The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D.Salinger

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

O piscu i delu

The Catcher in the Rye 

Chapter 22 

    22     22
    Kad sam se vratio, bila je sklonila jastuk s glave - znao sam da hoće - ali i dalje nije htela da me pogleda, iako je sad ležala na leđima i sve. Kad sam prišao krevetu i ponovo seo, okrenula je svoje šašavo lice na drugu stranu.     WHEN I came back, she had the pillow off her head all right―I knew she would―but she still wouldn't look at me, even though she was laying on her back and all. When I came around the side of the bed and sat down again, she turned her crazy face the other way.
    Totalno me ignorisala. Baš kao mačevalačka ekipa u Pensiju kad sam ostavio sve one proklete mačeve u podzemnoj.     She was ostracizing the hell out of me. Just like the fencing team at Pencey when I left all the goddam foils on the subway.
    "Kako je stara Hejzel Vederfild?" rekoh. "Pišeš li neke nove priče o njoj? Onu koju si mi poslala imam u koferu. Dole je na stanici. Baš je dobra."     "How's old Hazel Weatherfield?" I said. "You write any new stories about her? I got that one you sent me right in my suitcase. It's down at the station. It's very good."
    "Tata će te ubiti."     "Daddy'll kill you."
    Ljudi moji, kad ona nešto uvrti u glavu, onda to stvarno uvrti u glavu.     Boy, she really gets something on her mind when she gets something on her mind.
    "Ne, neće. U najgorem slučaju će opet gadno da me izgrdi i onda će da me pošalje u prokletu vojnu školu. To je sve što će da mi uradi. Ali, kao prvo, neću čak ni da budem tu. Biću daleko odavde. Biću - ve-rovatno ću biti na tom ranču u Koloradu."     "No, he won't. The worst he'll do, he'll give me hell again, and then he'll send me to that goddam military school. That's all he'll do to me. And in the first place, I won't even be around. I'll be away. I'll be―I'll probably be in Colorado on this ranch."
    "Ne zasmejavaj me. Ti ne znaš čak ni konja da jašeš."     "Don't make me laugh. You can't even ride a horse."
    "Ko ne zna? Naravno da znam. To te nauče za dva minuta", rekoh. "Prestani da čupkaš to." Čupkala je onaj flaster na ruci. "Ko te tako podšišao?" upitah je. Tek tada sam primetio kako su je glupo podšišali. Bilo je suviše kratko.     "Who can't? Sure I can. Certainly I can. They can teach you in about two minutes," I said. "Stop picking at that." She was picking at that adhesive tape on her arm. "Who gave you that haircut?" I asked her. I just noticed what a stupid haircut somebody gave her. It was way too short.
    "Šta te se tiče", rekla je. Ona ume da bude vrlo arogantna ponekad. Ume da bude poprilično arogantna.     "None of your business," she said. She can be very snotty sometimes. She can be quite snotty.
    "Sigurno si opet pao iz svih mogućih predmeta", rekla je - vrlo arogantno. Bilo je, na neki način, pomalo i smešno. Ponekad govori kao neka učiteljica, iako je još dete.     "I suppose you failed in every single subject again," she said―very snotty. It was sort of funny, too, in a way. She sounds like a goddam schoolteacher sometimes, and she's only a little child.
    "Ne, nisam", rekoh. "Prošao sam iz engleskog." A onda sam je, tek onako, uštinuo za dupe. Bilo je nekako istrćeno, jer je ležala na boku. Ona jedva da uopšte ima dupe. Nisam je jako uštinuo, ali je svejedno pokušala da me udari po ruci. Promašila je.     "No, I didn't," I said. "I passed English." Then, just for the hell of it, I gave her a pinch on the behind. It was sticking way out in the breeze, the way she was laying on her side. She has hardly any behind. I didn't do it hard, but she tried to hit my hand anyway, but she missed.
