The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D.Salinger

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

O piscu i delu

The Catcher in the Rye 

Chapter 4 

    4     4
    Nisam imao nekog naročitog posla, pa sam sišao do kupatila i pravio mu društvo dok se brijao. Bili smo jedini u kupatilu, jer su svi još bili na utakmici. Unutra je bilo pakleno vruće, a prozori potpuno zamagljeni. Tu je bilo desetak lavaboa, duž čitavog zida.     I DIDN’T HAVE anything special to do, so I went down to the can and chewed the rag with him while he was shaving. We were the only ones in the can, because everybody was still down at the game. It was hot as hell and the windows were all steamy. There were about ten washbowls, all right against the wall.
    Stredleter je stao ispred jednog u sredini. Seo sam na susedni lavabo i počeo da otvaram i zatvaram hladnu vodu - to mi je kao neka glupa navika, šta li.     Stradlater had the middle one. I sat down on the one right next to him and started turning the cold water on and off―this nervous habit I have.
    Stredleter je zviždao "Pesmu Indije" dok se brijao. Zviždao je vrlo prodorno, tako da nikad u suštini nije pogađao melodiju, a uvek je birao neku pesmu koja je teška za zviždanje, čak i za onog ko odlično zviždi, kao tu "Pesmu Indije" ili "Pokolj na Desetoj aveniji". Baš je umeo da upropasti pesmu.     Stradlater kept whistling "Song of India" while he shaved. He had one of those very piercing whistles that are practically never in tune, and he always picked out some song that's hard to whistle even if you're a good whistler, like "Song of India" or "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue." He could really mess a song up.
    Sećate se kad sam pomenuo da je Ekli vrlo aljkav tip? Eto, i Stredleter je bio takav, ali na drugi način. Stredleter je bio više potajno aljkav. Uvek je dobro izgledao, ali trebalo je, recimo, videti njegov brijač.     You remember I said before that Ackley was a slob in his personal habits? Well, so was Stradlater, but in a different way. Stradlater was more of a secret slob. He always looked all right, Stradlater, but for instance, you should've seen the razor he shaved himself with.
    Bio je sav zarđao i pun sapunice, dlaka i drugih gadosti. Nikad ga nije prao ili nešto. Uvek je dobro izgledao kad bi okončao doterivanje, ali je svejedno bio aljkav, to ja najbolje znam.     It was always rusty as hell and full of lather and hairs and crap. He never cleaned it or anything. He always looked good when he was finished fixing himself up, but he was a secret slob anyway, if you knew him the way I did.
    Doterivao se da dobro izgleda zato što je bio ludo zaljubljen u sebe. Smatrao je da je najzgodniji tip na zapadnoj hemisferi.     The reason he fixed himself up to look good was because he was madly in love with himself. He thought he was the handsomest guy in the Western Hemisphere.
    On jeste bio zgodan tip - priznajem. Ali bio je u suštini od onih lepotana za koje vaši roditelji, kad vide njihovu sliku u školskom almanahu, odmah pitaju: "Ko je ovaj mladić?" Mislim, bio je tip lepotana kakav se viđa u almanahu.     He was pretty handsome, too―I'll admit it. But he was mostly the kind of a handsome guy that if your parents saw his picture in your Year Book, they'd right away say, "Who's this boy?" I mean he was mostly a Year Book kind of handsome guy.
    U Pensiju je bilo mnogo likova koji su po meni mnogo bolje izgledali od Stredletera, ali oni ne bi lepo izgledali da im vidiš slike u almanahu. Izgledali bi kao da imaju velike noseve ili klempave uši. Često sam se u to uverio.     I knew a lot of guys at Pencey I thought were a lot handsomer than Stradlater, but they wouldn't look handsome if you saw their pictures in the Year Book. They'd look like they had big noses or their ears stuck out. I've had that experience frequently.
    Sve u svemu, sedeo sam na lavabou pored kojeg se Stredleter brijao i otvarao sam kao vodu i zatvarao je. Još sam imao onu crvenu lovačku kapu na glavi, sa štitnikom naopako i sve. Baš sam se zaludeo za nju.     Anyway, I was sitting on the washbowl next to where Stradlater was shaving, sort of turning the water on and off. I still had my red hunting hat on, with the peak around to the back and all. I really got a bang out of that hat.
