one of the mice. His whiskers stroked what must have been a touch sensitive panel on the inside of the whisky glasslike affair, and it moved forward slightly.     "Zdravo", reče jedan od miševa. On dodirnu brkom nešto na unutrašnjem zidu stvari nalik na čašu za viski, što je svakako bilo ploča osetljiva na dodir, i čaša se malo pomeri napred.
    “And this is Frankie mouse.”     "A ovo je miš Žika."
    The other mouse said, “Pleased to meet you,” and did likewise.     Drugi miš reče: "Drago mi je" - i učini isto što i prvi.
    Arthur gaped.     Artur zinu.

    “But aren’t they …”     "Ali nisu li to..."
    “Yes,” said Trillian, “they are the mice I brought with me from the Earth.”     "Da", reče Trilijan, "to su miševi koje sam ponela sa sobom sa Zemlje."
    She looked him in the eye and Arthur thought he detected the tiniest resigned shrug.     Pogledala ga je pravo u oči i Arturu se učinilo da je gotovo neprimetno slegla ramenima.
    “Could you pass me that bowl of grated Arcturan Mega-Donkey?” she said.     "Hoćeš li da mi dodaš tu činiju sa pečenjem od arkturijanskog megamagarca?" rekla je.
    Slartibartfast coughed politely.     Slartibartfast uglađeno kašljucnu.
    “Er, excuse me,” he said.     "Ovaj, izvinite", rekao je.
    “Yes, thank you, Slartibartfast,” said Benjy mouse sharply, “you may go.”     "Da, hvala Slartibartfaste", odvrati oštro miš Mika, "možeš da ideš."
    “What? Oh … er, very well,” said the old man, slightly taken aback, “I’ll just go and get on with some of my fjords then.”     "Šta? Oh... ovaj, u redu", reče starac malo zbunjeno, "idem onda da se još malo pozabavim svojim fjordovima."
    “Ah, well, in fact that won’t be necessary,” said Frankie mouse. “It looks very much as if we won’t be needing the new Earth any longer.” He swiveled his pink little eyes. “Not now that we have found a native of the planet who was there seconds before it was destroyed.”     "Ah, pa za tim, u stvari, nema potrebe", reče miš Žika. "Izgleda da nam nova Zemlja neće biti potrebna." Zatreptao je ružičastim okicama. "Ne sada, pošto smo pronašli domoroca sa te planete, koji se tamo nalazio svega nekoliko sekundi pre uništenja."
    “What?” cried Slartibartfast, aghast. “You can’t mean that! I’ve got a thousand glaciers poised and ready to roll over Africa!”     "Šta?" kriknu užasnuto Slartibartfast. "Valjda nećete to da uradite! Pripremio sam hiljade glečera da krenu put Afrike!"
    “Well, perhaps you can take a quick skiing holiday before you dismantle them,” said Frankie acidly.     "Pa, možda bi mogao da uzmeš kratak odmor i da se malo skijaš po njima pre nego ih ukloniš", reče Žika ledeno.
    “Skiing holiday!” cried the old man. “Those glaciers are works of art! Elegantly sculpted contours, soaring pinnacles of ice, deep majestic ravines! It would be sacrilege to go skiing on high art!”     "Da se skijam!" kriknu starac. "Ti glečeri su umetničko delo! Elegantno izvajane provalije, vrtoglavi ledeni visovi, duboke, veličanstvene klisure! Skijanje po umetničkom delu predstavljalo bi pravi vandalizam!"
    “Thank You, Slartibartfast,” said Benjy firmly. “That will be all.”     "Hvala, Slartibartfaste", reče Mika oštro. "To bi bilo sve."
    “Yes, sir,” said the old man coldly, “thank you very much. Well, goodbye, Earthman,” he said to Arthur, “hope the life-style comes together.”     "Da, gospodine", odvrati starac hladno, "veliko vam hvala. Pa, zbogom, Zemljanine", rekao je Arturu, "nadam se da ćeš poboljšati način na koji živiš."
    With a brief nod to the rest of the company he turned and walked sadly out of the room.     On kratko klimnu ostalima, okrete se i tužno iziđe iz sobe.
    Arthur stared after him, not knowing what to say.     Artur je gledao za njim ne znajući šta da kaže.
    “Now,” said Benjy mouse, “to business.”     "A sad", reče miš Mika, "na posao."
    Ford and Zaphod clinked their glasses together.     Ford i Zaphod kucnuše se čašicama.
