The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D.Salinger

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

O piscu i delu

The Catcher in the Rye 

Chapter 9 

    9     9
    Kad sam izašao na stanici Pensilvanija, otišao sam pravo u telefonsku govornicu. Došlo mi je bilo da se javim nekom. Ostavio sam kofere ispred govornice, tako da mogu da ih vidim, ali kad sam se našao unutra, nisam mogao da smislim kome da se javim. Moj brat D. B. bio je u Holivudu.     THE FIRST THING I did when I got off at Penn Station, I went into this phone booth. I felt like giving somebody a buzz. I left my bags right outside the booth so that I could watch them, but as soon as I was inside, I couldn't think of anybody to call up. My brother D.B. was in Hollywood.
    Moja mala sestra Feba ide na spavanje oko devet - nisam ni nju mogao da okrenem. Ona se ne bi bunila kad bih je probudio, ali problem je bio što ne bi ona bila ta koja bi se javila.     My kid sister Phoebe goes to bed around nine o'clock―so I couldn't call her up. She wouldn't've cared if I'd woke her up, but the trouble was, she wouldn't've been the one that answered the phone.
    Bili bi to moji roditelji. Tako je i to otpalo. Onda sam pomislio da okrenem majku Džejn Galager i saznam kada Džejn dolazi za raspust, ali nisam bio nešto raspoložen za to.     My parents would be the ones. So that was out. Then I thought of giving Jane Gallagher's mother a buzz, and find out when Jane's vacation started, but I didn't feel like it.
    Osim toga, bilo je već prilično kasno za telefoniranje.     Besides, it was pretty late to call up.
    Onda mi je palo na pamet da okrenem jednu devojku s kojom sam inače često izlazio, Sali Hejs, jer sam znao da je njen božični raspust već počeo - napisala mi je neko dugačko, isfolirano pismo i pozvala me da dođem kod nje i pomognem joj da okiti jelku za Božić i sve - ali bojao sam se da se ne javi njena majka.     Then I thought of calling this girl I used to go around with quite frequently, Sally Hayes, because I knew her Christmas vacation had started already―she'd written me this long, phony letter, inviting me over to help her trim the Christmas tree Christmas Eve and all―but I was afraid her mother'd answer the phone.
    Njena majka je znala moju majku i lepo sam mogao da zamislim kako bi se polomila da joj pod hitno telefonira kako sam ja u Njujorku. Osim toga, nisam baš bio zaluđen za neki razgovor sa starom gđom Hejs.     Her mother knew my mother, and I could picture her breaking a goddam leg to get to the phone and tell my mother I was in New York. Besides, I wasn't crazy about talking to old Mrs. Hayes on the phone.
    Jednom je rekla Sali da sam divalj. Rekla je da sam divalj i da nemam nikakvog cilja u životu.     She once told Sally I was wild. She said I was wild and that I had no direction in life.
    Onda sam pomislio da okrenem jednog tipa koga sam upoznao u školi u Hutonu, Karla Ljusa, ali nisam ga nešto obožavao. I tako, nisam na kraju nikoga okrenuo. Izašao sam iz govornice posle jedno dvadeset minuta, pokupio kofere, otišao do onog tunela gde je taksi-stanica i uzeo taksi.     Then I thought of calling up this guy that went to the Whooton School when I was there, Carl Luce, but I didn't like him much. So I ended up not calling anybody. I came out of the booth, after about twenty minutes or so, and got my bags and walked over to that tunnel where the cabs are and got a cab.
    Toliko sam prokleto rasejan da sam taksisti dao svoju pravu adresu, onako iz navike i sve - mislim, totalno sam zaboravio da sam krenuo da se smestim u neki hotel na dva-tri dana i ne odem kući dok ne počne raspust. Nisam ni mislio na to dok nismo stigli negde do polovine parka.     I'm so damn absent-minded, I gave the driver my regular address, just out of habit and all―I mean I completely forgot I was going to shack up in a hotel for a couple of days and not go home till vacation started. I didn't think of it till we were halfway through the park.
    Onda sam rekao: "Ej, da li biste hteli da okrenete kad vam bude zgodno? Dao sam vam pogrešnu adresu. Hoću da se vratim natrag u centar."     Then I said, "Hey, do you mind turning around when you get a chance? I gave you the wrong address. I want to go back downtown."