    A onda je najednom rekla: "Oh, zašto si to učinio?" Mislila je na to što sam ponovo izbačen. Baš me nekako rastužilo, način na koji je to rekla. "Ma ne pitaj me, Febo. Smučilo mi se već od takvih pitanja", rekoh. "Ima milion razloga.     Then all of a sudden, she said, "Oh, why did you do it?" She meant why did I get the ax again. It made me sort of sad, the way she said it. "Oh, God, Phoebe, don't ask me. I'm sick of everybody asking me that," I said. "A million reasons why.
    To je jedna od najgorih škola u koju sam ikad išao. Prepuna je licemera. I podlaca. Nikad u životu nisi videla toliko podlaca.     It was one of the worst schools I ever went to. It was full of phonies. And mean guys. You never saw so many mean guys in your life.
    Na primer, ako bi se u nečijoj sobi skupilo društvo i neko hteo da uđe, nikad ga nisu puštali ako je neki priglup, bubuljičav tip. Svi su uvek zaključavali vrata kad bi neko hteo da uđe.     For instance, if you were having a bull session in somebody's room, and somebody wanted to come in, nobody'd let them in if they were some dopey, pimply guy. Everybody was always locking their door when somebody wanted to come in.
    A imali su i to prokleto tajno bratstvo. Pridružio sam se jer sam bio kukavica da to ne učinim.     And they had this goddam secret fraternity that I was too yellow not to join.
    Tamo ima jedan bubuljičav, dosadan lik, Robert Ekli, koji je hteo da ga prime. Stalno je pokušavao da se pridruži, ali nisu hteli da ga prime. Samo zato što je dosadan i bubuljičav. Čak mi se i ne priča o tome. Odvratna škola. Kunem ti se."     There was this one pimply, boring guy, Robert Ackley, that wanted to get in. He kept trying to join, and they wouldn't let him. Just because he was boring and pimply. I don't even feel like talking about it. It was a stinking school. Take my word."
    Feba je ćutala, ali slušala je. Po njenom potiljku sam mogao da pogodim da sluša. Ona uvek sluša kad joj nešto pričaš. A smešno je što uvek zna o čemu pričaš. Najozbiljnije.     Old Phoebe didn't say anything, but she was listening. I could tell by the back of her neck that she was listening. She always listens when you tell her something. And the funny part is she knows, half the time, what the hell you're talking about. She really does.
    Nastavio sam da pričam o starom Pensiju. Tako mi je kao došlo.     I kept talking about old Pencey. I sort of felt like it.
    "Čak su i ona dva-tri dobra profesora u školi bili dvolični", rekoh. "Na primer, tamo ima neki matori lik, stari Spenser.     "Even the couple of nice teachers on the faculty, they were phonies, too," I said. "There was this one old guy, Mr. Spencer.
    Njegova žena je svakoga uvek služila vrućom čokoladom i sve, i bili su stvarno dobri. Ali trebalo je videti ga kada je direktor, stari Tarmer, došao na čas istorije i seo skroz pozadi.     His wife was always giving you hot chocolate and all that stuff, and they were really pretty nice. But you should've seen him when the headmaster, old Thurmer, came in the history class and sat down in the back of the room.
    Večito je dolazio i sedeo po jedno pola sata u zadnjoj klupi. Pravio se kao da je inkognito ili nešto.     He was always coming in and sitting down in the back of the room for about a half an hour. He was supposed to be incognito or something.
    Posle nekog vremena javljao se otpozadi i prekidao predavanje starog Spensera nekim imbecilnim šalama. Stari Spenser je bukvalno umirao od cerekanja i smeškanja, kao da je Tarmer prokleti princ ili nešto."     After a while, he'd be sitting back there and then he'd start interrupting what old Spencer was saying to crack a lot of corny jokes. Old Spencer'd practically kill himself chuckling and smiling and all, like as if Thurmer was a goddam prince or something."
    "Nemoj toliko da psuješ."     "Don't swear so much."
    "Ti bi povratila od svega toga, kunem se", rekoh. "A onda, tu je i Dan veterana. Imaju taj Dan veterana, kada svi mamlazi koji su od 1776. maturirali na Pensiju, dolaze i muvaju se naokolo sa svojim ženama i decom i svima.     "It would've made you puke, I swear it would," I said. "Then, on Veterans' Day. They have this day, Veterans' Day, that all the jerks that graduated from Pencey around 1776 come back and walk all over the place, with their wives and children and everybody.
