The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 7 

    Chapter 7     7.
    Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the Universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem “Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning” four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging, and the President of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos is reported to have been “disappointed” by the poem’s reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his twelve-book epic entitled My Favorite Bathtime Gurgles when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save life and civilization, leaped straight up through his neck and throttled his brain.     Na listi najgore poezije u čitavoj Vaseljeni vogonska poezija treća je po redu. Druga je poezija Azgota sa Krije. Kada je njihov slavni poeta Gruntos Lomni recitovao svoju pesmu 'Oda grudvici kita koju nađoh pod pazuhom svojim jednog letnjeg jutra', četvoro ljudi iz publike umrlo je od unutrašnjeg krvoliptanja, a predsednik Srednjegalaktičkog saveta za unazađenje umetnosti preživeo je tako što je odgrizao sopstvenu nogu. Zabeleženo je da je Gruntos bio 'duboko razočaran' prijemom na koji je naišla pesma i da se upravo spremao da započne čitanje svog epa u dvanaest knjiga 'Moja omiljena grgoljenja tokom kupanja', kada mu je sopstvena utroba, u očajničkom pokušaju da spase život i civilizaciju, pokuljala uz vrat i zagušila mozak.
    The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Greenbridge, Essex, England, in the destruction of the planet Earth.     Najgora poezija koja je ikada postojala nestala je zajedno s svojim tvorcem, Polom Nensi Milston Dženings iz Grinbridža, u Eseksu, Engleska, tokom uništenja planete Zemlje.
    Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz smiled very slowly. This was done not so much for effect as because he was trying to remember the sequence of muscle movements. He had had a terribly therapeutic yell at his prisoners and was now feeling quite relaxed and ready for a little callousness.     Proštetnik Vogon Jelc vrlo lagano se nasmešio. Nije to učinio toliko zbog efekta, koliko zato što je pokušavao da se priseti tačnog redosleda mišićnih pokreta. Upravo se jezivo terapijski izdrao na svoje zarobljenike i sada je bio sasvim miran i spreman za malo zlostavljanja.
    The prisoners sat in Poetry Appreciation chairs—strapped in. Vogons suffered no illusions as to the regard their works were generally held in. Their early attempts at composition had been part of a bludgeoning insistence that they be accepted as a properly evolved and cultured race, but now the only thing that kept them going was sheer bloody-mindedness.     Zatvorenici su sedeli u stolicama za slušanje poezije, i to vezani. Vogoni ne gaje nikakve iluzije u vezi s omiljenošću svojih radova. Njihovi rani pokušaji na tom polju bili su deo tvrdoglavog navaljivanja da budu prihvaćeni kao potpuno razvijena i kulturna rasa, ali jedino što ih je sada pobuđivalo bila je čista pokvarenost.
    The sweat stood out cold on Ford Prefect’s brow, and slid round the electrodes strapped to his temples. These were attached to a battery of electronic equipment—imagery intensifiers, rhythmic modulators, alliterative residulators and simile dumpers—all designed to heighten the experience of the poem and make sure that not a single nuance of the poet’s thought was lost.     Ledeni znoj izbijao je po čelu Forda Prefekta i slivao mu se niz elektrode na slepoočnicama. Ove su bile spojene sa nizom elektronskih uređaja - pojačivačima slikovitosti, ritmičkim modulatorima, alternativnim zadrživačima i potiskivačima govornih figura - listom napravljenih da pojačaju utiske koje ostavlja pesma i da obezbede da se ne izgubi ni najmanja pojedinost pesnikovih poruka.
    Arthur Dent sat and quivered. He had no idea what he was in for, but he knew that he hadn’t liked anything that had happened so far and didn’t think things were likely to change.     Artur Dent sedeo je i drhtao. Pojma nije imao šta mu se sprema, ali od onoga što se do tada dogodilo ništa mu se nije dopalo, a nije verovao da će se stvari bitno promeniti u budućnosti.
    The Vogon began to read—a fetid little passage of his own devising.     Vogon poče da čita - posredi je bio odvratni odlomčić koji je lično napisao.
    “Oh freddled gruntbuggly …” he began. Spasms wracked Ford’s body—this was worse than even he’d been prepared for.     "O fredlani gruntibugli..." počeo je. Grčevi obuzeše Fordovo telo - bilo je to užasnije nego što je i slutio.