    "Ej", reče Stredleter. "Hoćeš li da mi učiniš jednu veliku uslugu?"     "Hey," Stradlater said. "Wanna do me a big favor?"
    "Šta?" rekoh. Nisam bio posebno oduševljen. Uvek je tražio da mu učiniš neku veliku uslugu.     "What?" I said. Not too enthusiastic. He was always asking you to do him a big favor.
    Uzmimo tako nekog lepotana, ili tipa koji misli da je glavni dasa - takvi će uvek tražiti da im učiniš neku veliku uslugu. Samo zato što oni luduju za sobom, misle da si i ti lud za njima i da jedva čekaš da im učiniš uslugu.     You take a very handsome guy, or a guy that thinks he's a real hot-shot, and they're always asking you to do them a big favor. Just because they're crazy about themself, they think you're crazy about them, too, and that you're just dying to do them a favor.
    Komično je to, u neku ruku.     It's sort of funny, in a way.
    "Izlaziš li večeras?" rekao je.     "You goin' out tonight?" he said.
    "Možda. Možda i neću. Ne znam. Zašto?"     "I might. I might not. I don't know. Why?"
    "Treba da pročitam oko sto stranica istorije za ponedeljak", rekao je. "Kako bi bilo da mi napišeš sastav iz engleskog? Moram da ga predam u ponedeljak, zato te i pitam. Šta kažeš, a?"     "I got about a hundred pages to read for history for Monday," he said. "How 'bout writing a composition for me, for English? I'll be up the creek if I don't get the goddam thing in by Monday, the reason I ask. How 'bout it?"
    To je stvarno bila ironija. Najozbiljnije.     It was very ironical. It really was.
    "Ja sam taj koga izbacuju iz proklete škole, a ti od mene tražiš da ti napišem prokleti sastav", rekoh.     "I'm the one that's flunking out of the goddam place, and you're asking me to write you a goddam composition," I said.
    "Aha, znam. Ali problem je što moram da ga predam u ponedeljak. Budi drug. Budi drugarčina. Važi?"     "Yeah, I know. The thing is, though, I'll be up the creek if I don't get it in. Be a buddy. Be a buddyroo. Okay?"
    Nisam mu odmah odgovorio. Neke skotove kao što je Stredleter treba ponekad držati u neizvesnosti.     I didn't answer him right away. Suspense is good for some bastards like Stradlater.
    "O čemu?" rekoh.     "What on?" I said.
    "O bilo čemu. Bilo kakav opis. Soba. Ili kuća. Ili nešto gde si nekad živeo - znaš već. Samo da je neki žešći opis." Zevnuo je iz sve snage dok je to govorio.     "Anything. Anything descriptive. A room. Or a house. Or something you once lived in or something― you know. Just as long as it's descriptive as hell." He gave out a big yawn while he said that.
    Muka mi pripadne od takvih stvari. Mislim, kad neko zeva baš kad traži da mu učiniš neku prokletu uslugu.     Which is something that gives me a royal pain in the ass. I mean if somebody yawns right while they're asking you to do them a goddam favor.
    "Nemoj samo previše dobro da ga napišeš", rekao je. "Onaj kreten Hercel misli da si genije za engleski, a dobro zna da smo u istoj sobi. Zato bolje da ne staviš sve zareze i ostalo tamo gde bi trebalo."     "Just don't do it too good, is all," he said. "That sonuvabitch Hartzell thinks you're a hot-shot in English, and he knows you're my roommate. So I mean don't stick all the commas and stuff in the right place."
    To je još nešto od čega mi se obavezno smuči. Mislim, kad dobro pišeš sastave, a neko počne da ti priča o zarezima.     That's something else that gives me a royal pain. I mean if you're good at writing compositions and somebody starts talking about commas.
    Stredleter je uvek radio takve stvari. Hteo je da pomisliš kako je jedini razlog što on piše bezvezne sastave to što stavlja sve zareze na pogrešna mesta.     Stradlater was always doing that. He wanted you to think that the only reason he was lousy at writing compositions was because he stuck all the commas in the wrong place.
    U tome je pomalo ličio na Eklija. Sedeo sam jednom pored Eklija na košarkaškoj utakmici.     He was a little bit like Ackley, that way. I once sat next to Ackley at this basketball game.
