The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D.Salinger

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

O piscu i delu

The Catcher in the Rye 

Chapter 19 

    19     19
    Ako slučajno niste iz Njujorka, taj Viker-bar je u nekom kao luksuznom hotelu, hotelu Seton. Jedno vreme sam prilično često išao tamo, ali ne idem više.     IN CASE you don't live in New York, the Wicker Bar is in this sort of swanky hotel, the Seton Hotel. I used to go there quite a lot, but I don't any more. I gradually cut it out.
    To je jedno od onih nazovi-ekskluzivnih mesta gde foliranti bukvalno upadaju kroz prozor. Imali su te dve Francuskinje, Tinu i Žaninu, koje su pevale i svirale klavir, jedno triput za veče.     It's one of those places that are supposed to be very sophisticated and all, and the phonies are coming in the window. They used to have these two French babes, Tina and Janine, come out and play the piano and sing about three times every night.
    Jedna od njih je svirala klavir - vrlo traljavo - a druga je pevala, a pesme su većinom bile lascivne ili na francuskom. Ta što je pevala, stara Žanina, uvek je šaputala u prokleti mikrofon pre nego što bi zapevala.     One of them played the piano―strictly lousy―and the other one sang, and most of the songs were either pretty dirty or in French. The one that sang, old Janine, was always whispering into the goddam microphone before she sang.
    Govorila bi: "A sad bismo volele da vam otpevamo naša impresija o Vuli Vu Fran-sej. To je pesma o mala fransuska devojka koja dođe u veliki grad, isto kao Nujork, i zalubi se u mali momak iz Bruklin.     She'd say, "And now we like to geeve you our impression of Vooly Voo Fransay. Eet ees the story of a leetle Fransh girl who comes to a beeg ceety, just like New York, and falls een love wees a leetle boy from Brookleen.
    Nadamo se vama to prijati." Zatim, kad bi prestala da šapuće i zavodi, otpevala bi neku glupu pesmu, pola na engleskom, pola na francuskom, i dovodila u delirijum sve mamlaze u lokalu.     We hope you like eet." Then, when she was all done whispering and being cute as hell, she'd sing some dopey song, half in English and half in French, and drive all the phonies in the place mad with joy.
    Ako biste dovoljno dugo sedeli tu i slušali sve te folirante kako aplaudiraju i ostalo, zamrzeli biste sve živo na ovom svetu, kunem se. I barmen je bio skot. Bio je užasan snob.     If you sat around there long enough and heard all the phonies applauding and all, you got to hate everybody in the world, I swear you did. The bartender was a louse, too. He was a big snob.
    Taj uopšte nije hteo da razgovara s tobom ako nisi neka krupna zverka ili slavna ličnost ili nešto. Ako jesi neka veličina ili neko, onda je bio još ljigaviji.     He didn't talk to you at all hardly unless you were a big shot or a celebrity or something. If you were a big shot or a celebrity or something, then he was even more nauseating.
    Prilazio bi, s tim širokim šarmanmim osmehom, kao da je stravično pozitivan tip kad ga čovek bolje upozna, i govorio: "Gde ste vi? Šta se radi u Konektikatu?" ili: "Kako Florida?" Užasan lokal, bez zezanja. Vremenom sam sasvim prestao da zalazim tamo.     He'd go up to you and say, with this big charming smile, like he was a helluva swell guy if you knew him, "Well! How's Connecticut?" or "How's Florida?" It was a terrible place, I'm not kidding. I cut out going there entirely, gradually.
    Stigao sam prilično rano. Seo sam za šank - bila je već gužva - i popio nekoliko viskija sa sodom pre nego što se stari Ljus uopšte pojavio.     It was pretty early when I got there. I sat down at the bar―it was pretty crowded―and had a couple of Scotch and sodas before old Luce even showed up.