    “? … thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.”     "...Vaše mikturacije jesu mi / ko plurdlani garblikoči i lurdgni sni."
    “​A​a​a​a​a​a​a​r​g​g​g​g​g​h​h​h​h​h​h​!​”​ went Ford Prefect, wrenching his head back as lumps of pain thumped through it. He could dimly see beside him Arthur lolling and rolling in his seat. He clenched his teeth.     "​A​a​a​a​a​a​a​r​g​g​g​g​h​h​h​h​h​h​!​"​ Ford Prefekt zabaci glavu kada je zahvatiše nepodnošljivi udari bola.. Kao u magli, video je pored sebe Artura koji se uvijao i trzao na svom sedištu. On stegnu zube.
    “Groop I implore thee,” continued the merciless Vogon, “my foonting turlingdromes.”     "Grupe, zazivam Ti", nastavio je bezosećajni Vogon, "svoje puntovane turlingdrome."
    His voice was rising to a horrible pitch of impassioned stridency. “And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,/ Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don’t!”     Glas mu se podiže do užasnog, uzbuđenog urlika. "I huptozno da dranglaš me krinklim bindlvurdlama / ili da te bacim međ gobervarte svojim blarglgnječuronom čuvaj se ako te ne!"
    “​N​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​y​y​y​y​y​y​y​u​u​u​u​u​u​u​r​r​r​r​r​r​r​g​g​g​g​g​g​g​h​h​h​h​h​!​”​ cried Ford Prefect and threw one final spasm as the electronic enhancement of the last line caught him full blast across the temples. He went limp.     "​N​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​j​j​j​j​j​j​u​u​u​u​u​u​r​r​r​r​r​r​g​g​g​g​g​g​h​h​h​h​h​!​"​ zaurlao je Ford Prefekt i zgrčio se kada ga je preko slepoočnica zahvatilo elektronsko pojačavanje poslednjeg stiha, a onda je potpuno omlitavio.
    Arthur lolled.     Artur se previjao.
    “Now, Earthlings …” whirred the Vogon (he didn’t know that Ford Prefect was in fact from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, and wouldn’t have cared if he had), “I present you with a simple choice! Either die in the vacuum of space, or …” he paused for melodramatic effect, “tell me how good you thought my poem was!”     "A sada, Zemljani", zabrunda Vogon (on nije znao da je Ford u stvari sa male planete u blizini Betelgeza, a i da je znao baš bi ga bilo briga), "stavljam vas pred jednostavan izbor! Ili umrite u svemirskom vakuumu ili..." on zastade radi melodramatskog efekta, "ili mi recite koliko vam se svidela moja pesma!"
    He threw himself backward into a huge leathery bat-shaped seat and watched them. He did the smile again.     Zabacio se u ogromno, kožno sedište napravljeno u obliku krila slepog miša i pažljivo ih gledao. Ponovo se nasmešio.
    Ford was rasping for breath. He rolled his dusty tongue round his parched mouth and moaned.     Ford je pokušavao da dođe do daha. Odrvenelim jezikom prelazio je preko osušenih usana i ječao.
    Arthur said brightly, “Actually I quite liked it.”     Artur veselo reče: "U stvari, baš mi se dopala."
    Ford turned and gaped. Here was an approach that had quite simply not occurred to him.     Ford se okrete i zinu. Bio je to prilaz koji mu jednostavno nije pao na pamet.
    The Vogon raised a surprised eyebrow that effectively obscured his nose and was therefore no bad thing.     Vogon iznenađeno podiže obrve, što mu je delotvorno zaklonilo nos i, prema tome, nije delovalo toliko loše.
    “Oh good …” he whirred, in considerable astonishment.     "Oh, dobro", zabrunda on, dobrano zapanjen.
    “Oh yes,” said Arthur, “I thought that some of the metaphysical imagery was really particularly effective.”     "Oh, da", reče Artur, "čini mi se da su neki od metafizičkih simbola bili naročito delotvorni."
    Ford continued to stare at him, slowly organizing his thoughts around this totally new concept. Were they really going to be able to bareface their way out of this?     Ford je i dalje zurio u njega i lagano prilagođavao misli ovom potpuno novom konceptu. Hoće li zaista biti u stanju da se iz ovoga izvuku na tako besraman način?
    “Yes, do continue …” invited the Vogon.     "Da, produži", nagovarao ga je Vogon.