    Imali smo suludog tipa u ekipi, Hauvija Kojla, koji je znao da ubaci s pola terena, bez da pipne tablu ili nešto. Ekli je stalno ponavljao, u toku čitavog prokletog meča, da je Kojl savršeno građen za košarku. Ljudi moji, kako mrzim takve stvari.     We had a terrific guy on the team, Howie Coyle, that could sink them from the middle of the floor, without even touching the backboard or anything. Ackley kept saying, the whole goddam game, that Coyle had a perfect build for basketball. God, how I hate that stuff.

    Na kraju mi je dosadilo da sedim na tom lavabou, pa sam se odmakao dva-tri koraka i počeo da stepujem, tek onako, iz zezanja. Ne znam u stvari da stepujem ili nešto, ali u kupatilu je bio kameni pod, idealan za stepovanje.     I got bored sitting on that washbowl after a while, so I backed up a few feet and started doing this tap dance, just for the hell of it. I was just amusing myself. I can't really tap-dance or anything, but it was a stone floor in the can, and it was good for tap-dancing.
    Počeo sam da imitiram nekoga sa filma. Iz nekog mjuzikla. Muka mi je od filmova, ali volim da imitiram te stvari.     I started imitating one of those guys in the movies. In one of those musicals. I hate the movies like poison, but I get a bang imitating them.
    Stredleter me posmatrao u ogledalu dok se brijao. Dajte mi samo publiku. Živi sam egzibicionista. "Ko sam ja? Ja sam mali guvernerov sin", rekoh. Odlepio sam. Stepovao sam po čitavom kupatilu.     Old Stradlater watched me in the mirror while he was shaving. All I need's an audience. I'm an exhibitionist. "I'm the goddam Governor's son," I said. I was knocking myself out. Tap-dancing all over the place.
    "Tata mi brani da stepujem. Tera me u Oksford. Ali nema šanse, step mi je u krvi." Stari Stredleter se smejao. Nije imao loš smisao za humor. "Večeras je premijera Zigfeldovih ludorija." Gubio sam dah. Teško da ga uopšte imam.     "He doesn't want me to be a tap dancer. He wants me to go to Oxford. But it's in my goddam blood, tap-dancing." Old Stradlater laughed. He didn't have too bad a sense of humor. "It's the opening night of the Ziegfeld Follies." I was getting out of breath. I have hardly any wind at all.
    "Zvezda programa ne može da nastupi. Pijan je kao mazga. Ko će ga zameniti? Ja, eto ko. Prokleti mali guvernerov sin."     "The leading man can't go on. He's drunk as a bastard. So who do they get to take his place? Me, that's who. The little ole goddam Governor's son."
    "Gde si nabacio tu kapu?" reče Stredleter. Mislio je na moju lovačku kapu. Tek tada je primetio.     "Where'dja get that hat?" Stradlater said. He meant my hunting hat. He'd never seen it before.
    Prestao sam da se glupiram, ionako sam već izgubio dah. Skinuo sam kapu i pogledao je, jedno devedeseti put. "Uzeo sam je jutros u Njujorku. Za dolar. Sviđa ti se?"     I was out of breath anyway, so I quit horsing around. I took off my hat and looked at it for about the ninetieth time. "I got it in New York this morning. For a buck. Ya like it?"
    Klimnuo je glavom. "Moćna je." Samo mi je laskao, u suštini, jer je odmah dodao: "Slušaj, hoćeš li da mi napišeš taj sastav? Moram da znam."     Stradlater nodded. "Sharp," he said. He was only flattering me, though, because right away he said, "Listen. Are ya gonna write that composition for me? I have to know."
    "Ako stignem - hoću, ako ne stignem - neću", rekoh. Prišao sam i ponovo seo na lavabo pored njega. "S kojom izlaziš? S Ficdžeraldovom?"     "If I get the time, I will. If I don't, I won't," I said. I went over and sat down at the washbowl next to him again. "Who's your date?" I asked him. "Fitzgerald?"
    "Ni u ludilu! Otkačio sam tu prasicu, rekao sam ti već."     "Hell, no! I told ya. I'm through with that pig."
    "Je l'? Daj je onda meni. Bez zezanja. Ona je moj tip."     "Yeah? Give her to me, boy. No kidding. She's my type."
    "Uzmi je... ali matora je za tebe."     "Take her ... She's too old for you."