    Ustajao sam kad sam naručivao, tako da mogu da vide koliko sam visok i ne pomisle da sam prokleti maloletnik. Onda sam malo osmatrao lokal. Neki lik pored mene do besvesti je muvao ribu s kojom je bio.     I stood up when I ordered them so they could see how tall I was and all and not think I was a goddam minor. Then I watched the phonies for a while. Some guy next to me was snowing hell out of the babe he was with.
    Stalno joj je govorio kako ona ima aristokratske ruke. To me dotuklo. Na drugom kraju šanka skupio se sve sam peder. Nije da su izgledali pederski - mislim, nisu imali dugu kosu ili nešto - ali lepo se videlo da su pederi. Na kraju se stari Ljus pojavio.     He kept telling her she had aristocratic hands. That killed me. The other end of the bar was full of flits. They weren't too flitty-looking―I mean they didn't have their hair too long or anything―but you could tell they were flits anyway. Finally old Luce showed up.
    Stari Ljus. Kakav lik. Bio mi je određen za đačkog instruktora kad sam bio u Hutonu. Međutim, sve što je ikad radio bila su ta predavanja o seksu, kasno u noć, kad bi se skupila gomila pacijenata u njegovoj sobi.     Old Luce. What a guy. He was supposed to be my Student Adviser when I was at Whooton. The only thing he ever did, though, was give these sex talks and all, late at night when there was a bunch of guys in his room.
    Znao je dosta toga o seksu, pogotovo o perverzijama i svemu. Večito nam je pričao o nekim gmazovima što bazaju naokolo i rade one stvari sa ovcama, i likovima koji šetaju sa ženskim gaćicama ušivenim u postavu svojih šešira i sve. Pa o pederima i lezbejkama.     He knew quite a bit about sex, especially perverts and all. He was always telling us about a lot of creepy guys that go around having affairs with sheep, and guys that go around with girls' pants sewed in the lining of their hats and all. And flits and Lesbians.
    Stari Ljus je pouzdano znao ko je peder a ko lezbejka u čitavim Sjedinjenim Državama. Dovoljno je bilo da pomeneš nekoga - bilo koga - i stari Ljus bi ti odmah rekao da li je taj peder ili nije. Ponekad je bilo teško poverovati da su svi ti ljudi o kojima je govorio pederi i lezbejke i sve, neki filmski glumci i takvi ljudi.     Old Luce knew who every flit and Lesbian in the United States was. All you had to do was mention s​o​m​e​b​o​d​y​―​a​n​y​b​o​d​y​―​a​n​d​ old Luce'd tell you if he was a flit or not. Sometimes it was hard to believe, the people he said were flits and Lesbians and all, movie actors and like that.
    Neki za koje je pričao da su pederi bili su čak i oženjeni. Stalno biste mu govorili: "Znači da je Džo Blou peder? Džo Blou? Onaj veliki surovi tip što uvek igra gangstere i kauboje?" Stari Ljus bi rekao: "Naravno." Uvek je govorio: "Naravno". Govorio je da uopšte nije bitno da li je neko oženjen ili ne.     Some of the ones he said were flits were even married, for God's sake. You'd keep saying to him, "You mean Joe Blow's a flit? Joe Blow? That big, tough guy that plays gangsters and cowboys all the time?" Old Luce'd say, "Certainly." He was always saying "Certainly." He said it didn't matter if a guy was married or not.
    Govorio je da je svaki drugi oženjeni lik na svetu peder, a da to i ne zna. Govorio je kako možeš da se pretvoriš u pedera bukvalno preko noći, ako imaš sve preduslove za to. Stvarno je umeo stravično da nas isprepada.     He said half the married guys in the world were flits and didn't even know it. He said you could turn into one practically overnight, if you had all the traits and all. He used to scare the hell out of us.
    Samo sam čekao kad ću da se pretvorim u pedera ili nešto. Smešna stvar kod starog Ljusa je što sam mislio da je možda i on neka vrsta pedera. Večito je govorio: "Probaj ovu meru", i onda bi ti gadno lupio prstenac dok prolaziš hodnikom.     I kept waiting to turn into a flit or something. The funny thing about old Luce, I used to think he was sort of flitty himself, in a way. He was always saying, "Try this for size," and then he'd goose the hell out of you while you were going down the corridor.