    Taksista je bio neki pametnjaković. "Ne mogu da okrenem ovde, šefe. Ovo je jedan smer. Moraću da vozim skroz do Devedesete ulice."     The driver was sort of a wise guy. "I can't turn around here, Mac. This here's a one-way. I'll have to go all the way to Ninedieth Street now."
    Nisam hteo da se prepirem s njim. "Dobro", rekoh. Onda mi je, najednom, nešto palo na pamet. "Ej, da vas pitam nešto", rekoh.     I didn't want to start an argument. "Okay," I said. Then I thought of something, all of a sudden. "Hey, listen," I said.
    "Znate li one patke u laguni na južnom delu Central-parka? U onom jezercetu?     "You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake?
    Znate li slučajno kuda odlaze, te patke, kad se voda skroz zaledi? Da ne znate možda, kojim slučajem?" Shvatio sam odmah da su šanse jedan prema milion.     By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over? Do you happen to know, by any chance?" I realized it was only one chance in a million.
    Okrenuo se i pogledao me kao da sam umobolan. "Šta ti hoćeš, šefe? Da me zavitlavaš?"     He turned around and looked at me like I was a madman. "What're ya tryna do, bud?" he said. "Kid me?"
    "Ma ne - samo me zanimalo."     "No―I was just interested, that's all."
    Ništa više nije rekao, pa nisam ni ja. Sve dok nismo izašli iz parka na Devedesetu ulicu. Onda je rekao: "U redu, šefe. Kuda ćeš?"     He didn't say anything more, so I didn't either. Until we came out of the park at Ninetieth Street. Then he said, "All right, buddy. Where to?"
    "Pa eto, stvar je u tome što ne bih želeo da odsednem u nekom hotelu na Istočnoj strani gde bih mogao da naletim na nekog poznatog. Putujem inkognito", rekoh.     "Well, the thing is, I don't want to stay at any hotels on the East Side where I might run into some acquaintances of mine. I'm traveling incognito," I said.
    Mrzim takve kulovske izraze kao 'putujem inkognito'. Ali kada sam sa nekim kulovom, i ja se ponašam kulovski. "Da ne znate slučajno koji orkestar svira u 'Taftu' ili 'Njujorkeru'?"     I hate saying corny things like "traveling incognito." But when I'm with somebody that's corny, I always act corny too. "Do you happen to know whose band's at the Taft or the New Yorker, by any chance?"
    "Pojma nemam, šefe."     "No idear, Mac."
    "Dobro - odbacite me onda do 'Edmonta'", rekoh. "Jeste li raspoloženi da stanete usput i popijete neki koktel sa mnom? Na moj račun."     "Well―take me to the Edmont then," I said. "Would you care to stop on the way and join me for a cocktail? On me. I'm loaded."
    "Ne mogu, šefe. Žao mi je." Bio je očigledno idealan lik za društvo. Izuzetna faca.     "Can't do it, Mac. Sorry." He certainly was good company. Terrific personality.
    Stigli smo do hotela 'Edmont', pa sam uzeo sobu. Još u taksiju sam stavio onu crvenu lovačku kapu, onako iz zezanja, ali sam je skinuo pred ulazom u hotel. Nisam hteo da izgledam otkačeno ili nešto.     We got to the Edmont Hotel, and I checked in. I'd put on my red hunting cap when I was in the cab, just for the hell of it, but I took it off before I checked in. I didn't want to look like a screwball or something.
    Što je stvarno ironija. Tada još nisam znao da je prokleti hotel prepun perverznjaka i degenerika.     Which is really ironic. I didn't know then that the goddam hotel was full of perverts and morons. Screwballs all over the place.
    Dali su mi neku odvratnu sobu, kroz prozor se ništa nije videlo osim druge strane hotela. Nije mi bilo bitno.     They gave me this very crumby room, with nothing to look out of the window at except the other side of the hotel. I didn't care much.
    Bio sam suviše potišten da bih mario imam li lep pogled ili ga nemam. Hotelski momak koji me odveo do sobe bio je neki vrlo mator tip, od oko šezdeset pet godina. Bio je čak depresivniji od same sobe.     I was too depressed to care whether I had a good view or not. The bellboy that showed me to the room was this very old guy around sixty-five. He was even more depressing than the room was.
