The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 32 

    Chapter 32     32.
    Emergency! Emergency!” blared the klaxons throughout Magrathea. “Hostile ship has landed on planet. Armed intruders in section 8A. Defense stations, defense stations!”     "Opasnost! Opasnost!" trubile su sirene po Magratei. "Na planetu je sleteo neprijateljski brod. Naoružani napadači u sekciji 8A. Odbrambene stanice, odbrambene stanice, javite se."
    The two mice sniffed irritably round the fragments of their glass transports where they lay shattered on the floor. “Damnation,” muttered Frankie mouse, “all that fuss over two pounds of Earthling brain.” He scuttled round and about, his pink eyes flashing, his fine white coat bristling with static. “The only thing we can do now,” said Benjy, crouching and stroking his whiskers in thought, “is to try and fake a question, invent one that will sound plausible.”     Dva miša ljutito su njuškala oko parčića svojih staklenih transportera koji su ležali rasuti po podu. "Prokletstvo", promrmljao je miš Žika, "čitava galama oko kile zemaljskog mozga." Trčkao je okolo; njegove ružičaste oči žustro su sevale, a belo krzno se kostrešilo. "Jedino što sada možemo da uradimo", reče Mika, sede i zamišljeno pogladi brkove, "jeste da damo lažno Pitanje, da ga izmislimo tako da zvuči uverljivo."
    “Difficult,” said Frankie. He thought. “How about What’s yellow and dangerous?”     "Teško", reče Žika. Razmišljao je. "Šta misliš o ovome: Šta je to žuto i opasno?"
    Benjy considered this for a moment.     Mika malo razmisli.
    “No, no good,” he said. “Doesn’t fit the answer.”     "Ne, nije dobro", rekao je. "Ne slaže se s odgovorom."
    They sank into silence for a few seconds.     Nekoliko sekundi utonuli su u tišinu.
    “All right,” said Benjy. “What do you get if you multiply six by seven?”     "Dobro", reče Mika. "Šta se dobija kada se pomnoži šest sa sedam?"
    “No, no, too literal, too factual,” said Frankie, “wouldn’t sustain the punters’ interest.”     "Ne, ne, previše bukvalno, previše činjenično", reče Žika. "Ne bi zadovoljilo zanimanje filozofa."
    Again they thought.     Ponovo su razmišljali.
    Then Frankie said, “Here’s a thought. How many roads must a man walk down?”     Onda Žika reče: "Evo jedne ideje: Koliko puteva čovek mora da pređe?"
    “Ah!” said Benjy. “Aha, now that does sound promising!” He rolled the phrase around a little. “Yes,” he said, “that’s excellent! Sounds very significant without actually tying you down to meaning anything at all. How many roads must a man walk down? Forty-two. Excellent, excellent, that’ll fox ’em. Frankie, baby, we are made!”     "Ah", reče Mika. "Aha, to obećava!" Neko vreme razmišljao je o toj rečenici. "Da", rekao je, "izvrsno! Zvuči vrlo upečatljivo, a da se istovremeno ne vezuje ni sa kakvim smislom. Koliko puteva čovek mora da pređe? Četrdeset dva. Izvrsno, to će ih oboriti. Žiko, momče, uspeli smo!"
    They performed a scampering dance in their excitement.     Oni živahno zaigraše od oduševljenja.
    Near them on the floor lay several rather ugly men who had been hit about the head with some heavy design awards.     U njihovoj blizini ležalo je nekoliko prilično ružnih ljudi koji su po glavi zadobili udarce s nekoliko naročito teških nagrada za dizajn.
    Half a mile away, four figures pounded up a corridor looking for a way out. They emerged into a wide open-plan computer bay. They glanced about wildly.     Pola milje dalje, četiri prilike trčale su niz hodnik u potrazi za izlazom. Begunci izleteše u prostranu odaju s kompjuterima. Divlje su se osvrtali.
    “Which way you reckon, Zaphod?” said Ford.     "Šta misliš, Zaphode, kuda sada?" rekao je Ford.
    “At a wild guess, I’d say down here,” said Zaphod, running off down to the right between a computer bank and the wall. As the others started after him he was brought up short by a Kill-O-Zap energy bolt that cracked through the air inches in front of him and fried a small section of adjacent wall.     "Onako nasumce, recimo ovuda", odvrati Zaphod i potrča nadesno, između niza kompjutera i jednog zida. Kada i drugi krenuše za njima, smesta ga zaustavi energetski snop zgrom-i-puca koji prasnu kroz vazduh nekoliko inča ispred njega i sprži maleni deo susednog zida.
    A voice on a bullhorn said, “Okay, Beeblebrox, hold it right there. We’ve got you covered.”     Nečiji glas reče iz zvučnika: "U redu, Biblbrokse, ostani gde si. Imamo te na nišanu."