    A kad god bi pošao u klozet, večito je ostavljao prokleta vrata otvorena i pričao ti nešto dok pereš zube i sve. To su pederski fazoni, u neku ruku. Najozbiljnije.     And whenever he went to the can, he always left the goddam door open and talked to you while you were brushing your teeth or something. That stuff's sort of flitty. It really is.
    Upoznao sam dosta pravih pedera, u školi i sve, i oni stalno rade takve stvari. Zato sam uvek sumnjao u starog Ljusa. Ali bio je prilično inteligentan lik, nema šta.     I've known quite a few real flits, at schools and all, and they're always doing stuff like that, and that's why I always had my doubts about old Luce. He was a pretty intelligent guy, though. He really was.
    Nikad nije govorio zdravo ili nešto kad bi sreo čoveka. Prvo što je rekao kad je seo bilo je kako može da ostane samo nekoliko minuta. Rekao je kako treba da se nađe s nekom ribom. Onda je naručio martini. Rekao je barmemi da napravi što jači, bez maslinke.     He never said hello or anything when he met you. The first thing he said when he sat down was that he could only stay a couple of minutes. He said he had a date. Then he ordered a dry Martini. He told the bartender to make it very dry, and no olive.
    "Ej, imam pedera za tebe", rekao sam mu. "Na kraju šanka. Ne gledaj sad. Čuvam ga za tebe."     "Hey, I got a flit for you," I told him. "At the end of the bar. Don't look now. I been saving him for ya."
    "Mnogo si duhovit", rekao je. "Isti stari Kolfild. Kad ćeš jednom da odrasteš?"     "Very funny," he said. "Same old Caulfield. When are you going to grow up?"
    Bio sam mu beskrajno dosadan. Ozbiljno. Meni je on, međutim, bio zabavan. Bio je od onih likova koji me zabavljaju.     I bored him a lot. I really did. He amused me, though. He was one of those guys that sort of amuse me a lot.
    "Kako tvoj seksualni život?" upitao sam ga. Mrzeo je kad ga pitaš takve stvari.     "How's your sex life?" I asked him. He hated you to ask him stuff like that.
    "Opusti se", rekao je. "Samo sedi i opusti se, čoveče."     "Relax," he said. "Just sit back and relax, for Chrissake."
    "Opušten sam", rekoh. "Kako je na Kolumbiji? Je l' ti lepo?"     "I'm relaxed," I said. "How's Columbia? Ya like it?"
    "Naravno. Da mi nije lepo, ne bih bio tamo", rekao je. I on je ponekad umeo da bude prilično dosadan.     "Certainly I like it. If I didn't like it I wouldn't have gone there," he said. He could be pretty boring himself sometimes.
    "Šta studiraš?" upitao sam ga. "Perverzije?" Samo sam se malo glupirao.     "What're you majoring in?" I asked him. "Perverts?" I was only horsing around.

    "Šta pokušavaš - da ispadneš duhovit?"     "What're you trying to be―funny?"
    "Ne. Samo se zavitlavam", rekoh. "Slušaj, ej, Ljuse. Ti si inteligentan tip. Treba mi tvoj savet. U stravičnoj sam..."     "No. I'm only kidding," I said. "Listen, hey, Luce. You're one of these intellectual guys. I need your advice. I'm in a terrific―"
    Frknuo je na mene. "Slušaj, Kolfilde. Ako hoćeš da sediš ovde i tiho i na miru popiješ piće i tiho i na miru razgo..."     He let out this big groan on me. "Listen, Caulfield. If you want to sit here and have a quiet, peaceful drink and a quiet, peaceful conver―"
    "U redu, u redu", rekoh. "Opusti se." Videlo se da nije raspoložen za neki ozbiljniji razgovor sa mnom. To je problem sa tim intelektualnim tipovima. Nikada neće da vode neki ozbiljniji razgovor ako oni nisu raspoloženi za to.     "All right, all right," I said. "Relax." You could tell he didn't feel like discussing anything serious with me. That's the trouble with these intellectual guys. They never want to discuss anything serious unless they feel like it.