    “Oh … and, er … interesting rhythmic devices too,” continued Arthur, “which seemed to counterpoint the … er … er …” he floundered.     "Oh... a, ovaj... a zanimljiv ritmički oblik", nastavio je Artur, "kao da se suprotstavlja čitavom... ovaj...ovaj...", zašeprtlja on.
    Ford leaped to his rescue, hazarding “… counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the … er …” He floundered too, but Arthur was ready again.     Ford mu priskoči u pomoć, nasumice ubacivši: "Čitavom nadrealizmu prokrivene metafore koja prikazuje ... ovaj..." i on se ušeprtlja, ali Artur je već bio spreman.
    “… humanity of the …”     "...Čovečnost..."
    “Vogonity,” Ford hissed at him.     "Vogonstvo", prosikta Ford.

    “Ah yes, V​o​g​o​n​i​t​y​—​s​o​r​r​y​—​o​f​ the poet’s compassionate soul”—Arthur felt he was on the homestretch now—“which contrives through the medium of the verse structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other”—he was reaching a triumphant crescendo—“and one is left with a profound and vivid insight into … into … er …” (which suddenly gave out on him). Ford leaped in with the coup de grace:     "Ah, da, Vogonstvo (izvinite) pesnikove osećajne duše", Artur je osećao da je sada na domaćem terenu, "što uspeva da prodre preko medijuma stihovne strukture, sublimujući jedno, prenoseći u transcendentno drugo i izlazeći na kraj s fundamentalnim dihotomijama svega ostalog", (dostigao je trijumfalni kreščendo), "i slušalac ostaje sa dubokim i živim uvidom u...u... ovaj..." (...rečitost ga iznenada izdade). Ford priskoči svojim coup de grace:
    “Into whatever it was the poem was about!” he yelled. Out of the corner of his mouth: “Well done, Arthur, that was very good.”     "U ono o čemu pesma govori!" uskliknu on, a uglom usta dodade: "Odličan posao, Arture, bio si sjajan."
    The Vogon perused them. For a moment his embittered racial soul had been touched, but he thought no—too little too late. His voice took on the quality of a cat snagging brushed nylon.     Vogon ih je pažljivo posmatrao. Na trenutak, gorka duša njegove rase duboko u njemu bila je dirnuta, ali potom je pomislio, ne - za to je malo prekasno. Glas poče da mu podseća na mjaukanje mačke koja cepa najlonsku čarapu.
    “So what you’re saying is that I write poetry because underneath my mean callous heartless exterior I really just want to be loved,” he said. He paused, “Is that right?”     "Znači, hoćete da kažete da ja pišem poeziju zbog toga što pod svojom zlom, grubom i bezosećajnom spoljašnošću zapravo želim da budem voljen" rekao je. Onda zastade. "Je li tako?"
    Ford laughed a nervous laugh. “Well, I mean, yes,” he said, “don’t we all, deep down, you know … er …”     Ford se nasmeja. "Pa, u stvari, da", rekao je. "Zar svi mi, u dubini, znate, ne želimo...ovaj..."
    The Vogon stood up.     Vogon ustade.
    “No, well, you’re completely wrong,” he said, “I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway. Guard! Take the prisoners to number three airlock and throw them out!”     "Ne, uopšte niste u pravu", rekao je. "Ja pišem poeziju da bih što oštrije izrazio svoju zlu, grubu i bezosećajnu spoljašnost. Ipak ću vas izbaciti iz broda. Stražaru! Odvedi zarobljenike do vazdušne komore broj tri i izbaci ih napolje!"
    “What?” shouted Ford.     "Šta?" zaurla Ford.
    A huge young Vogon guard stepped forward and yanked them out of their straps with his huge blubbery arms.     Ogromni, mladi vogonski stražar prišao je i iščupao ih iz veza svojim ogromnim, masnim ručerdama.
    “You can’t throw us into space,” yelled Ford, “we’re trying to write a book.”     "Ne možeš nas izbaciti u svemir", zajauka Ford, "mi pokušavamo da napišemo knjigu..."
    “Resistance is useless!” shouted the Vogon guard back at him. It was the first phrase he’d learned when he joined the Vogon Guard Corps.     "Svaki otpor je beskoristan!" dreknu vogonski stražar na njega. Bila je to prva rečenica koju je naučio kada je stupio u vogonske stražarske trupe.