    Jedan od onih ćelavih tipova što češljaju svu preostalu kosu s jedne strane na drugu, da bi prekrili ćelu. Radije bih bio ćelav nego da to radim.     He was one of those bald guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness. I'd rather be bald than do that.
    Sve u svemu, čaroban posao za tipa starog šezdeset pet godina. Da nosi ljudima kofere i muva se naokolo, čekajući da mu daju napojnicu.     Anyway, what a gorgeous job for a guy around sixty-five years old. Carrying people's suitcases and waiting around for a tip. I suppose he wasn't too intelligent or anything, but it was terrible anyway.

    Pretpostavljam da nije bio osobito inteligentan ili nešto, ali svejedno je bilo surovo. Kad je otišao, gledao sam neko vreme kroz prozor, onako u kaputu i sve. Nisam imao šta drugo da radim. Iznenadili biste se šta se dešavalo na drugoj strani hotela.     After he left, I looked out the window for a while, with my coat on and all. I didn't have anything else to do. You'd be surprised what was going on on the other side of the hotel.
    Nisu se čak ni potrudili da spuste roletne. Video sam jednog tipa, sedog, vrlo uglađenog tipa, samo u gaćama, kako radi nešto što mi ne biste verovali kad bih vam ispričao. Prvo je spustio kofer na krevet.     They didn't even bother to pull their shades down. I saw one guy, a gray-haired, very d​i​s​t​i​n​g​u​i​s​h​e​d​-​l​o​o​k​i​n​g​ guy with only his shorts on, do something you wouldn't believe me if I told you. First he put his suitcase on the bed.
    Onda je povadio raznoraznu žensku odeću iz njega i obukao sve to. Pravu pravcatu žensku odeću - svilene čarape, cipele sa visokom štiklom, prsluče i jedan od onih korseta s onim halterima što vise i sve.     Then he took out all these women's clothes, and put them on. Real women's clothes―silk stockings, high-heeled shoes, brassiere, and one of those corsets with the straps hanging down and all.
    Onda je navukao neku vrlo tesnu crnu večernju haljinu. Kunem se. Zatim je počeo da šetka gore-dole po sobi, sve onako sitnim koracima kao žena, pušeći cigaretu i gledajući se u ogledalu.     Then he put on this very tight black evening dress. I swear to God. Then he started walking up and down the room, taking these very small steps, the way a woman does, and smoking a cigarette and looking at himself in the mirror.
    Bio je inače sasvim sam u sobi. Osim ako je neko bio u kupatilu - toliko nisam mogao da vidim. Zatim sam, kroz prozor gotovo odmah iznad njegovog, video čoveka i ženu kako se prskaju vodom iz usta.     He was all alone, too. Unless somebody was in the bathroom―I couldn't see that much. Then, in the window almost right over his, I saw a man and a woman squirting water out of their mouths at each other.
    Možda je to bio viski sa sodom a ne voda, nisam mogao da vidim šta im je u čašama. Sve u svemu, prvo bi on otpio gutljaj i čitavu je poprskao, a onda je ona to radila njemu - radili su to na smenu, Isuse. Trebalo je da ih vidite.     It probably was highballs, not water, but I couldn't see what they had in their glasses. Anyway, first he'd take a swallow and squirt it all over her, then she did it to him―they took turns, for God's sake. You should've seen them.
    Sve vreme su bili histerični, kao da je to najsmešnija stvar na svetu. Bez zezanja, taj hotel je bio prepun nastranih likova.     They were in hysterics the whole time, like it was the funniest thing that ever happened. I'm not kidding, the hotel was lousy with perverts.
    Ja sam verovatno bio jedini normalan skot u čitavoj zgradi - što i nije značilo nešto. Došlo mi je da pošaljem starom Stredleteru telegram da uhvati prvi voz za Njujork. On bi u tom hotelu bio car.     I was probably the only normal bastard in the whole place―and that isn't saying much. I damn near sent a telegram to old Stradlater telling him to take the first train to New York. He'd have been the king of the hotel.
    Problem je što su takve idiotarije nekako fascinantne za posmatranje, čak i kad to ne želiš. Na primer, ta devojka koju je tip prskao iz usta, prilično je dobro izgledala. Mislim, to je moj veliki problem.     The trouble was, that kind of junk is sort of fascinating to watch, even if you don't want it to be. For instance, that girl that was getting water squirted all over her face, she was pretty good-looking. I mean that's my big trouble.