    Iznenada - bez ikakvog razloga u suštini, osim što sam bio nekako raspoložen za glupiranje - došlo mi je da skočim s lavaboa i dočepam Stredletera u polunelson. To je rvački zahvat, ukoliko niste znali, kad nekome stegneš kragnu i daviš ga do smrti, ako ti je baš stalo.     All of a sudden―for no good reason, really, except that I was sort of in the mood for horsing around―I felt like jumping off the washbowl and getting old Stradlater in a half nelson. That's a wrestling hold, in case you don't know, where you get the other guy around the neck and choke him to death, if you feel like it.
    I skočio sam. Bacio sam se na njega kao prokleti panter.     So I did it. I landed on him like a goddam panther.
    "Prekini, Holdene", rekao je Stredleter. Njemu nije bilo do zezanja. Brijao se i sve. "Šta hoćeš - da otfikarim prokletu glavu ili nešto?"     "Cut it out, Holden, for Chrissake!" Stradlater said. He didn't feel like horsing around. He was shaving and all. "Wuddaya wanna make me do―cut my goddam head off?"
    Ali nisam ga pustio. Pošteno sam primenio taj polunelson na njemu. "Oslobodi se iz moje mengele", rekoh.     I didn't let go, though. I had a pretty good half nelson on him. "Liberate yourself from my viselike grip." I said.
    "Isuse Hriste!" Spustio je brijač, naglo trgnuo rukama i nekako razbio moj zahvat. On je veoma snažan tip. Ja sam veoma slab tip. "A sad dosta tih gluposti!" rekao je.     "Je-sus Christ." He put down his razor, and all of a sudden jerked his arms up and sort of broke my hold on him. He was a very strong guy. I'm a very weak guy. "Now, cut out the crap," he said.
    Nastavio je da se brije, sve ispočetka. Uvek se dvaput brijao, da bi čarobno izgledao. Tim govnjivim brijačem.     He started shaving himself all over again. He always shaved himself twice, to look gorgeous. With his crumby old razor.
    "S kojom imaš sudar ako nije Ficdžeraldova?" upitah. Ponovo sam seo na lavabo pored njega. "Sa onom malom Filis Smit?"     "Who is your date if it isn't Fitzgerald?" I asked him. I sat down on the washbowl next to him again. "That Phyllis Smith babe?"
    "Ne. Trebalo je, ali propali su nam neki dogovori. Sad sam odvojio cimerku Bad Touve devojke... Ej, zaboravio sam da ti kažem. Ona te zna."     "No. It was supposed to be, but the arrangements got all screwed up. I got Bud Thaw's girl's roommate now ... Hey. I almost forgot. She knows you."
    "Ko to?" rekoh.     "Who does?" I said.
    "Moja riba."     "My date."
    "Je l'?" rekoh. "Kako se zove?" Baš me zainteresovalo.     "Yeah?" I said. "What's her name?" I was pretty interested.
    "Samo da se setim... Aha. Džin Galager."     "I'm thinking ... Uh. Jean Gallagher."
    Ljudi moji, samo što nisam pao mrtav kad sam ga čuo.     Boy, I nearly dropped dead when he said that.
    "Džejn Galager", rekoh. Čak sam se digao s lavaboa kad sam ga čuo. Samo što nisam pao mrtav, kunem se. "Naravno da je znam.     "Jane Gallagher," I said. I even got up from the washbowl when he said that. I damn near dropped dead. "You're damn right I know her.
    U suštini, živeli smo vrata do vrata pretprošlog leta. Imala je tog ogromnog pinč-dobermana. Tako sam je i upoznao. Njen ker je stalno zalazio u naše..."     She practically lived right next door to me, the summer before last. She had this big damn Doberman pinscher. That's how I met her. Her dog used to keep coming over in our―"
    "Stojiš mi na svetlu, Holdene", rekao je Stredleter. "Moraš li baš tu da stojiš?"     "You're right in my light, Holden, for Chrissake," Stradlater said. "Ya have to stand right there?"
    Ljudi moji, kako sam se uzbudio. Bez zezanja.     Boy, was I excited, though. I really was.
    "Gde je ona?" upitah. "Trebalo bi da siđem i pozdravim je ili nešto. Gde je? U aneksu?"     "Where is she?" I asked him. "I oughta go down and say hello to her or something. Where is she? In the Annex?"

    "Aha."     "Yeah."