    “To business!” they said.     "Za posao!" rekli su.
    “I beg your pardon?” said Benjy.     "Molim?" upita Mika.
    Ford looked round.     Ford se obazre.
    “Sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast,” he said.     "Izvinite, mislio sam da nazdravljate", kazao je on.
    The two mice scuttled impatiently around in their glass transports. Finally they composed themselves, and Benjy moved forward to address Arthur.     Dva miša nestrpljivo se uzmuvaše u svojim čašama za prevoz. Konačno se primiriše i miš Mika pokrenu se napred da bi oslovio Artura.
    “Now, Earth creature,” he said, “the situation we have in effect is this. We have, as you know, been more or less running your planet for the last ten million years in order to find this wretched thing called the Ultimate Question.”     "A sad, zemaljski stvore", kazao je, "situacija je sledeća. Kao što ti je poznato, mi smo manje-više upravljali tvojom planetom tokom poslednjih deset miliona godina sa namerom da otkrijemo tu prokletu stvar zvanu Konačno Pitanje."
    “Why?” said Arthur sharply.     "Zašto?" upita Artur oštro.
    “No—we already thought of that one,” said Frankie interrupting, “but it doesn’t fit the answer. Why? Forty-two … you see, it doesn’t work.”     "Ne - o tom pitanju već smo razmišljali", umeša se Žika, "ali se ne slaže s odgovorom. Zašto - četrdeset dva... Vidiš, ne uklapa se."
    “No,” said Arthur, “I mean, why have you been doing it?”     "Ma, ne", reče Artur. "Mislio sam, zbog čega ste to radili?"
    “Oh, I see,” said Frankie. “Well, eventually just habit I think, to be brutally honest. And this is more or less the point— we’re sick to the teeth with the whole thing, and the prospect of doing it all over again on account of those whinnet-ridden Vogons quite frankly gives me the screaming heebie-jeebies, you know what I mean? It was by the merest lucky chance that Benjy and I finished our particular job and left the planet early for a quick holiday, and have since manipulated our way back to Magrathea by the good offices of your friends.”     "A, shvatam", reče Žika. "Pa, biće da je to iz navike, da budem iskren. Stvar je manje-više u sledećem - ogadila nam se već čitava stvar, a na pomisao da sve moramo iz početka zbog tih šašavih Vogona stvarno mi dođe da zavrištim od muke, shvataš? Bila je prava sreća što smo Mika i ja završili svoj deo posla i napustili planetu da bismo pošli na kratak odmor i uspeli da navedemo tvoje prijatelje da nas vrate na Magrateu."
    “Magrathea is a gateway back to our own dimension,” put in Benjy.     "Magratea predstavlja kapiju povratka prema našoj dimenziji", ubaci Mika.
    “Since when,” continued his murine colleague, “we have had an offer of a quite enormously fat contract to do the 5D chat show and lecture circuit back in our own dimensional neck of the woods, and we’re very much inclined to take it.”     "Od tada", nastavio je njegov drug, "ponuđen nam je pozamašan ugovor da tamo, u našoj dimenziji, napravimo 5D šou u kome bismo bili glavne zvezde i odgovarali na razna pitanja, i prilično smo radi da ga prihvatimo."

    “I would, wouldn’t you, Ford?” said Zaphod promptingly.     "I ja bih isto postupio u takvoj prilici, a, Forde?" reče Zaphod živahno.
    “Oh yes,” said Ford, “jump at it, like a shot.”     "O da", reče Ford. "Zgrabio bih je bez oklevanja."
    Arthur glanced at them, wondering what all this was leading up to.     Artur ih pogleda, pitajući se kuda sve to vodi.
    “But we’ve got to have product, you see,” said Frankie. “I mean, ideally we still need the Ultimate Question in some form or other.”     "Ali moramo da imamo nešto konkretno", reče Žika. "Hoću da kažem da nam je, u stvari, još potrebno Konačno Pitanje u ovom ili onom obliku."
    Zaphod leaned forward to Arthur.     Zaphod se naže prema Arturu.
    “You see,” he said, “if they’re just sitting there in the studio looking very relaxed and, you know, just mentioning that they happen to know the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, and then eventually have to admit that in fact it’s Forty-two, then the show’s probably quite short. No follow-up, you see.”     "Vidiš", rekao je, "kada bi se našli u studiju zavaljeni u stolice i kada bi, znaš, tek onako pomenuli da slučajno znaju Odgovor o Životu, Vaseljeni i Svemu Ostalom, a potom na kraju bili prisiljeni da priznaju da odgovor u stvari glasi četrdeset dva, onda bi šou verovatno bio sasvim kratak. Ne bi bilo teme za razgovor, kopčaš?"