    Trebalo je da vidiš tog matorog od jedno pedeset godina. Šta je radio - ušao je kod nas u sobu i kucao na vrata i pitao nas može li da ode u toalet. Toalet je bio na kraju hodnika - pojma nemam zašto je nas pitao.     You should've seen this one old guy that was about fifty. What he did was, he came in our room and knocked on the door and asked us if we'd mind if he used the bathroom. The bathroom was at the end of the corridor―I don't know why the hell he asked us.
    Znaš li šta je rekao? Rekao je kako hoće da vidi da li su njegovi inicijali još uvek na jednim vratima klozeta.     You know what he said? He said he wanted to see if his initials were still in one of the can doors.
    Šta je taj uradio - urezao je svoje glupe žalosne matore inicijale na neka vrata od klozeta, pre jedno devedeset godina, i sada je hteo da vidi da li su još tamo. I tako smo moj cimer i ja otišli s njim i morali da stojimo tamo dok je on tražio svoje inicijale po svim vratima klozeta.     What he did, he carved his goddam stupid sad old initials in one of the can doors about ninety years ago, and he wanted to see if they were still there. So my roommate and I walked him down to the bathroom and all, and we had to stand there while he looked for his initials in all the can doors.
    Sve vreme nam je nešto pričao, govorio nam da su dani koje je proveo u Pensiju bili najsrećnije doba u njegovom životu i delio nam gomilu saveta za budućnost i sve.     He kept talking to us the whole time, telling us how when he was at Pencey they were the happiest days of his life, and giving us a lot of advice for the future and all.

    Ljudi moji, kako me taj deprimirao! Neću da kažem da je bio loš - nije. Ali ne moraš da budeš loš da bi nekog deprimirao - možeš da budeš i dobar, svejedno je.     Boy, did he depress me! I don't mean he was a bad guy―he wasn't. But you don't have to be a bad guy to depress somebody―you can be a good guy and do it.
    Sve što treba da učiniš kako bi nekog deprimirao je da mu podeliš gomilu šupljih saveta dok tražiš svoje inicijale po nekim vratima klozeta - to je sve što treba da učiniš. Ne znam. Možda sve to i ne bi bilo tako depresivno da nije toliko gubio dah.     All you have to do to depress somebody is give them a lot of phony advice while you're looking for your initials in some can door―that's all you have to do. I don't know. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been all out of breath.
    Potpuno je ostao bez daha već od samog penjanja uz stepenice, i sve vreme dok je tražio svoje inicijale teško je disao, tim komičnim i žalosnim nozdrvama, dok je govorio Stredleteru i meni da izvučemo sve što god možemo iz Pensija. Isuse!     He was all out of breath from just climbing up the stairs, and the whole time he was looking for his initials he kept breathing hard, with his nostrils all funny and sad, while he kept telling Stradlater and I to get all we could out of Pencey. God, Phoebe!
    Ne umem to da objasnim. Jednostavno nisam voleo ništa što se dešavalo u Pensiju. Ne umem to da objasnim."     I can't explain. I just didn't like anything that was happening at Pencey. I can't explain."
    Feba je nešto rekla, ali nisam je čuo. Usta su joj bila jednom stranom priljubljena o jastuk, pa je nisam čuo.     Old Phoebe said something then, but I couldn't hear her. She had the side of her mouth right smack on the pillow, and I couldn't hear her.
    "Šta?" rekoh. "Odmakni usta. Ništa te ne čujem šta govoriš."     "What?" I said. "Take your mouth away. I can't hear you with your mouth that way."
    "Ti ne voliš ništa što se dešava."     "You don't like anything that's happening."
    Baš me deprimiralo kad mi je to rekla.     It made me even more depressed when she said that.
    "Volim. Baš volim. Naravno da volim. Ne govori tako. Zašto si sad to rekla?"     "Yes I do. Yes I do. Sure I do. Don't say that. Why the hell do you say that?"