    I tako, šta sam uradio - počeo sam da razgovaram o opštim temama s njim. "Bez zezanja, kako tvoj seksualni život?" upitao sam ga. "Viđaš li se sa onom ribom s kojom si izlazio u Hutonu? Onom sa neviđenim..." "Ni u ludilu", rekao je.     So all I did was, I started discussing topics in general with him. "No kidding, how's your sex life?" I asked him. "You still going around with that same babe you used to at Whooton? The one with the terrific―"
    "Otkud to? Šta je bilo s njom?"     "Good God, no," he said. "How come? What happened to her?"
    "Pojma nemam. Po meni, kad već pitaš, verovatno je do sada postala prva droca Nju Hempšira."     "I haven't the faintest idea. For all I know, since you ask, she's probably the Whore of New Hampshire by this time."
    "To nije lepo. Ako je već bila tako fina i pustila te da se seksualno zanimaš sa njom, onda ne bi trebalo da tako govoriš o njoj."     "That isn't nice. If she was decent enough to let you get sexy with her all the time, you at least shouldn't talk about her that way."
    "O, gospode!" rekao je Ljus. "Da li će ovo biti tipičan kolfildski razgovor? Hoću odmah da znam."     "Oh, God!" old Luce said. "Is this going to be a typical Caulfield conversation? I want to know right now."
    "Ne", rekoh, "ali svejedno nije lepo. Ako je već bila tako fina i dobra i pustila te..."     "No," I said, "but it isn't nice anyway. If she was decent and nice enough to let you―"
    "Moramo li da insistiramo na toj nebuloznoj konverzaciji?"     "Must we pursue this horrible trend of thought?"
    Ućutao sam. Pribojavao sam se da će da ustane i ode od mene ako ne ućutim. Samo sam naručio novo piće. Došlo mi je da se napijem kao svinja.     I didn't say anything. I was sort of afraid he'd get up and leave on me if I didn't shut up. So all I did was, I ordered another drink. I felt like getting stinking drunk.
    "S kim sada izlaziš?" upitah ga. "Jesi li raspoložen da mi kažeš?"     "Who're you going around with now?" I asked him. "You feel like telling me?"
    "Ne znaš je."     "Nobody you know."
    "Aha, ali ko je? Možda je i znam."     "Yeah, but who? I might know her."
    "Devojka živi u Vilidžu. Vajarka. Ako si baš zapeo da znaš."     "Girl lives in the Village. Sculptress. If you must know."
    "Je l'? Bez zezanja? Koliko ima godina?"     "Yeah? No kidding? How old is she?"
    "Nikad je nisam pitao, zaboga."     "I've never asked her, for God's sake."
    "Dobro, koliko otprilike?"     "Well, around how old?"
    "Mislim da ima blizu četrdeset", rekao je stari Ljus.     "I should imagine she's in her late thirties," old Luce said.
    "Blizu četrdeset? Je l'? I to se tebi sviđa?" rekoh. "Voliš kad su tako matore?" Pitao sam ga zato što je stvarno znao dosta toga o seksu i svemu tome.     "In her late thirties? Yeah? You like that?" I asked him. "You like 'em that old?" The reason I was asking was because he really knew quite a bit about sex and all.
    Bio je jedan od retkih za koje sam bio siguran da znaju. Izgubio je nevinost već u četrnaestoj godini, u Nantuketu. Najozbiljnije.     He was one of the few guys I knew that did. He lost his virginity when he was only fourteen, in Nantucket. He really did.
    "Volim zrelije osobe, ako na to misliš. Naravno."     "I like a mature person, if that's what you mean. Certainly."
    "Voliš? Zašto? Bez zezanja. Jesu li bolje za seks i ostalo?"     "You do? Why? No kidding, they better for sex and all?"