    "Kako to da me spomenula? Gde ide, u B. M.? Govorila je da će možda tamo. Govorila je i da će možda u Šipli. Kako to da me spomenula?" Baš sam se uzbudio. Najozbiljnije.     "How'd she happen to mention me? Does she go to B.M. now? She said she might go there. She said she might go to Shipley, too. I thought she went to Shipley. How'd she happen to mention me?" I was pretty excited. I really was.
    "Isuse, otkud bih ja znao? Diži se, hoćeš li? Sediš mi na peškiru", rekao je Stredleter. Sedeo sam na njegovom idiotskom peškiru.     "I don't know, for Chrissake. Lift up, willya? You're on my towel," Stradlater said. I was sitting on his stupid towel.
    "Džejn Galager", rekoh. Nikako da dođem sebi. "Isuse Hriste."     "Jane Gallagher," I said. I couldn't get over it. "Jesus H. Christ."
    Stari Stredleter je mazao kosu briljantinom. Mojim briljantinom.     Old Stradlater was putting Vitalis on his hair. My Vitalis.
    "Ona je igračica", rekoh. "Balet i ostalo.     "She's a dancer," I said. "Ballet and all.
    Vežbala je po dva sata svakog dana, po najgoroj vrućini i svemu. Bojala se samo da joj to ne pokvari noge - da postanu onako mišićave, znaš. Stalno sam s njom igrao čekers."     She used to practice about two hours every day, right in the middle of the hottest weather and all. She was worried that it might make her legs lousy―all thick and all. I used to play checkers with her all the time."
    "Šta si stalno igrao s njom?"     "You used to play what with her all the time?"
    "Čekers."     "Checkers."
    "Čekers, Isuse!"     "Checkers, for Chrissake!"
    "Aha. Ona nikad nije pomerala svoje kraljeve. Šta je radila - kad god dobije kralja, nije ga pomerala. Samo bi ga ostavila u zadnjem redu.     "Yeah. She wouldn't move any of her kings. What she'd do, when she'd get a king, she wouldn't move it. She'd just leave it in the back row.
    Sve svoje kraljeve postrojila bi u zadnjem redu. Nikad nije igrala s njima. Jednostavno joj se sviđalo kako izgledaju kad su svi zajedno u zadnjem redu."     She'd get them all lined up in the back row. Then she'd never use them. She just liked the way they looked when they were all in the back row."
    Stredleter je ćutao. Mnoge ljude uopšte ne interesuju takve stvari.     Stradlater didn't say anything. That kind of stuff doesn't interest most people.
    "Njena majka je bila u istom klubu kao i mi", rekoh. "Ponekad sam igračima nosio pribor za golf, da zaradim nešto. Nosio sam i njenoj majci nekoliko puta. Trebalo joj je oko sto sedamdeset udaraca za devet rupa."     "Her mother belonged to the same club we did," I said. "I used to caddy once in a while, just to make some dough. I caddy'd for her mother a couple of times. She went around in about a hundred and seventy, for nine holes."
    Stredleter jedva da je slušao. Češljao je svoje čarobne uvojke.     Stradlater wasn't hardly listening. He was combing his gorgeous locks.
    "Trebalo bi da siđem, bar da je pozdravim", rekoh.     "I oughta go down and at least say hello to her," I said.
    "Pa što ne odeš?"     "Why don'tcha?"
    "Evo sad ću, za minut."     "I will, in a minute."
    Ponovo je počeo da pravi razdeljak. Trebalo mu je jedno sat vremena da se očešlja.     He started parting his hair all over again. It took him about an hour to comb his hair.
    "Njeni su se razveli. Majka joj se preudala za nekog alkosa", rekoh. "Za nekog mršavog tipa sa dlakavim nogama. Sećam ga se.     "Her mother and father were divorced. Her mother was married again to some booze hound," I said. "Skinny guy with hairy legs. I remember him.
    Stalno je šetao u gaćama. Džejn mi je rekla da je on navodno neki dramski pisac ili nešto, ali sve što sam ja video bilo je kako loče i sluša svaku prokletu emisiju krimi-drama na radiju. I kako jurca go-golcat po prokletoj kući. Onako pred Džejn i sve."     He wore shorts all the time. Jane said he was supposed to be a playwright or some goddam thing, but all I ever saw him do was booze all the time and listen to every single goddam mystery program on the radio. And run around the goddam house, naked. With Jane around, and all."