    “Cops!” hissed Zaphod, and spun around in a crouch. “You want to try a guess at all, Ford?”     "Žace", prosikta Zaphod, okrete se i pognu. "Hoćeš li i ti malo da se oprobaš u nagađanju, Forde?"
    “Okay, this way,” said Ford, and the four of them ran down a gangway between two computer banks.     "U redu, ovuda", reče Ford i sve četvoro potrča niz prolaz između dva niza kompjutera.
    At the end of the gangway appeared a heavily armored and space-suited figure waving a vicious Kill-O-Zap gun.     Na kraju prolaza pojavi se jedna teško oklopljena prilika u svemirskom odelu, mašući zloslutnom zgrom-i-pucom.
    “We don’t want to shoot you, Beeblebrox!” shouted the figure.     "Ne želimo da pucamo u tebe, Biblbrokse!" povika prilika.
    “Suits me fine!” shouted Zaphod back, and dived down a wide gap between two data process units.     "To mi baš odgovara", reče Zaphod i zaroni u široki prolaz između dva postrojenja za obradu podataka.
    The others swerved in behind him.     Ostali se nadadoše za njim.
    “There are two of them,” said Trillian. “We’re cornered.”     "Ima ih dvojica", reče Trilijan. "Sabili su nas u ugao."
    They squeezed themselves down in an angle between a large computer data bank and the wall.     Uvukli su se u prostor između ogromnog bloka kompjuterske memorije i zida.
    They held their breath and waited.     Zadržali su dah i čekali.
    Suddenly the air exploded with energy bolts as both the cops opened fire on them simultaneously.     Iznenada, vazduh eksplodira od energetskih snopova kada oba policajca istovremeno otvoriše vatru na njih.
    “Hey, they’re shooting at us,” said Arthur, crouching in a tight ball. “I thought they said they didn’t want to do that.”     "Hej, oni pucaju na nas", reče Artur i sav se zguri. "Mislio sam da su kazali da to ne žele."

    “Yeah, I thought they said that,” agreed Ford.     "Aha, i meni se učinilo da su to kazali", složio se Ford.
    Zaphod stuck a head up for a dangerous moment.     Zaphod isturi glavu na jedan opasan trenutak.
    “Hey,” he said, “I thought you said you didn’t want to shoot us!” and ducked again.     "Hej", rekao je, "mislio sam da ste kazali da ne želite da pucate na nas!" i ponovo zaronio.
    They waited.     Čekali su.
    After a moment a voice replied, “It isn’t easy being a cop!”     Trenutak kasnije jedan glas odgovori: "Nije lako biti žaca."
    “What did he say?” whispered Ford in astonishment.     "Šta reče?" prošaputa Ford zaprepašćeno.
    “He said it isn’t easy being a cop.”     "Kaže da nije lako biti žaca."
    “Well, surely that’s his problem, isn’t it?”     "E pa, to je njegov problem, zar ne?"
    “I’d have thought so.”     "I ja msilim."
    Ford shouted out, “Hey, listen! I think we’ve got enough problems of our own having you shooting at us, so if you could avoid laying your problems on us as well, I think we’d all find it easier to cope!”     Ford dreknu: "Ej, vi, čujte! Imamo dovoljno sopstvenih problema dok ovako pucate na nas i bilo bi nam mnogo prijatnije da nam ne uvaljujete na glavu i sopstvene!"
    Another pause, and then the bullhorn again.     Nova pauza, a onda se ponovo začuo glasnogovornik.
    “Now see here, guy,” said the voice, “you’re not dealing with any dumb two-bit trigger-pumping morons with low hairlines, little piggy eyes and no conversation, we’re a couple of intelligent caring guys that you’d probably quite like if you met us socially! I don’t go around gratuitously shooting people and then bragging about it afterward in seedy space-rangers bars, like some cops I could mention! I go around shooting people gratuitously and then I agonize about it afterward for hours to my girlfriend!”     "Pazi ovamo, momak," rekao je glas iz zvučnika. "Vi sada nemate posla s nekim tamo tupavim moronima koji samo znaju da potežu obarač, koji imaju niska čela, svinjske okice i ne umeju pošteno ni da govore: mi smo dva pametna i osećajna momka koji bi vam verovatno bili sasvim simpatični da ste nas sreli nekom drugom prilikom. Ja se ne motam okolo i bez razloga ne pucam u ljude samo da bih se posle hvalisao po prljavim barovima za kosmičke rendžere, kao što rade neke žace čija bih imena mogao da navedem! Ja se motam okolo i bez razloga pucam u ljude, a zatim se satima jadam svojoj devojci zbog toga!"