    "Slušaj. Da raščistimo jednu stvar. Večeras odbijam da odgovorim na tipično kolfildska pitanja. Kad ćeš, dođavola, da odrasteš?"     "Listen. Let's get one thing straight. I refuse to answer any typical Caulfield questions tonight. When in hell are you going to grow up?"
    Ćutao sam neko vreme. Ostavio sam se toga, privremeno. Onda je stari Ljus naručio novi martini i rekao barmenu da napravi mnogo jači od prethodnog.     I didn't say anything for a while. I let it drop for a while. Then old Luce ordered another Martini and told the bartender to make it a lot dryer.
    "Slušaj. Koliko već dugo izlaziš s njom, tom vajarkom?" upitah ga. Stvarno me zanimalo. "Jesi li je znao kad si bio u Hutonu?"     "Listen. How long you been going around with her, this sculpture babe?" I asked him. I was really interested. "Did you know her when you were at Whooton?"
    "Teško. Stigla je u ovu zemlju tek pre nekoliko meseci."     "Hardly. She just arrived in this country a few months ago."
    "Ozbiljno? Odakle je?"     "She did? Where's she from?"
    "Slučajno je iz Šangaja."     "She happens to be from Shanghai."

    "Idi! Ona je Kineskinja, znači?" rekao sam.     "No kidding! She Chinese, for Chrissake?"
    "Očigledno."     "Obviously."
    "Ozbiljno? Sviđa ti se? To što je Kineskinja?"     "No kidding! Do you like that? Her being Chinese?"
    "Očigledno."     "Obviously."
    "Zašto? Baš me zanima - najozbiljnije."     "Why? I'd be interested to know―I really would."
    "Jednostavno nalazim da mi Istočna filozofija više odgovara od Zapadne. Kad već pitaš."     "I simply happen to find Eastern philosophy more satisfactory than Western. Since you ask."
    "Ozbiljno? Kako to misliš 'filozofija'? Misliš seks i ostalo? Misliš, to je bolje u Kini? To si mislio?"     "You do? Wuddaya mean 'philosophy'? Ya mean sex and all? You mean it's better in China? That what you mean?"
    "Ma ne baš posebno u Kini. Rekao sam Istočna. Moramo li da nastavimo ovaj beslovesni razgovor?"     "Not necessarily in China, for God's sake. The East I said. Must we go on with this inane conversation?"
    "Slušaj, ozbiljno te pitam", rekoh. "Bez zezanja. Zašto je bolje na Istoku?"     "Listen, I'm serious," I said. "No kidding. Why's it better in the East?"
    "Suviše je komplikovano da bi se upuštali u to", rekao je stari Ljus. "Tamo jednostavno smatraju da je seks istovremeno i fizičko i duhovno iskustvo. Ako misliš da ću..."     "It's too involved to go into, for God's sake," old Luce said. "They simply happen to regard sex as both a physical and a spiritual experience. If you think I'm―"
    "I ja isto! I ja smatram da je - kako si ono rekao - fizičko i duhovno iskustvo i sve. Ozbiljno. Ali zavisi s kim to uopšte radim. Ako to radim s nekom koju čak i ne..."     "So do I! So do I regard it as a wuddayacallit―a physical and spiritual experience and all. I really do. But it depends on who the hell I'm doing it with. If I'm doing it with somebody I don't even―"
    "Zaboga, nemoj tako glasno, Kolfilde. Ako ne možeš da se obuzdaš, najbolje da se manemo čitavog..."     "Not so loud, for God's sake, Caulfield. If you can't manage to keep your voice down, let's drop the whole―"
    "U redu, ali slušaj", rekoh. Počeo sam da se uzbuđujem, pa sam zaista malo glasnije govorio. Ponekad malo glasnije govorim kad se uzbudim. "Evo šta hoću da kažem", rekoh.     "All right, but listen," I said. I was getting excited and I was talking a little too loud. Sometimes I talk a little loud when I get excited. "This is what I mean, though," I said.