    U mislima sam, verovamo, najveći seksualni manijak za koga ste ikad čuli. Ponekad mi padaju na pamet neke sulude stvari koje bih rado i ostvario da mi se ukaže prilika.     In my mind, I'm probably the biggest sex maniac you ever saw. Sometimes I can think of very crumby stuff I wouldn't mind doing if the opportunity came up.
    U stanju sam čak da zamislim kako bi to moglo da bude veoma zabavno, na neki suludi način i ako ste oboje kao pijani i sve, da se s nekom devojkom prskaš vodom ili nečim po licu i svuda.     I can even see how it might be quite a lot of fun, in a crumby way, and if you were both sort of drunk and all, to get a girl and squirt water or something all over each other's face.
    Međutim, stvar je u tome što mi se ne dopada sama ta ideja. Zaudara, ako se malo bolje analizira.     The thing is, though, I don't like the idea. It stinks, if you analyze it.
    Mislim, ako ti se devojka u suštini ne sviđa, ne bi trebalo da se glupiraš sa njom i sve, a ako ti se istinski sviđa, onda bi trebalo da ti se sviđa i njeno lice, a ako ti se sviđa njeno lice, ne bi trebalo da postupaš tako s njim, kao što je prskanje vodom iz usta ili nešto. Stvarno je šteta što su mnoge takve stvari ponekad itekako zabavne.     I think if you don't really like a girl, you shouldn't horse around with her at all, and if you do like her, then you're supposed to like her face, and if you like her face, you ought to be careful about doing crumby stuff to it, like squirting water all over it. It's really too bad that so much crumby stuff is a lot of fun sometimes.
    Devojke nisu od neke pomoći u svemu tome, kad se trudiš da ne preteraš, kad se trudiš da ne pokvariš nešto što je istinski lepo.     Girls aren't too much help, either, when you start trying not to get too crumby, when you start trying not to spoil anything really good.
    Poznavao sam jednu devojku, pre nekoliko godina, koja se još gore ludirala od mene. Ljudi moji, kako se ta zezala! Ali baš smo se dobro zabavljali, jedno vreme, na neki suludi način.     I knew this one girl, a couple of years ago, that was even crumbier than I was. Boy, was she crumby! We had a lot of fun, though, for a while, in a crumby way.
    Seks je nešto što u stvari ne shvatam baš najbolje. Tu nikad ne znaš na čemu si. Stalno postavljam sebi neka seksualna pravila koja odmah i prekršim.     Sex is something I really don't understand too hot. You never know where the hell you are. I keep making up these sex rules for myself, and then I break them right away.
    Prošle godine sam se zarekao da ću prestati da se natežem sa devojkama koje me, u suštini, samo zamara-ju. Prekršio sam to, međutim, još iste nedelje - još iste večeri, ako ćemo pravo.     Last year I made a rule that I was going to quit horsing around with girls that, deep down, gave me a pain in the ass. I broke it, though, the same week I made it―the same night, as a matter of fact.
    Proveo sam čitavu noć ljubakajući se sa jednom neviđenom folirantkinjom, En Luiz Šerman. Seks je nešto što jednostavno ne shvatam. Kunem se da ne shvatam.     I spent the whole night necking with a terrible phony named Anne Louise Sherman. Sex is something I just don't understand. I swear to God I don't.
    Dok sam tako stajao kraj prozora, počeo sam da se poigravam idejom da se čujem sa Džejn - mislim, da okrenem međugradsku i nazovem je u B. M., gde je bila, umesto da zovem njenu majku i saznam kada Džejn dolazi kući.     I started toying with the idea, while I kept standing there, of giving old Jane a buzz―I mean calling her long distance at B.M., where she went, instead of calling up her mother to find out when she was coming home.
    Po pravilu, nije bilo dozvoljeno telefonirati učenicama usred noći, ali sve sam smislio. Rekao bih onom ko podigne slušalicu da sam njen ujak. Ispričao bih da je njena tetka poginula u saobraćajnoj nesreći i da moram odmah da govorim s njom.     You weren't supposed to call students up late at night, but I had it all figured out. I was going to tell whoever answered the phone that I was her uncle. I was going to say her aunt had just got killed in a car accident and I had to speak to her immediately.