    “We have to have something that sounds good,” said Benjy.     "Potrebno nam je nešto što dobro zvuči", reče Mika.
    “Something that sounds good?” exclaimed Arthur. “An Ultimate Question that sounds good? From a couple of mice?”     "Nešto što dobro zvuči", uzviknu Artur. "Konačno pitanje koje zvuči dobro? Od par miševa?"
    The mice bristled.     Miševi se narogušiše.
    “Well, I mean, yes idealism, yes the dignity of pure research, yes the pursuit of truth in all its forms, but there comes a point I’m afraid where you begin to suspect that if there’s any real truth, it’s that the entire multidimensional infinity of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. And if it comes to a choice between spending yet another ten million years finding that out, and on the other hand just taking the money and running, then I for one could do with the exercise,” said Frankie.     "Pa, hoću da kažem, da za idealizam, da za dostojanstvo čistog istraživanja, da za traganje za istinom u svim oblicima, ali ubrzo, bojim se, stižeš do tačke kada počinješ da sumnjaš da, ako prava istina uopšte postoji, onda glasi da čitavu multidimenzionu beskonačnost Vaseljene vodi gomila ludaka. Pa ukoliko možeš da biraš između traćenja novih deset miliona godina da bi to saznao i, sa druge strane, mogućnosti da zaradiš brdo love, ja onda znam šta bih izabrao", reče Žika.
    “But …” started Arthur, hopelessly.     "Ali..." poče Artur bespomoćno.
    “Hey, will you get this, Earthman,” interrupted Zaphod. “You are a last generation product of that computer matrix, right, and you were there right up to the moment your planet got the finger, yeah?”     "Hej, utuvi to, Zemljanine", umeša se Zaphod. "Ti si proizvod poslednjeg pokolenja te kompjuterske matrice, je li tako, i bio si tamo sve do trenutka kada je planeta dobila svoje, zar ne?"
    “Er …”     "Ovaj..."
    “So your brain was an organic part of the penultimate configuration of the computer program,” said Ford, rather lucidly he thought.     "Tako da tvoj mozak predstavlja organski deo konačne konfiguracije kompjuterskog programa", reče Ford, pronicljivo, kako je sam zaključio.
    “Right?” said Zaphod.     "Je li tako?" upita Zaphod.
    “Well,” said Arthur doubtfully. He wasn’t aware of ever having felt an organic part of anything. He had always seen this as one of his problems.     "Pa", reče Artur sumnjičavo. Nije pamtio da se ikada osećao organskim delom nečega. To je uvek smatrao jednim od svojih glavnih problema.
    “In other words,” said Benjy, steering his curious little vehicle right over to Arthur, “there’s a good chance that the structure of the question is encoded in the structure of your brain—so we want to buy it off you.”     "Drugim rečima", reče Mika i usmeri svoje neobično, maleno vozilo prema Arturu, "postoji velika mogućnost da je ustrojstvo pitanja utkana u ustrojstvo tvog mozga - i zato želimo da ga otkupimo od tebe."
    “What, the question?” said Arthur.     "Šta, Pitanje?" upita Artur.
    “Yes,” said Ford and Trillian.     "Da", rekoše Ford i Trilijan.
    “For lots of money,” said Zaphod.     "Za gomilu para", reče Zaphod.
    “No, no,” said Frankie, “it’s the brain we want to buy.”     "Ne, ne", reče Žika. "Mi želimo da kupimo mozak."
    “What!”     "Šta!"
    “Well, who would miss it?” inquired Benjy.     "Pa, ko ne bi?" upita Mika.
    “I thought you said you could just read his brain electronically,” protested Ford.     "Učinilo mi se da ste rekli kako možete da očitate njegov mozak elektronskim putem", pobunio se Ford.
    “Oh yes,” said Frankie, “but we’d have to get it out first. It’s got to be prepared.”     "Pa, da", reče Žika, "ali prvo treba da ga izvadimo. Moramo da ga pripremimo."
    “Treated,” said Benjy.     "Da ga obradimo", reče Mika.
    “Diced.”     "Iseckamo."
