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Email finder options

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Email finder options

E-mail filter
E-mail username must NOT contain – If checked a filter is applied on E-mails found. All E-mails which contain in its username part (before @ sign) any of the words listed are ignored.
E-mail domain must NOT contain – If checked a filter is applied on E-mails found. All E-mails which contain in its domain part (after @ sign) any of the words listed are ignored.
E-mail domain must  contain – If checked a filter is applied on E-mails found. Only E-mails which contain in its domain part (after @ sign) any of the words listed are collected.
Ignore unsafe emails – If checked email addresses containing special characters such as ~ # $ ! ( ) are ignored.
Unmask Emails- this option allows unmasking of emails that are deliberately made unreadable for robots. For example an email may have ‘@‘ sign replaced by ‘[at]‘ or ‘.‘ with ‘[dot]‘. Since there are many such variations (depending on author creativity) email finder lets you enter patterns that should be recognized and replaced with regular email characters prior to parsing,so that such emails are ‘unmasked’ and deciphered, so to speak.
Each line contains one such variations that should be replaced. Text pattern before ‘=‘ sign will be replaced with pattern after ‘=‘ sign.
So masked email address info[at]example dot com
becomes regular email address after applying these modifications:
dot =.
notice the space (blank) characters before and after ‘dot’ part.
Site filter
Do not search for E-mails on – If checked, listed sites are ignored while searching for E-mails.
Put here some sites you want to skip, for example if site is too big, or is so common that almost every page on internet has at least one link to it.
Ignoring mega-sites like etc. will make search more efficient.
Page content filter
Search only on pages – Check if you want to restrict searching for emails only on pages which contain specified words or phrase. Separate items with a space or a coma.
with all of the words – pages must contain all of the words you enter here
with any of the words – pages must contain at least one of the words you enter here
with the exact phrase – pages must contain the exact phrase you enter here
On new search – set here what program will do when new search is started.
Clear existing results – will delete results of previous search without any prompt.
Append to existing results –  appends new results to existing ones. If you are conducting a similar search than this option is good one.
Ask what to do – a prompt is shown which asks whether to delete existing results or to append new results to the  existing. This option is default.
Skip link longer than x characters  – Any link with more than x characters in its URL will be ignored. This enables program to skip some pages on the sites with very deep directory structure or with strange long URLs which almost always are some sort of redirections.
Show recent addresses in Starting URL field – if checked a few last searches will be saved under Starting URL field. © 2024