    "Je l'?" reče Stredleter. To ga je već zainteresovalo. Kako alkos jurca go-golcat po kući, i to pred Džejn. Stredleter je bio krajnje seksualno nastrojen skot.     "Yeah?" Stradlater said. That really interested him. About the booze hound running around the house naked, with Jane around. Stradlater was a very sexy bastard.
    "Imala je bezvezno detinjstvo, najozbiljnije."     "She had a lousy childhood. I'm not kidding."
    To ga već nije interesovalo. Interesovao ga je samo neki žešći seks ili nešto.     That didn't interest Stradlater, though. Only very sexy stuff interested him.
    "Džejn Galager. Isuse." Nikako mi nije izlazila iz glave. Baš nikako. "Trebalo bi da siđem, bar da je pozdravim."     "Jane Gallagher. Jesus." I couldn't get her off my mind. I really couldn't. "I oughta go down and say hello to her, at least."
    "Zašto, kog đavola, ne odeš, umesto što to stalno ponavljaš?" reče Stredleter.     "Why the hell don'tcha, instead of keep saying it?" Stradlater said.
    Prišao sam prozoru, ali ništa se nije videlo kroz njega jer je bio sav zamagljen od pare u kupatilu. "Nisam trenutno raspoložen", rekoh. I nisam bio. Treba biti posebno raspoložen za takve stvari.     I walked over to the window, but you couldn't see out of it, it was so steamy from all the heat in the can. "I'm not in the mood right now," I said. I wasn't, either. You have to be in the mood for those things.
    "Mislio sam da je otišla u Šipli. Ubeđen sam bio da je otišla u Šipli." Hodao sam malo po kupatilu. Nisam imao šta drugo da radim. "Je l' joj se dopala utakmica?"     "I thought she went to Shipley. I could've sworn she went to Shipley." I walked around the can for a little while. I didn't have anything else to do. "Did she enjoy the game?" I said.
    "Aha, mislim. Ne znam."     "Yeah, I guess so. I don't know."
    "Je l' ti rekla da smo stalno igrali čekers ili nešto?"     "Did she tell you we used to play checkers all the time, or anything?"

    "Ne znam. Isuse, tek sam je upoznao", reče Stredleter. Konačno je očešljao svoju čarobnu kosu. Sklanjao je svoj govnjivi toaletni pribor.     "I don't know. For Chrissake, I only just met her," Stradlater said. He was finished combing his goddam gorgeous hair. He was putting away all his crumby toilet articles.
    "Slušaj. Pozdravi je od mene, hoćeš?"     "Listen. Give her my regards, willya?"
    "Važi", reče Stredleter, ali znao sam da verovatno neće. Uzmite tako nekog tipa kao što je Stredleter, takvi nikad ne prenose vaše pozdrave drugima.     "Okay," Stradlater said, but I knew he probably wouldn't. You take a guy like Stradlater, they never give your regards to people.
    Vratio se u sobu, a ja ostao još malo u kupatilu, razmišljajući o staroj Džejn. Onda sam se i ja vratio u sobu.     He went back to the room, but I stuck around in the can for a while, thinking about old Jane. Then I went back to the room, too.
    Stredleter je vezivao kravatu pred ogledalom kad sam ušao. Provodio je pola života pred ogledalom, ako ne i više. Seo sam u fotelju i malo ga kao posmatrao.     Stradlater was putting on his tie, in front of the mirror, when I got there. He spent around half his goddam life in front of the mirror. I sat down in my chair and sort of watched him for a while.
    "Ej", rekoh. "Nemoj da joj kažeš da su me izbacili."     "Hey," I said. "Don't tell her I got kicked out, willya?"
    "Važi."     "Okay."
    To je bila dobra stvar kod Stredletera. Nisi morao da mu objašnjavaš svaku prokletu sitnicu, kao Ekliju. Uglavnom, mislim, zato što nije bio preterano zainteresovan.     That was one good thing about Stradlater. You didn't have to explain every goddam little thing with him, the way you had to do with Ackley. Mostly, I guess, because he wasn't too interested.
    Baš zato. S Eklijem je bilo drukčije. Taj skot je svuda zabadao nos.     That's really why. Ackley, it was different. Ackley was a very nosy bastard.
    Obukao je moj karirani sako.     He put on my hound's-tooth jacket.
