Set Various Options in URL Checker

  • Speed (active connections) 1-200:
    Number of connections that URL Checker uses at the sam time.More connections means job will be done faster. But there are a few things to bear in mid:
    1. Regardless of how many streams are chosen here speed will only depend on how much speed your OS let you use at the same time.
    2. Server may be slow or overcrowded so it will slow down on its own and even using 200 streams may be slow due to the reasons which we not have impact on.
    3. Some server don't like sending too many requests at the same time so they will limit those. And in the end if we use 200 streams server may decide to answer only 150 or 50 at the time so others will just be ignored and terminated after timeout. So if in the check you get too manu timeout errors you should try to lower the number of streams .Choose a safe number like 5 and see what happens,if it works well you could increase number of streams.But there is no standard number that will work for all servers.
  • HTTP version: whether to use http v1.0 or http v1.1. No big difference here but it might come in useful depending on your usage case
  • Request Method: Requests to remote servers can be sent using Head or Get method. In theory Head is faster because it only downloads Headers (status code,redirects,size,other info...) and Get will go on and download the content as well(html,images,sounds,video...). But Fast URL Checker will abort any connection as soon as info is downloaded (meaning no actual content will be transferred). It results in Get and Head methods having the same speed. Sometimes (often actually) they return different headers so it is worth checking both.In general Get method is more reliable
  • User Agent: Here you choose how to identify the application to web server. You can choose between some standard user agent strings.
  • Use custom User Agent string: check this box to use custom user agent string
  • Max Redirections: Sometimes there are long redirection chains (probably by some error on server or in coding),and sometimes there is Loop redirecting (when two pages redirect to each other).So such chains can go on and on. Here you set max number of redirections to follow in order to avoid long redirects that end only after a while
  • Connection TimeOut: If a url doesn't respond after some time (usually around 20sec) server will send an time out message. But sometimes URL get stuck on a server due to different causes and they would just hang there and do nothing. That's where this timeout comes into action. It aborts such a connection and let it go on with other URL sin the list.
  • Add custom lines to request header: it is possible to add custom lines to request header that is sent to server. If you don't know what to do with this just leave it blank or unchecked.
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