    To bi sigurno upalilo. Ali nisam to uradio, isključivo zato što nisam bio raspoložen za to. Ako nisi adekvatno raspoložen, ne možeš da izvedeš te stvari kako treba.     It would've worked, too. The only reason I didn't do it was because I wasn't in the mood. If you're not in the mood, you can't do that stuff right.
    Posle nekog vremena seo sam u fotelju i popušio dve-tri cigarete. Prilično sam se napalio, moram da priznam. A onda mi je, najednom, sinulo nešto.     After a while I sat down in a chair and smoked a couple of cigarettes. I was feeling pretty horny. I have to admit it. Then, all of a sudden, I got this idea.
    Izvadio sam novčanik i počeo da tražim adresu koju mi je, na nekom žuru prethodnog leta dao taj lik koji je išao u Prinston. Na kraju sam je našao. Sva je pokupila boju novčanika, ali još je mogla da se čita.     I took out my wallet and started looking for this address a guy I met at a party last summer, that went to Princeton, gave me. Finally I found it. It was all a funny color from my wallet, but you could still read it.
    Bila je to adresa neke devojke koja nije baš bila kurva ili nešto, ali koja se nije bunila da tu i tamo da ponekom, kako mi je lik iz Prinstona rekao. Jednom ju je doveo na igranku u Prinston i malo je falilo da ga izbace zato što je došao s njom. Bila je striptizeta ili nešto.     It was the address of this girl that wasn't exactly a whore or anything but that didn't mind doing it once in a while, this Princeton guy told me. He brought her to a dance at Princeton once, and they nearly kicked him out for bringing her. She used to be a burlesque stripper or something.
    Sve u svemu, uzeo sam telefon i okrenuo je. Zvala se Fejt Kevendiš i živela je u Stenford Arms hotelu, na uglu Šezdeset pete i Brodveja. Neka rupa, verovatno.     Anyway, I went over to the phone and gave her a buzz. Her name was Faith Cavendish, and she lived at the Stanford Arms Hotel on Sixty-fifth and Broadway. A dump, no doubt.
    U početku se činilo da nije tamo. Niko da se javi. A onda je, najzad, neko podigao slušalicu.     For a while, I didn't think she was home or something. Nobody kept answering. Then, finally, somebody picked up the phone.
    "Halo?" rekao sam, dosta dubljim glasom, tako da ne posumnja u moje godine ili nešto. Ionako imam prilično dubok glas.     "Hello?" I said. I made my voice quite deep so that she wouldn't suspect my age or anything. I have a pretty deep voice anyway.
    "Molim", rekao je ženski glas. Ni najmanje ljubazno.     "Hello," this woman's voice said. None too friendly, either.
    "Da li je to gospođica Fejt Kevendiš?"     "Is this Miss Faith Cavendish?"
    "Ko je to?" rekla je. "Ko me to zove u ovo sumanuto doba?"     "Who's this?" she said. "Who's calling me up at this crazy goddam hour?"

    To me je malo preseklo. "Dobro, znam da je prilično kasno", rekao sam tim veoma zrelim glasom. "Nadam se da ćete mi oprostiti, ali jedva sam čekao da stupim u kontakt sa vama." Rekao sam to maksimalno uglađeno. Najozbiljnije.     That sort of scared me a little bit. "Well, I know it's quite late," I said, in this very mature voice and all. "I hope you'll forgive me, but I was very anxious to get in touch with you." I said it suave as hell. I really did.
    "Ko je to?" rekla je.     "Who is this?" she said.
    "Pa eto, vi mene ne poznajete, ali ja sam prijatelj Edija Berdsela. On mi je predložio da vas pozovem, ako se nađem u gradu, pa da izađemo negde na koktel."     "Well, you don't know me, but I'm a friend of Eddie Birdsell's. He suggested that if I were in town sometime, we ought to get together for a cocktail or two."
    "Ko to? Čiji ste vi prijatelj?" Ljudi moji, bila je prava tigrica preko telefona. Gotovo je vikala na mene.     "Who? You're a friend of who?" Boy, she was a real tigress over the phone. She was damn near yelling at me.