    "Zato što ne voliš. Ne voliš nijednu školu. Ne voliš milion stvari. Ne voliš."     "Because you don't. You don't like any schools. You don't like a million things. You don't."
    "Volim! Tu grešiš - baš tu grešiš! Kako, dođavola, možeš da kažeš tako nešto?" rekao sam. Ljudi moji, baš me deprimirala.     "I do! That's where you're wrong―that's exactly where you're wrong! Why the hell do you have to say that?" I said. Boy, was she depressing me.
    "Zato što ne voliš", rekla je. "Navedi bar jednu stvar."     "Because you don't," she said. "Name one thing."
    "Jednu stvar? Jednu stvar koju volim?" rekoh. "Važi."     "One thing? One thing I like?" I said. "Okay."
    Problem je bio što nisam mogao da se koncentrišem. Ponekad je čoveku teško da se koncentriše.     The trouble was, I couldn't concentrate too hot. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate.
    "Jednu stvar koju mnogo volim, misliš?" upitao sam je.     "One thing I like a lot you mean?" I asked her.
    Ali nije mi odgovorila. Bila je u nekom komičnom iskrivljenom položaju skroz na drugoj strani kreveta.     She didn't answer me, though. She was in a cockeyed position way the hell over the other side of the bed.
    Bila je jedno hiljadu milja daleko. "Hajde, odgovori mi", rekoh. "Jednu stvar koju mnogo volim ili jednu stvar koju samo volim?"     She was about a thousand miles away. "C'mon answer me," I said. "One thing I like a lot, or one thing I just like?"
    "Koju mnogo voliš."     "You like a lot."
    "U redu", rekoh. Ali problem je bio što nisam mogao da se koncentrišein. Sve što mi je palo na pamet bile su one dve časne sestre koje idu naokolo i prikupljaju novac u tu staru korpu. Posebno ona s naočarima gvozdenog okvira. I taj dečak koga sam poznavao u Elkton Hilsu.     "All right," I said. But the trouble was, I couldn't concentrate. About all I could think of were those two nuns that went around collecting dough in those beat-up old straw baskets. Especially the one with the glasses with those iron rims. And this boy I knew at Elkton Hills.
    Tamo je bio taj dečak, zvao se Džems Kasti, koji nije hteo da porekne nešto što je rekao o tom krajnje nadobudnom liku, Filu Stebilu. Džems Kasti je rekao za njega da je nadobudan, a neki od Stebilovih ulizica je otišao i otkucao ga Stebilu.     There was this one boy at Elkton Hills, named James Castle, that wouldn't take back something he said about this very conceited boy, Phil Stabile. James Castle called him a very conceited guy, and one of Stabile's lousy friends went and squealed on him to Stabile.
    I tako je Stebil, sa još šestoricom nekih gadova, otišao do Kastlove sobe, ušao i zaključao prokleta vrata i pokušao da ga natera da porekne ono što je rekao, ali on nije hteo. I tako su se bacili na njega.     So Stabile, with about six other dirty bastards, went down to James Castle's room and went in and locked the goddam door and tried to make him take back what he said, but he wouldn't do it. So they started in on him. I won't even tell you what they did to him―it's too repulsive―but he still wouldn't take it back, old James Castle.
    Neću čak ni da vam kažem šta su mu radili - suviše je gadno - ali on i dalje nije hteo da porekne, stari Džems Kasti. A trebalo je videti ga. Bio je mršav omalen lik slabašnog izgleda, s ručicama kao olovke.     And you should've seen him. He was a skinny little weak-looking guy, with wrists about as big as pencils.
    Na kraju, šta je uradio - umesto da porekne to što je rekao, bacio se kroz prozor. Bio sam pod tušem i sve, ali čak sam i ja čuo kada je pao napolju. Pomislio sam, međutim, da je nešto ispalo kroz prozor - radio ili pisaći sto, a ne dečak i sve.     Finally, what he did, instead of taking back what he said, he jumped out the window. I was in the shower and all, and even I could hear him land outside. But I just thought something fell out the window, a radio or a desk or something, not a boy or anything.