    The captain watched with detached amusement and then turned away.     Zapovednik ih je pratio pogledom, nezainteresovano se zabavljajući, a zatim se okrenuo.
    Arthur stared round him wildly.     Artur se divlje osvrtao oko sebe.
    “I don’t want to die now!” he yelled. “I’ve still got a headache! I don’t want to go to heaven with a headache, I’d be all cross and wouldn’t enjoy it!”     "Neću da umrem!" jaukao je. "Još imam glavobolju! Neću na nebo s glavoboljom, ne bih se lepo osećao, a to nikako ne bi bilo u redu!"
    The guard grasped them both firmly round the neck, and bowing deferentially toward his captain’s back, hoicked them both protesting out of the bridge. A steel door closed and the captain was on his own again. He hummed quietly and mused to himself, lightly fingering his notebook of verses.     Stražar obojicu čvrsto obuhvati oko vrata i, pošto se s puno poštovanja poklonio zapovednikovim leđima, izgura ih s mosta, dok su se oni otimali i borili. Čelična vrata se zatvoriše i zapovednik je ponovo bio sam. Tiho je pevušio dok je razmišljao za svoj račun, lagano prebirajući prstima po beležnici sa stihovima.
    “Hmmm,” he said, “counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor …” He considered this for a moment, and then closed the book with a grim smile.     "Hmmm", rekao je, "suprostavlja se nadrealizmu prikrivene metafore..." Razmišljao je o tome na trenutak, a onda je zatvorio beležnicu s mrkim osmehom.
    “Death’s too good for them,” he said.     "I smrt je za njih suviše dobra", rekao je.
    The long steel-lined corridor echoed to the feeble struggles of the two humanoids clamped firmly under rubbery Vogon armpits.     Dugački hodnik čeličnih zidova odjekivao je zvukom nemoćne borbe dvojice humanoida čvrsto stegnutih pod gumastim pazuhom Vogona.
    “This is great,” spluttered Arthur, “this is really terrific. Let go of me, you brute!”     "Sjajno", režao je Artur, "ovo je stvarno izvrsno. Ma, ostavi me, životinjo!"
    The Vogon guard dragged them on.     Vogonski stražar nastavio je da ih vuče.
    “Don’t you worry,” said Ford, “I’ll think of something.” He didn’t sound hopeful.     "Bez brige", reče Ford, "smisliću ja već nešto". Ali nije zvučao preterano ubeđeno.
    “Resistance is useless!” bellowed the guard.     "Svaki otpor je beskoristan!" dreknu stražar.
    “Just don’t say things like that,” stammered Ford. “How can anyone maintain a positive mental attitude if you’re saying things like that?”     "Ma nemoj govoriti takve stvari", promuca Ford. "Kako čovek da bude lepo raspoložen kad govoriš takve stvari?"
    “My God,” complained Arthur, “you’re talking about a positive mental attitude and you haven’t even had your planet demolished today. I woke up this morning and thought I’d have a nice relaxed day, do a bit of reading, brush the dog…. It’s now just after four in the afternoon and I’m already being thrown out of an alien spaceship six light-years from the smoking remains of the Earth!” He spluttered and gurgled as the Vogon tightened his grip.     "Gospode Bože", požali se Artur, "govoriš o lepom raspoloženju, a meni su danas uništili rodnu planetu. Jutros sam se probudio i mislio kako ću provesti miran i prijatan dan, malo čitati, okupati psa... Sada je oko četiri po podne, a mene već izbacuju iz tuđinskog svemirskog broda na šest svetlosnih godina od ostataka Zemlje koji se puše!" On jauknu i zakrklja kada Vogon pojača stisak.
    “All right,” said Ford, “just stop panicking!”     "Dobro", reče Ford, "samo bez panike!"
    “Who said anything about panicking?” snapped Arthur. “This is still just the culture shock. You wait till I’ve settled down into the situation and found my bearings. Then I’ll start panicking!”     "Ko pominje paniku?" zareža Artur. "Sve ovo samo je kulturni šok. Čekaj dok se malo sredim i priviknem na situaciju. Tada ćeš da vidiš šta je panika!"
    “Arthur, you’re getting hysterical. Shut up!” Ford tried desperately to think, but was interrupted by the guard shouting again.     "Arture, počinješ da se ponašaš histerično. Ućuti!" Ford je očajnički pokušavao da razmišlja, ali stražarevo urlanje ponovo ga je omelo.