    “And I write novels!” chimed in the other cop. “Though I haven’t had any of them published yet, so I better warn you, I’m in a meeeean mood!”     "A ja pišem romane!" umešao se drugi žaca. "Iako mi do sada nije objavljen nijedan, pa zato bolje da vas upozorim, jer sam zbog toga jaaaaako besan!"
    Ford’s eyes popped halfway out of their sockets. “Who are these guys?” he said.     Fordove oči samo što nisu iskočile iz duplji. "Ma, ko su ti tipovi?" upitao je.
    “Dunno,” said Zaphod, “I think I preferred it when they were shooting.”     "Pojma nemam", reče Zaphod. "Mislim da su mi se više dopadali dok su pucali."
    “So are you going to come quietly,” shouted one of the cops again, “or are you going to let us blast you out?”     "Dakle, hoćete li mirno da iziđete", dreknu jedan od žaca ponovo, "ili želite da vas raznesemo?"
    “Which would you prefer?” shouted Ford.     "Šta biste više voleli?" viknu Ford.
    A millisecond later the air about them started to fry again, as bolt after bolt of Kill-O-Zap hurled itself into the computer bank in front of them.     Milisekundu kasnije vazduh oko njih ponovo usplamte, dok se snop za snopom zgrom-i-puca zarivao u kompjuterski blok pred njima.
    The fusillade continued for several seconds at unbearable intensity.     Paljba se nastavila nekoliko sekundi nepodnošljivom jačinom.
    When it stopped, there were a few seconds of near-quietness as the echoes died away.     Kada je prestala, na nekoliko sekundi, i pošto su odjeci zamrli, bilo je gotovo tiho.
    “You still there?” called one of the cops.     "Jeste li još tamo?" viknu jedan žaca.
    “Yes,” they called back.     "Jesmo", viknuše oni.
    “We didn’t enjoy doing that at all,” shouted the other cop.     "Nismo nimalo uživali u svemu ovome", dreknu drugi žaca.
    “We could tell,” shouted Ford.     "To vam verujemo", uzvrati drekom Ford.
    “Now, listen to this, Beeblebrox, and you better listen good!”     "A sada, slušaj ovamo, Biblbrokse, i to bolje slušaj pažljivo!"
    “Why?” shouted back Zaphod.     "Zašto?" doviknu mu Zaphod.
    “Because,” shouted the cop, “it’s going to be very intelligent, and quite interesting and humane! Now—either you all give yourselves up now and let us beat you up a bit, though not very much of course because we are firmly opposed to needless violence, or we blow up this entire planet and possibly one or two others we noticed on our way out here!”     "Zbog toga", dreknu žaca, "što će to biti vrlo pametno, sasvim zanimljivo i humano! A sada - ili ćete se svi smesta predati i dopustiti nam da vas malko izmlatimo, ali, razume se, ne preterano, jer mi smo izričito protiv nepotrebnog nasilja, ili ćemo razneti čitavu ovu planetu i verovatno još jednu ili dve pride, koje smo spazili uz put!"
    “But that’s crazy!” cried Trillian. “You wouldn’t do that!”     "Ali to je suludo!" kriknu Trilijan. "Valjda ne biste učinili tako nešto?"
    “Oh yes, we would,” shouted the cop, “wouldn’t we?” he asked the other one.     "Oh, da, učinili bismo", dreknu žaca. "Zar ne?" upitao je drugog.
    “Oh yes, we’d have to, no question,” the other one called back.     "Oh, da, morali bismo, svakako", dreknuo je drugi.

    “But why?” demanded Trillian.     "Ali zašto?" pitala je Trilijan.
    “Because there are some things you have to do even if you are an enlightened liberal cop who knows all about sensitivity and everything!”     "Zbog toga što postoje neke stvari koje moraš da radiš čak i kada si prosvetljeni, liberalni žaca koji sve zna o osećajnosti i ostalom!"
    “I just don’t believe these guys,” muttered Ford, shaking his head.     "Ništa ja ne verujem ovim tipovima", promrmlja Ford i zavrte glavom.
    One cop shouted to the other, “Shall we shoot them again for a bit?”     Jedan od žaca doviknu drugome? "Da pripucamo još malo po njima?"
    “Yeah, why not?”     "Aha, što da ne".
    They let fly another electric barrage.     I poče još jedan električni baraž.
    The heat and noise was quite fantastic. Slowly, the computer bank was beginning to disintegrate. The front had almost all melted away, and thick rivulets of molten metal were winding their way back toward where they were squatting. They huddled farther back and waited for the end.     Vrelina i buka bili su nemogući. Lagano, kompjuterski blok počinjao je da se raspada. Njegov prednji deo gotovo se u potpunosti rastopio i krupne kapi tečnog metala počele su da pršte prema mestu na kome su se begunci šćućurili. Nije im preostalo ništa drugo do da se povuku još dublje i tu sačekaju kraj.

>> Chapter 33