    Onda sam čuo kako svi trče kroz hodnik i niz stepenice, pa sam navukao bade-mantil i strčao dole, a tamo je ležao stari Džems Kasti, nasred onih kamenih stepenica. Bio je mrtav, na sve strane bili su njegovi zubi i krv, i niko nije hteo čak ni da mu priđe.     Then I heard everybody running through the corridor and down the stairs, so I put on my bathrobe and I ran downstairs too, and there was old James Castle laying right on the stone steps and all. He was dead, and his teeth, and blood, were all over the place, and nobody would even go near him.
    Na sebi je imao džemper sa rol-kragnom koji sam mu pozajmio. Gadovima koji su mu ušli u sobu ništa se nije desilo, samo su isključeni iz škole. Nisu ih čak ni strpali u zatvor.     He had on this turtleneck sweater I'd lent him. All they did with the guys that were in the room with him was expel them. They didn't even go to jail.
    To je bilo otprilike sve što mi je palo na pamet. One dve časne sestre koje sam video za doručkom i taj dečak Džems Kasti koga sam upoznao u Elkton Hilsu. U svemu tome, najčudnije je što sam jedva i poznavao Džemsa Kastla, ako baš hoćete da znate. Bio je vrlo tih i povučen lik.     That was about all I could think of, though. Those two nuns I saw at breakfast and this boy James Castle I knew at Elkton Hills. The funny part is, I hardly even know James Castle, if you want to know the truth. He was one of these very quiet guys.
    Bili smo u istoj grupi na časovima matematike, ali on je bio skroz na drugoj strani učionice i gotovo nikada nije ustajao da odgovara, niti je izlazio na tablu ili nešto. Neki učenici gotovo nikada ne ustaju da odgovaraju, niti izlaze na tablu.     He was in my math class, but he was way over on the other side of the room, and he hardly ever got up to recite or go to the blackboard or anything. Some guys in school hardly ever get up to recite or go to the blackboard.
    U suštini, samo sam jednom razgovarao s njim, kad me pitao da mu pozajmim taj moj džemper sa rol-kragnom. Samo što se nisam srušio kad me to pitao, toliko sam bio iznenađen i sve.     I think the only time I ever even had a conversation with him was that time he asked me if he could borrow this turtleneck sweater I had. I damn near dropped dead when he asked me, I was so surprised and all.
    Sećam se da sam prao zube u kupatilu kad me pitao. Rekao je kako mu dolazi neki rođak da ga malo provoza ili nešto. Pojma nisam imao da on uopšte zna kako ja imam džemper sa rol-kragnom. Sve što sam o njemu znao svodilo se na to da je njegovo ime uvek ispred mog prilikom prozivanja.     I remember I was brushing my teeth, in the can, when he asked me. He said his cousin was coming in to take him for a drive and all. I didn't even know he knew I had a turtleneck sweater. All I knew about him was that his name was always right ahead of me at roll call.
    Kabel R., Kabel V., Kasti, Kolfild - i sad se sećam. Malo je falilo da mu ne pozajmim taj džemper, ako baš hoćete da znate. Samo zato što ga nisam dovoljno poznavao.     Cabel, R., Cabel, W., Castle, Caulfield―I can still remember it. If you want to know the truth, I almost didn't lend him my sweater. Just because I didn't know him too well.

    "Šta?" rekao sam Febi. Nešto mi je rekla, ali nisam je čuo.     "What?" I said to old Phoebe. She said something to me, but I didn't hear her.
    "Ne možeš čak ni jedne jedine stvari da se setiš."     "You can't even think of one thing."
    "E baš mogu. Baš mogu."     "Yes, I can. Yes, I can."
    "Pa hajde onda."     "Well, do it, then."
    "Volim Elija", rekoh. "I volim da radim to što sad radim. Da sedim ovde s tobom, da pričamo i razmišljamo o stvarima, i..."     "I like Allie," I said. "And I like doing what I'm doing right now. Sitting here with you, and talking, and thinking about stuff, and―"
    "Eli je mrtav - ti uvek tako pričaš! Ako je neko već mrtav i na nebu, onda to nije stvarno..."     "Allie's dead―You always say that! If somebody's dead and everything, and in Heaven, then it isn't really―"
    "Znam da je mrtav! Zar misliš da ne znam?     "I know he's dead! Don't you think I know that?