    “Resistance is useless!”     "Svaki otpor je beskoristan!"
    “Oh, give it a rest,” said Ford. He twisted his head till he was looking straight up into his captor’s face. A thought struck him.     "Oh, hajde, o'ladi malo", rekao je Ford. Krivio je vrat sve dok nije uspeo da pogleda čuvara u lice. Na um mu pade jedna pomisao.
    “Do you really enjoy this sort of thing?” he asked suddenly.     "Da li ti stvarno uživaš u tome?" upitao je najednom.

    The Vogon stopped dead and a look of immense stupidity seeped slowly over his face.     Vogon se ukopa u mestu, a kroz crte njegovog lica poče lagano da se probija izgled neizmerne tuposti.
    “Enjoy?” he boomed. “What do you mean?”     "Uživam?" zamumlao je. "Šta hoćeš time da kažeš?"
    “What I mean,” said Ford, “is does it give you a full, satisfying life? Stomping around, shouting, pushing people out of spaceships …”     "Hoću da kažem", reče Ford, "da li si zadovoljan ovakvim životom? Marširaš okolo, vičeš, izbacuješ ljude iz svemirskih brodova..."
    The Vogon stared up at the low steel ceiling and his eyebrows almost rolled over each other. His mouth slacked. Finally he said, “Well, the hours are good….”     Vogon je buljio u nisku, čeličnu tavanicu, a obrve gotovo da su mu se zakotrljale jedna preko druge. Usta mu se otvoriše. Konačno je rekao: "Pa, provodim ja ovde lepe sate..."
    “They’d have to be,” agreed Ford.     "Tako i treba", saglasio se Ford.
    Arthur twisted his head round to look at Ford.     Artur okrenu glavu da bi pogledao Forda.
    “Ford, what are you doing?” he asked in an amazed whisper.     "Šta to radiš, Forde?" upita on zaprepašćenim šapatom.
    “Oh, just trying to take an interest in the world around me, okay?” he said. “So the hours are pretty good then?” he resumed.     "Oh, samo se zanimam za svet oko sebe, u redu?" rekao je. "Znači, provodiš prijatne sate", zaključio je.
    The Vogon stared down at him as sluggish thoughts moiled around in the murky depths.     Vogon je buljio u njega, a mlitave misli vukle su mu se po mutnim dubinama.
    “Yeah,” he said, “but now you come to mention it, most of the actual minutes are pretty lousy. Except …” he thought again, which required looking at the ceiling, “except some of the shouting I quite like.” He filled his lungs and bellowed, “Resistance is …”     "Jeste", kazao je, "ali sada kada si to pomenuo, u stvari, većina minuta koji ih čine prilično je bedna. Osim..." Ponovo je mozgao, a ovog puta to je zahtevalo gledanje u tavanicu, "osim onog vikanja koje mi se baš dopada." Napunio je pluća i dreknuo: "Svaki otpor je..."
    “Sure, yes,” interrupted Ford hurriedly, “you’re good at that, I can tell. But if it’s mostly lousy,” he said, slowly giving the words time to reach their mark, “then why do you do it? What is it? The girls? The leather? The machismo? Or do you just find that coming to terms with the mindless tedium of it all presents an interesting challenge?”     "Da, da, svakako", žurno ga prekide Ford, "to ti mnogo dobro polazi za rukom, veruj mi. Ali ukoliko je uglavnom bedno", reče on, puštajući da reči lagano pogode svoju metu, "onda zbog čega sve to radiš? U čemu je stvar? Cure? Kožna odeća? Machismo? Ili smatraš da izlazak nakraj s tupavom jednoličnošću svega toga predstavlja zanimljiv izazov?"
    Arthur looked backward and forward between them in bafflement.     Artur je zbunjeno gledao čas u jednog, čas u drugog.
    “Er …” said the guard, “er … er … I dunno. I think I just sort of … do it really. My aunt said that spaceship guard was a good career for a young Vogon—you know, the uniform, the low-slung stun ray holster, the mindless tedium …”     "Ovaj...", reče stražar. "Ovaj... ovaj... pa ne znam. Mislim da je to naprosto... onako. Tetka kaže da mesto stražara na kosmičkom brodu znači dobru karijeru za mladog Vogona - znaš, uniforma, kožni opasač za zračno oružje, tupava jednoličnost..."