    "Isuse, potrudi se da ga ne razvučeš preko čitave sobe", rekoh. Obukao sam ga možda dvaput pre toga.     "Jesus, now, try not to stretch it all over the place" I said. I'd only worn it about twice.
    "Ne brini. Gde su, kog đavola, moje cigarete?"     "I won't. Where the hell's my cigarettes?"
    "Na stolu." Nikad nije znao gde je šta ostavio. "Ispod tvog šala." Gurnuo ih je u džep sakoa - u džep mog sakoa.     "On the desk." He never knew where he left anything. "Under your muffler." He put them in his coat pocket―my coat pocket.
    Najednom sam okrenuo štitnik one lovačke kape napred, za promenu. Najednom je počela da me hvata kao neka nervoza. Ja sam prilično nervozan tip. "Slušaj, gde ćeš da je vodiš?" upitah ga. "Znaš li gde ćeš?"     I pulled the peak of my hunting hat around to the front all of a sudden, for a change. I was getting sort of nervous, all of a sudden. I'm quite a nervous guy. "Listen, where ya going on your date with her?" I asked him. "Ya know yet?"
    "Ne znam. U Njujork, ako stignemo. Uzela je izlaz samo do pola deset, Isuse."     "I don't know. New York, if we have time. She only signed out for nine-thirty, for Chrissake."
    Nije mi se dopao način na koji je to izgovorio, pa mu rekoh: "Verovatno nije znala koliko si neodoljiv i šarmantan. Da je znala, verovatno bi uzela izlaz do pola deset ujutru."     I didn't like the way he said it, so I said, "The reason she did that, she probably just didn't know what a handsome, charming bastard you are. If she'd known, she probably would've signed out for nine-thirty in the morning."
    "Živa istina", reče Stredleter. Teško je bilo uzdrmati ga. Bio je suviše umišljen. "Nego, pustimo sad zezanje.     "Goddam right," Stradlater said. You couldn't rile him too easily. He was too conceited. "No kidding, now.
    Uradi mi taj sastav", rekao je. Obukao je kaput i bio spreman da krene. "Ne moraš nešto da se polomiš oko toga, samo neka bude žešće opisno. Važi?"     Do that composition for me," he said. He had his coat on, and he was all ready to go. "Don't knock yourself out or anything, but just make it descriptive as hell. Okay?"
    Nisam mu odgovorio. Nije mi bilo do toga. Samo sam rekao: "Pitaj je da li još drži sve kraljeve u zadnjem redu."     I didn't answer him. I didn't feel like it. All I said was, "Ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row."
    "Važi", rekao je Stredleter, ali znao sam da neće. "Uživaj." Izleteo je iz sobe, tresnuvši vratima.     "Okay," Stradlater said, but I knew he wouldn't. "Take it easy, now." He banged the hell out of the room.
    Ostao sam da sedim još nekih pola sata pošto je otišao. Mislim, samo sam sedeo u fotelji, ništa nisam radio.     I sat there for about a half hour after he left. I mean I just sat in my chair, not doing anything.
    Stalno sam mislio na Džejn i kako Stredleter ima sudar sa njom i sve. Takva me nervoza spopala od toga da sam gotovo poludeo. Rekao sam vam već koliko je taj skot Stredleter bio opsednut seksom.     I kept thinking about Jane, and about Stradlater having a date with her and all. It made me so nervous I nearly went crazy. I already told you what a sexy bastard Stradlater was.
    Iznenada, Ekli je opet upao u sobu, kroz proklete zavese oko tuša, naravno. Prvi put u mom idiotskom životu bilo mi je istinski drago što ga vidim.     All of a sudden, Ackley barged back in again, through the damn shower curtains, as usual. For once in my stupid life, I was really glad to see him.
    Skrenuo mi je misli na drugu stranu.     He took my mind off the other stuff.
    Muvao se po sobi sve negde do večere, pričajući o svim tipovima koje ne podnosi u Pensiju, cedeći usput ogromnu bubuljicu na bradi.     He stuck around till around dinnertime, talking about all the guys at Pencey that he hated their guts, and squeezing this big pimple on his chin. He didn't even use his handkerchief.
    Nije se čak ni poslužio maramicom. U svakom slučaju, nikad ga nisam video da je upotrebljava.     I don't even think the bastard had a handkerchief, if you want to know the truth. I never saw him use one, anyway.

>> Chapter 5