    "Znam da bi to trebalo da bude i fizički i duhovno i umetnički i sve. Ali mislim, ne možeš to sa svakim - sa svakom devojkom koju odvojiš i sve - pa da tako ispadne. Možeš li?"     "I know it's supposed to be physical and spiritual, and artistic and all. But what I mean is, you can't do it with everybody―every girl you neck with and all―and make it come out that way. Can you?"
    "Mani se toga", rekao je stari Ljus. "Nađi neku drugu temu."     "Let's drop it," old Luce said. "Do you mind?"
    "U redu, ali slušaj. Uzmimo tebe i tu tvoju Kineskinju. Šta ja toliko dobro kod vas dvoje?"     "All right, but listen. Take you and this Chinese babe. What's so good about you two?"
    "Mani se toga, rekao sam."     "Drop it, I said."
    Postajao sam preterano intiman. Shvatio sam. Ali to je bila jedna od stvari koje su mi smetale kod Ljusa.     I was getting a little too personal. I realize that. But that was one of the annoying things about Luce.
    Kad smo bili u Hutonu, terao te da mu opišeš najintimnije stvari koje su se tebi desile, ali ako bi njemu počeo da postavljaš pitanja u vezi s njim, naljutio bi se.     When we were at Whooton, he'd make you describe the most personal stuff that happened to you, but if you started asking him questions about himself, he got sore.
    Ti intelektualni tipovi ne vole intelektualan razgovor ukoliko oni ne vode čitavu stvar. Večito traže da ćutiš kad oni ćute i da odeš u svoju sobu kad oni odu u svoju sobu.     These intellectual guys don't like to have an intellectual conversation with you unless they're running the whole thing. They always want you to shut up when they shut up, and go back to your room when they go back to their room.
    Kad sam bio u Hutonu, stari Ljus nije trpeo - što se lepo videlo - kada bismo, posle njegovog predavanja o seksu, ostajali i prežvakavali temu. Mislim, drugi likovi i ja, u nečijoj sobi. Stari Ljus to nije mogao da svari.     When I was at Whooton old Luce used to hate it―you really could tell he did―when after he was finished giving his sex talk to a bunch of us in his room we stuck around and chewed the fat by ourselves for a while. I mean the other guys and myself. In somebody else's room. Old Luce hated that.
    Uvek je zahtevao da svako ode u svoju sobu i ućuti kada on nije više u centru pažnje. Čega se bojao - bojao se da neko ne kaže nešto pametnije od onog što je on govorio. Stvarno me zabavljao.     He always wanted everybody to go back to their own room and shut up when he was finished being the big shot. The thing he was afraid of, he was afraid somebody'd say something smarter than he had. He really amused me.
    "Možda ću da odem u Kinu. Moj seksualni život je mizeran", rekoh.     "Maybe I'll go to China. My sex life is lousy," I said.
    "Naravno. Tvoj duh je još nezreo."     "Naturally. Your mind is immature."
    "I jeste. Ozbiljno. Svestan sam toga", rekoh. "Znaš u čemu je problem sa mnom?     "It is. It really is. I know it," I said. "You know what the trouble with me is?
    Nikad ne mogu da se stvarno napalim - mislim onako stvarno - sa devojkom koju ne volim mnogo. Mislim, mora mnogo da mi se sviđa.     I can never get really sexy―I mean really sexy―with a girl I don't like a lot. I mean I have to like her a lot.
    Ako mi se ne sviđa, nekako gubim želju za njom i sve. Ljudi moji, to mi stvarno uništava seksualni život. Moj seksualni život je nikakav."     If I don't, I sort of lose my goddam desire for her and all. Boy, it really screws up my sex life something awful. My sex life stinks."
    "Naravno da je nikakav, čoveče. Još prošli put sam ti rekao šta je tebi potrebno."     "Naturally it does, for God's sake. I told you the last time I saw you what you need."