    “There you are, Arthur,” said Ford with the air of someone reaching the conclusion of his argument, “you think you’ve got problems.”     "Eto vidiš, Arture", reče Ford poput nekoga ko je došao do zaključka u raspravi, "a ti misliš da ti imaš problema."
    Arthur rather thought he had. Apart from the unpleasant business with his home planet the Vogon guard had half-throttled him already and he didn’t like the sound of being thrown into space very much.     Artur je i dalje mislio da ima. Osim onoga što se dogodilo s njegovom rodnom planetom, vogonski stražar napola ga je zadavio, a i nije mu se mnogo dopadala zamisao da ga izbace u svemir.
    “Try and understand his problem,” insisted Ford. “Here he is, poor lad, his entire life’s work is stamping around, throwing people off spaceships …”     "Probaj da shvatiš njegov problem", bio je uporan Ford. "Jadnom momku život prolazi u marširanju, izbacivanju ljudi iz svemirskih brodova..."
    “And shouting,” added the guard.     "I vikanju", dodade stražar.
    “And shouting, sure,” said Ford, patting the blubbery arm clamped round his neck in friendly condescension, “and he doesn’t even know why he’s doing it!”     "I vikanju, razume se", reče Ford i prijateljski potapša nabreklu ruku koja mu je stezala vrat, "...a da čak i ne zna zbog čega sve to radi!"
    Arthur agreed this was very sad. He did this with a small feeble gesture, because he was too asphyxiated to speak.     Artur se složi da je to vrlo tužno. Učinio je to malim, nemoćnim pokretom, jer bio je toliko pridavljen da nije mogao ni da pisne.
    Deep rumblings of bemusement came from the guard.     Stražar duboko, zbunjeno zabrunda.
    “Well. Now you put it like that I suppose …”     "Ovaj... Pa sad, kad postaviš stvari na takav način, ispada..."
    “Good lad!” encouraged Ford.     "Dobri momče!" hrabrio ga je Ford.
    “But all right,” went on the rumblings, “so what’s the alternative?”     "Ali, dobro", nastavio je brundanje, "Šta drugo da radim?"
    “Well,” said Ford, brightly but slowly, “stop doing it, of course! Tell them,” he went on, “you’re not going to do it any more.” He felt he ought to add something to that, but for the moment the guard seemed to have his mind occupied pondering that much.     "Pa", reče Ford, veselo, ali lagano, "razume se, da prestaneš to da radiš. Reci im", produžio je, "da više nećeš to da radiš!" Osetio je da bi trebalo da doda još nešto, ali izgledalo je da stražar ima dovoljno problema da svari i toliko.
    “​E​e​r​r​r​r​r​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​ …” said the guard, “erm, well, that doesn’t sound that great to me.”     "​E​e​h​h​h​h​h​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​.​.​.​"​ reče stražar, "ehm, pa meni to baš i ne zvuči toliko sjajno."
    Ford suddenly felt the moment slipping away.     Ford iznenada oseti kako mu trenutak nepovratno izmiče.
    “Now wait a minute,” he said, “that’s just the start, you see, there’s more to it than that, you see ….”     "Čekaj malo", rekao je, "to je samo za početak, znaš, ima više u tome nego što ti misliš..."
    But at that moment the guard renewed his grip and continued his original purpose of lugging his prisoners to the airlock. He was obviously quite touched.     Ali u tom trenutku stražar obnovi svoj stisak i produži da vuče zatočenike prema vazdušnoj komori. Bio je vidljivo dirnut.
    “No, I think if it’s all the same to you,” he said, “I’d better get you both shoved into this airlock and then go and get on with some other bits of shouting I’ve got to do.”     "Ne, čini mi se da je vama svejedno", reče on, "pa zato bolje da vas obojicu uguram u tu vazdušnu komoru, a onda idem da još malo vičem."
    It wasn’t all the same to Ford Prefect at all.     Ford Prefekt nije se tome nadao.

    “Come on now … but look!” he said, less slowly, less brightly.     "Čekaj... Čuj!" reče on, manje lagano, manje veselo.
    “​H​u​h​h​h​h​g​g​g​g​g​g​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​ …” said Arthur without any clear inflection.     "​A​a​a​a​g​g​g​g​g​g​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​n​.​.​.​"​ pridruži se Artur bez ikakvog vidljivog zanimanja.