    “Thank you,” shouted Arthur, tipping up his chair and backing away from the table in horror.     "Hvala lepo", uzviknu Artur, skoči sa stolice i poče užasnuto da se odmiče od stola.
    “It could always be replaced,” said Benjy reasonably, “if you think it’s important.”     "Uvek ga možemo zameniti", reče Mika razložno, "ukoliko to smatrate bitnim.
    “Yes, an electronic brain,” said Frankie, “a simple one would suffice.”     "Da, elektronskim mozgom", reče Žika. "Bio bi dovoljan i sasvim jednostavan."

    “A simple one!” wailed Arthur.     "Sasvim jednostavan", zakuka Artur.
    “Yeah,” said Zaphod with a sudden evil grin, “you’d just have to program it to say What? and I don’t understand and Where’s the tea? Who’d know the difference?”     "Aha", reče Zaphod iznenada i zlurado se isceri, "samo bi trebalo da ga programirate da govori: 'Šta?', 'Ne shvatam' i 'Gde je čaj?' - ko bi primetio razliku?"
    “What?” cried Arthur, backing away still farther.     "Šta?" kriknu Artur i ustuknu još dalje.
    “See what I mean?” said Zaphod, and howled with pain because of something that Trillian did at that moment.     "Šta sam rekao?" kazao je Zaphod i dreknuo od bola zbog nečega što mu je Trilijan učinila u tom trenutku.
    “I’d notice the difference,” said Arthur.     "Ja bih primetio razliku", reče Artur.
    “No, you wouldn’t,” said Frankie mouse, “you’d be programmed not to.”     "Ne, ne bi", reče miš Žika, "programirali bismo te da ne možeš."
    Ford made for the door.     Ford pođe ka vratima.
    “Look, I’m sorry, mice, old lads,” he said. “I don’t think we’ve got a deal.”     "Čujte, žao mi je, miševi, stari drugari", rekao je, "mislim da se nismo dogovorili."
    “I rather think we have to have a deal,” said the mice in chorus, all the charm vanishing from their piping little voices in an instant. With a tiny whining shriek their two glass transports lifted themselves off the table, and swung through the air toward Arthur, who stumbled farther backward into a blind corner, utterly unable to cope or think of anything.     "A ja mislim da ćemo to morati da uradimo", rekoše miševi uglas, a iz njihovih piskavih glasića iznenada je nestalo svake zbunjenosti. Uz slabašno, pištavo zavijanje njihova dva staklena transportera podigoše se u vazduh i poleteše prema Arturu, koji se teturao prema uglu iz koga nije bilo izlaza, nesposoban da smisli ili učini bilo šta.
    Trillian grabbed him desperately by the arm and tried to drag him toward the door, which Ford and Zaphod were struggling to open, but Arthur was deadweight—he seemed hypnotized by the airborne rodents swooping toward him.     Trilijan ga očajnički uhvati za ruku i pokuša da ga odvuče do vrata, dok su se Ford i Zaphod upinjali da ih otvore, ali Artur je bio mrtav teret - dva leteća glodara koja su mu prilazila kao da su ga hipnotisala.
    She screamed at him, but he just gaped.     Vrisnula je na njega, ali on je samo zurio u prazno.
    With one more yank, Ford and Zaphod got the door open. On the other side of it was a small pack of rather ugly men who they could only assume were the heavy mob of Magrathea. Not only were they ugly themselves, but the medical equipment they carried with them was also far from pretty. They charged.     Još jedan trzaj i Ford i Zaphod otvoriše vrata. Na drugoj strani nalazila se grupa ljudi prilično gadnog izgleda, za koje se moglo samo pretpostaviti da pripadaju Magretejcima. Ne samo da su oni sami bili ružni, već je i medicinska oprema koju su nosili bila daleko od prijatne. Oni jurnuše na njih.
    So—Arthur was about to have his head cut open, Trillian was unable to help him and Ford and Zaphod were about to be set upon by several thugs a great deal heavier and more sharply armed than they were.     I tako - Arturu je pretilo sečenje i otvaranje glave, Trilijan je bila nemoćna da mu pomogne, a na Forda i Zaphoda spremali su se da navale razbojnici mnogo jači i bolje naoružani od njih dvojice.
    All in all it was extremely fortunate that at that moment every alarm on the planet burst into an ear-splitting din.     Sve u svemu, bila je prava sreća što su se u istom trenutku svi alarmni uređaji na planeti oglasili zaglušujućom jačinom.

>> Chapter 32