    "Misliš da odem na psihoanalizu i sve?" rekoh. To je bilo ono što mi je rekao da uradim. Njegov otac je bio psihoanalitičar.     "You mean to go to a psychoanalyst and all?" I said. That's what he'd told me I ought to do. His father was a psychoanalyst and all.
    "To zavisi od tebe, čoveče. Mene se apsolutno ne tiče šta ćeš sa svojim životom."     "It's up to you, for God's sake. It's none of my goddam business what you do with your life."

    Ćutao sam neko vreme. Razmišljao sam.     I didn't say anything for a while. I was thinking.
    "Pretpostavimo da odem kod tvog oca i pustim da me analizira i sve", rekoh. "Šta bi mi on radio? Mislim, šta bi mi radio?"     "Supposing I went to your father and had him psychoanalyze me and all," I said. "What would he do to me? I mean what would he do to me?"
    "Ništa ti ne bi radio. Samo bi popričao s tobom i ti bi popričao s njim. Pre svega, pomogao bi ti da prepoznaš sklop svojih misli."     "He wouldn't do a goddam thing to you. He'd simply talk to you, and you'd talk to him, for God's sake. For one thing, he'd help you to recognize the patterns of your mind."
    "Šta je to?"     "The what?"
    "Sklop tvojih misli. Tvoj mozak funkcioniše kao... Slušaj. Neću da ti sada držim elementarni kurs iz psihoanalize. Ako te zanima, okreni ga i zakaži posetu. Ako te ne zanima, nemoj. Meni je apsolutno svejedno, veruj mi."     "The patterns of your mind. Your mind runs in―Listen. I'm not giving an elementary course in psychoanalysis. If you're interested, call him up and make an appointment. If you're not, don't. I couldn't care less, frankly."
    Stavio sam mu ruku na rame. Ljudi moji, baš me zabavljao. "Ti si stravično ljubazan skot", rekoh. "Nisi znao?"     I put my hand on his shoulder. Boy, he amused me. "You're a real friendly bastard," I told him. "You know that?"
    Gledao je u svoj ručni sat. "Moram da idem", rekao je i ustao. "Drago mi je što sam te video." Pozvao je barmena i zatražio račun.     He was looking at his wrist watch. "I have to tear," he said, and stood up. "Nice seeing you." He got the bartender and told him to bring him his check.
    "Ej", rekoh, pre nego što je krenuo. "Da li je tvoj otac ikada analizirao tebe?"     "Hey," I said, just before he beat it. "Did your father ever psychoanalyze you?"
    "Mene? Zašto pitaš?"     "Me? Why do you ask?"
    "Tek onako. I, je l' jeste?"     "No reason. Did he, though? Has he?"
    "U stvari nije. Pomogao mi je da se prilagodim do izvesne mere, ali dubinska analiza nije bila neophodna. Zašto pitaš?"     "Not exactly. He's helped me to adjust myself to a certain extent, but an extensive analysis hasn't been necessary. Why do you ask?"
    "Tek onako. Samo sam se pitao."     "No reason. I was just wondering."
    "Dobro. Uživaj", rekao je. Ostavio je napojnicu i spremao se da ode.     "Well. Take it easy," he said. He was leaving his tip and all and he was starting to go.
    "Uzmi bar još jedno piće", rekoh mu. "Molim te. Stravično sam usamljen. Bez zezanja."     "Have just one more drink," I told him. "Please. I'm lonesome as hell. No kidding."
    Međutim, rekao je da ne može. Rekao je da već kasni, a onda je otišao.     He said he couldn't do it, though. He said he was late now, and then he left.
    Stari Ljus. Jeste bio naporan, ali imao je bogat rečnik, nema šta.     Old Luce. He was strictly a pain in the ass, but he certainly had a good vocabulary.
    Imao je najbogatiji rečnik od svih učenika u Hutonu kad sam ja bio tamo. Testirali su nas.     He had the largest vocabulary of any boy at Whooton when I was there. They gave us a test.

>> Chapter 20