    Ali mogu ipak i dalje da ga volim. To što je neko mrtav ne znači kako treba da prestaneš da ga voliš, Isuse - pogotovo ako je bio jedno hiljadu puta bolji od svih živih ljudi koje poznaješ i svega."     I can still like him, though, can't I? Just because somebody's dead, you don't just stop liking them, for God's sake―especially if they were about a thousand times nicer than the people you know that're alive and all."
    Feba ništa nije rekla. Kad ne može da smisli šta bi rekla, uopšte ne progovara.     Old Phoebe didn't say anything. When she can't think of anything to say, she doesn't say a goddam word.
    "Eto, volim ovo sada", rekoh. "Mislim, baš sada. Da sedim ovde s tobom i da samo pričamo i zezamo se..."     "Anyway, I like it now," I said. "I mean right now. Sitting here with you and just chewing the fat and horsing―"
    "To nije ništa stvarno!"     "That isn't anything really!"
    "To je itekako stvarno . Nego šta je! Po čemu nije? Ljudi nikad ne misle da je nešto stvarno. Prokleto mi se smučilo od toga."     "It is so something really! Certainly it is! Why the hell isn't it? People never think anything is anything really. I'm getting goddam sick of it,"
    "Prestani da psuješ. U redu, reci nešto drugo. Reci nešto što bi voleo da budeš. Kao, na primer, naučnik. Ili advokat ili nešto."     "Stop swearing. All right, name something else. Name something you'd like to be. Like a scientist. Or a lawyer or something."
    "Ne bih mogao da budem naučnik. Slabo mi ide nauka."     "I couldn't be a scientist. I'm no good in science."
    "Dobro, onda advokat - kao tata i sve."     "Well, a lawyer―like Daddy and all."
    "To i nije tako loše, mislim - ali ne privlači me", rekoh. "Mislim, nije loše kad bi samo išao naokolo i stalno spašavao živote nevinih ljudi i takve stvari, ali ne radiš tako nešto kad si advokat. U suštini, samo mlatiš pare, igraš golf, igraš bridž, kupuješ kola, piješ martinije i izigravaš glavnog dasu. I ostalo.     "Lawyers are all right, I guess―but it doesn't appeal to me," I said. "I mean they're all right if they go around saving innocent guys' lives all the time, and like that, but you don't do that kind of stuff if you're a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hot-shot. And besides.
    Čak i kad bi išao naokolo i spašavao nečije živote i sve, kako bi znao da li to radiš zato što stvarno želiš da spašavaš nečije živote, ili samo zato što ustvari želiš da ispadneš neviđen advokat, da te svi tapšu po ramenu i čestitaju ti u sudnici kada se prokleti proces završi, reporteri i svi, kao u idiotskim filmovima?     Even if you did go around saving guys' lives and all, how would you know if you did it because you really wanted to save guys' lives, or because you did it because what you really wanted to do was be a terrific lawyer, with everybody slapping you on the back and congratulating you in court when the goddam trial was over, the reporters and everybody, the way it is in the dirty movies?
    Kako bi znao da nisi dvoličan?     How would you know you weren't being a phony?
    U tome i jeste problem, što ne bi znao."     The trouble is, you wouldn't."
    Nisam baš sasvim siguran da je Feba znala o čemu uopšte govorim. Mislim, ona je ipak bila samo još dete i sve. Ali bar je slušala. Ako te neko sluša, to već nije tako loše.     I'm not too sure old Phoebe knew what the hell I was talking about. I mean she's only a little child and all. But she was listening, at least. If somebody at least listens, it's not too bad.
    "Tata će te ubiti. Ubiće te", rekla je.     "Daddy's going to kill you. He's going to kill you," she said.
    Ali nisam je slušao. Mislio sam na nešto drugo - nešto suludo. "Znaš li šta bih voleo da budem?" rekoh. "Znaš li šta bih voleo da budem? Mislim, kad bih imao neki prokleti izbor?"     I wasn't listening, though. I was thinking about something else―something crazy. "You know what I'd like to be?" I said. "You know what I'd like to be? I mean if I had my goddam choice?"