    “But hang on,” pursued Ford, “there’s music and art and things to tell you about yet! Arrggghhh!”     "Ali, pazi dobro", produžio je Ford. "Tu su muzika, umetnost i mnoge druge stvari o kojima ti još ništa nisam pričao! Aaarrggghhh!"
    “Resistance is useless,” bellowed the guard, and then added, “You see, if I keep it up I can eventually get promoted to Senior Shouting Officer, and there aren’t usually many vacancies for nonshouting and n​o​n​p​u​s​h​i​n​g​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​a​b​o​u​t​ officers, so I think I’d better stick to what I know.”     "Svaki otpor je beskoristan", dreknu stražar, a onda dodade: "Znate, ako budem ovako nastavio, na kraju će me unaprediti u višeg oficira za dreku, a za oficire koji ne viču i ne izbacuju ljude nema baš puno odmora i zato bolje da se držim onoga što znam."
    They had now reached the airlock—a large circular steel hatchway of massive strength and weight let into the inner skin of the craft. The guard operated a control and the hatchway swung smoothly open.     U međuvremenu, stigli su do vazdušne komore - ogromnog, okruglog, čeličnog poklopca džinovske težine, okrenutog u pravcu oplate broda. Stražar se pozabavi komandama i poklopac se glatko otvori.
    “But thanks for taking an interest,” said the Vogon guard. “Bye now.” He flung Ford and Arthur through the hatchway into the small chamber within. Arthur lay panting for breath. Ford scrambled round and flung his shoulder uselessly against the reclosing hatchway.     "Ali hvala vam što ste pokazali zanimanje", reče vogonski stražar. "A sada, ćao." Gurnuo je Forda i Artura kroz otvor u malu prostoriju koja se nalazila iza njega. Artur je ostao da leži; soptao je, upirući se da povrati dah. Ford se okrete i beskorisno upre ramenom o poklopac koji se ponovo zatvarao.
    “But listen,” he shouted to the guard, “there’s a whole world you don’t know anything about … here, how about this?” Desperately he grabbed for the only bit of culture he knew offhand— he hummed the first bar of Beethoven’s “Fifth.”     "Ali, slušaj", doviknuo je stražaru, "postoji čitav svet o kome ništa ne znaš... Šta misliš o ovoj stvari?" Očajnički se uhvatio jedinog dela kulture koji mu je pao na pamet - otpevušio je uvodne taktove pete Betovenove simfonije.
    “Da da da dum! Doesn’t that stir anything in you?”     "Ta da da dam! Zar ovo ništa ne pokreće u tebi?"
    “No,” said the guard, “not really. But I’ll mention it to my aunt.”     "Ne", reče stražar. "Ne baš. Ali pomenuću to mojoj tetki."
    If he said anything further after that it was lost. The hatchway sealed itself tight, and all sound was lost except the faint distant hum of the ship’s engines.     Ako je nešto i rekao posle toga, nije se čulo. Poklopac se zatvorio i svi zvuci su nestali izuzev slabog, dalekog brujanja brodskih motora.
    They were in a brightly polished cylindrical chamber about six feet in diameter and ten feet long.     Nalazili su se u sjajnoj, uglačanoj, valjkastoj prostoriji koja je imala nekih šest stopa u prečniku i bila deset stopa dugačka.
    Ford looked round it, panting.     Ford se zadihano obazre.
    “Potentially bright lad I thought,” he said, and slumped against the curved wall.     "Pomislih, pametan momak u perspektivi", reče on i skliznu niz zakrivljeni zid.
    Arthur was still lying in the curve of the floor where he had fallen. He didn’t look up. He just lay panting.     Artur je još ležao na zaobljenom podu, tamo gde se srušio. Nije dizao pogled. Samo je ležao i dahtao.
    “We’re trapped now, aren’t we?”     "Sada smo u sosu, je l' da?"
    “Yes,” said Ford, “we’re trapped.”     "Da", reče Ford, "u sosu smo."
    “Well, didn’t you think of anything? I thought you said you were going to think of something. Perhaps you thought of something and I didn’t notice.”     "Pa zar ništa nisi smislio? Učinilo mi se da si rekao da ćeš nešto smisliti. Možda si to i uradio, ali ja nisam ni primetio."
    “Oh yes, I thought of something,” panted Ford. Arthur looked up expectantly.     "Oh, da, smislio sam nešto", dahtao je Ford. Artur podiže pogled pun iščekivanja.
    “But unfortunately,” continued Ford, “it rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway.” He kicked the hatch they’d just been thrown through.     "Ali, na žalost", produžio je Ford, "to zahteva da se nađemo s druge strane ovog poklopca koji ne propušta vazduh." On šutnu poklopac prolaza kroz koji su maločas ubačeni.
    “But it was a good idea, was it?”     "Ali bila je to dobra ideja, zar ne?"
    “Oh yes, very neat.”     "Oh, da, vrlo napredna."
    “What was it?”     "Šta je bilo posredi?"
    “Well, I hadn’t worked out the details yet. Not much point now, is there?”     "Pa, pojedinosti još nisam razradio. A sada to i nema mnogo smisla, zar ne?"
    “So … er, what happens next?” asked Arthur.     "I tako...ovaj, šta će biti sada?" upitao je Artur.
    “Oh, er, well, the hatchway in front of us will open automatically in a few moments and we will shoot out into deep space I expect and asphyxiate. If you take a lungful of air with you you can last for up to thirty seconds, of course …” said Ford. He stuck his hands behind his back, raised his eyebrows and started to hum an old Betelgeusian battle hymn. To Arthur’s eyes he suddenly looked very alien.     "Oh, ovaj, pa, poklopac pred nama automatski će se otvoriti kroz nekoliko trenutaka, a mi ćemo, pretpostavljam, izleteti u duboki svemir i ugušiti se. Razume se, ukoliko se prethodno budeš nadisao vazduha, moći ćeš da izdržiš trideset sekundi..." reče Ford. Zabacio je ruke iznad glave, podigao obrve i počeo da pevuši staru betelgesku borbenu himnu. U Arturovim očima iznenada je počeo da deluje vrlo vanzemaljski.
    “So this is it,” said Arthur, “we are going to die.”     "Znači, tako", rekao je Artur, "umrećemo."
    “Yes,” said Ford, “except … no! Wait a minute!” He suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur’s line of vision. “What’s this switch?” he cried.     "Da", reče Ford, "osim ako... ne! Čekaj trenutak!" Iznenada se upiljio u nešto izvan Arturovog vidnog polja. "Kakav je ono prekidač?" povikao je.
    “What? Where?” cried Arthur, twisting round.     "Šta? Gde?" dreknu Artur i okrenu se.
    “No, I was only fooling,” said Ford, “we are going to die after all.”     "Ne, samo sam se šalio", reče Ford. "Ipak ćemo umreti."
    He slumped against the wall again and carried on the tune from where he left off.     Ponovo je spuznuo niz zid i nastavio melodiju tamo gde ju je prekinuo.

    “You know,” said Arthur, “it’s at times like this, when I’m trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space, that I really wish I’d listened to what my mother told me when I was young.”     "Znaš", reče Artur, "u ovakvim trenucima, dok sam zarobljen u vogonskoj vazdušnoj komori sa čovekom sa Betelgeza i dok očekujem da umrem od gušenja u dubokom svemiru, stvarno žalim što nisam slušao šta mi je majka govorila kad sam bio mali."
    “Why, what did she tell you?”     "Zašto, šta ti je govorila?"
    “I don’t know, I didn’t listen.”     "Ne znam, nisam slušao."
    “Oh.” Ford carried on humming.     "Ah." Ford produži da pevuši.
    “This is terrific,” Arthur thought to himself, “Nelson’s Column has gone, McDonald’s has gone, all that’s left is me and the words Mostly harmless. Any second now all that will be left is Mostly harmless. And yesterday the planet seemed to be going so well.”     'Pa ovo je sjajno', mislio je Artur, 'Nelsonov spomenik je nestao, nestali su i Mekdonaldovi hamburgeri, ostao sam samo ja i reči Uglavnom bezopasni. Uskoro će preostati samo reči Uglavnom bezopasni. A juče je izgledalo da je s planetom sve u redu.'
    A motor whirred.     Motor zabruja.
    A slight hiss built into a deafening roar of rushing air as the outer hatchway opened onto an empty blackness studded with tiny, impossibly bright points of light. Ford and Arthur popped into outer space like corks from a toy gun.     Lagano šištanje preraste u zaglušujući urlik vazduha kada se spoljašnji prolaz otvori prema tamnoj praznini ispunjenoj majušnim, neverovatno blistavim tačkama svetlosti. Ford i Artur izleteše u kosmos poput loptica iz dečjeg pištolja.

>> Chapter 8