    "Šta? Prestani da psuješ."     "What? Stop swearing."
    "Znaš onu pesmu 'Ulovi li neko nekog dok kroz žito ide'? Voleo bih..."     "You know that song 'If a body catch a body comin' through the rye'? I'd like―"
    "To je 'Sretne li neko nekog dok kroz žito ide'!" rekla je Feba. "To je pesma. Od Roberta Bernsa."     "It's 'If a body meet a body coming through the rye'!" old Phoebe said. "It's a poem. By Robert Burns."
    "Znam da je to pesma Roberta Bernsa."     "I know it's a poem by Robert Burns."
    Ali bila je u pravu. To i jeste "Sretne li neko nekog dok kroz žito ide". Samo, tada to nisam znao.     She was right, though. It is "If a body meet a body coming through the rye." I didn't know it then, though.
    "Mislio sam da ide 'Ulovi li neko nekog' ", rekoh. "Svejedno, evo šta zamišljam - zamišljam neku decu koja se igraju na nekom velikom polju žita i sve. Na hiljade male dece, a nikog u blizini - nikog odraslog, mislim - osim mene. A ja stojim na rubu neke sulude litice.     "I thought it was 'If a body catch a body,'" I said. "Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around―nobody big, I mean―except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff.
    Šta treba da radim - treba da ulovim svakog ko se zaleti da padne sa te litice u provaliju - mislim, ako trče i ne gledaju kuda idu, treba da se pojavim odnekud i ulovim ih. To je sve što bih radio, po ceo dan.     What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff―I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day.
    Bio bih samo lovac u žitu. Znam da je suludo, ali to je jedino što bih stvarno voleo da budem. Znam da je suludo."     I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. I know it's crazy."

    Feba je dugo ćutala. A onda, kad je progovorila, sve što je rekla bilo je: "Tata će te ubiti."     Old Phoebe didn't say anything for a long time. Then, when she said something, all she said was, "Daddy's going to kill you."
    "Šta me briga ako to i učini", rekoh. Ustao sam sa kreveta jer sam hteo da uradim nešto - hteo sam da telefoniram tom tipu koji mi je bio nastavnik engleskog u Elkton Hilsu, g. Antoliniju.     "I don't give a damn if he does," I said. I got up from the bed then, because what I wanted to do, I wanted to phone up this guy that was my English teacher at Elkton Hills, Mr. Antolini.
    Znao sam da je prešao u Njujork. Napustio je Elkton Hils. Prihvatio je da predaje na njujorškom univerzitetu.     He lived in New York now. He quit Elkton Hills. He took this job teaching English at N.Y.U.
    "Moram da telefoniram", rekao sam Febi. "Odmah se vraćam.     "I have to make a phone call," I told Phoebe. "I'll be right back.
    Nemoj da zaspiš." Nisam hteo da zaspi dok sam u dnevnoj sobi. Znao sam da neće, ali ipak sam to rekao, za svaki slučaj. Dok sam išao ka vratima, Feba je rekla: "Holdene!" i ja se okrenuh.     Don't go to sleep." I didn't want her to go to sleep while I was in the living room. I knew she wouldn't but I said it anyway, just to make sure. While I was walking toward the door, old Phoebe said, "Holden!" and I turned around.
    Sedela je sasvim uspravno u krevetu. Tako je lepo izgledala. "Uzimam časove iz podrigivanja od jedne devojčice, Filis Margilis", rekla je. "Slušaj."     She was sitting way up in bed. She looked so pretty. "I'm taking belching lessons from this girl, Phyllis Margulies," she said. "Listen."
    Slušao sam i čuo nešto, ali nije bilo bogzna šta. "Dobro je", rekoh. Onda sam otišao u dnevnu sobu i pozvao tog nastavnika, g. Antolinija.     I listened, and I heard something, but it wasn't much. "Good," I said. Then I went out in the living room and called up this teacher I had, Mr. Antolini.

>> Chapter 23