    "Edmunda Berdsela. Edija Berdsela", rekoh. Nisam mogao da se setim da li se zove Edmund ili Edvard. Samo sam ga jednom video, na tom idiotskom žuru.     "Edmund Birdsell. Eddie Birdsell," I said. I couldn't remember if his name was Edmund or Edward. I only met him once, at a goddam stupid party.
    "Ne znam nikoga ko se tako zove, lafe. I ako misliš da uživam kad me probude usred..."     "I don't know anybody by that name, Jack. And if you think I enjoy bein' woke up in the middle―"
    "Edi Berdsel? Iz Prinstona?" rekoh.     "Eddie Birdsell? From Princeton?" I said.
    Očigledno je bilo da pretura to ime po glavi i sve.     You could tell she was running the name over in her mind and all.
    "Berdsel, Berdsel... iz Prinstona... Prinston-koledža?"     "Birdsell, Birdsell ... from Princeton ... Princeton College?"
    "Tako je", rekoh.     "That's right," I said.
    "Vi ste iz Prinston-koledža?"     "You from Princeton College?"
    "Pa, približno."     "Well, approximately."
    "O... Pa kako je Edi?" rekla je. "Ovo je ipak vrlo čudno vreme za telefonske pozive. Isuse Hriste."     "Oh ... How is Eddie?" she said. "This is certainly a peculiar time to call a person up, though. Jesus Christ."
    "On je dobro. Zamolio me je da vas podsetim na njega."     "He's fine. He asked to be remembered to you."
    "Lepo, baš vam hvala. Podsetite vi njega na mene", rekla je. "Sjajan je on. Šta sad radi?" Odjednom je postala neviđeno ljubazna.     "Well, thank you. Remember me to him," she said. "He's a grand person. What's he doing now?" She was getting friendly as hell, all of a sudden.
    "Pa eto, znate već. Uobičajene stvari." Otkud sam ja mogao da znam šta on radi? Jedva da sam poznavao tipa. Nisam čak ni znao da li je još u Prinstonu. "Nego", rekoh, "da li ste raspoloženi da se nađemo negde i odemo na koktel-dva?"     "Oh, you know. Same old stuff," I said. How the hell did I know what he was doing? I hardly knew the guy. I didn't even know if he was still at Princeton. "Look," I said. "Would you be interested in meeting me for a cocktail somewhere?"
    "Imate li slučajno predstavu koliko je sad sati?" rekla je. "Kako se, uostalom, zovete, ako smem da pitam?" Odjednom je počela da govori nekim engleskim akcentom.     "By any chance do you have any idea what time it is?" she said. "What's your name, anyhow, may I ask?" She was getting an English accent, all of a sudden.
    "Zvučite mi pomalo mladalački."     "You sound a little on the young side."
    Nasmejao sam se. "Hvala vam na komplimentu", rekoh - maksimalno uglađeno. "Zovem se Holden Kolfild." Trebalo je da joj kažem neko lažno ime, ali se nisam setio.     I laughed. "Thank you for the compliment," I said―suave as hell. "Holden Caulfield's my name." I should've given her a phony name, but I didn't think of it.
    "Lepo, slušajte me sad, gospodine Kofl. Nije mi običaj da zakazujem sastanke usred noći. Ja sam zaposlena devojka."     "Well, look, Mr. Cawffle. I'm not in the habit of making engagements in the middle of the night. I'm a working gal."
    "Sutra je nedelja", rekoh.     "Tomorrow's Sunday," I told her.
    "Dobro, bez obzira. Moram da se naspavam, radi lepote. Znate kako je."     "Well, anyway. I gotta get my beauty sleep. You know how it is."
    "Mislio sam da bismo mogli da popijemo bar po jedan koktel zajedno. Nije tako kasno."     "I thought we might have just one cocktail together. It isn't too late."
    "Baš ste zlatni", rekla je. "Odakle zovete? Gde se vi sad uopšte nalazite?"     "Well. You're very sweet," she said. "Where ya callin' from? Where ya at now, anyways?"
    "Ja? Tu sam, u telefonskoj govornici."     "Me? I'm in a phone booth."
    "A", rekla je. Onda je nastala poduža pauza. "Lepo, strašno bih volela da se jednom nađem s vama, gospodine Kofl. Zvučite mi vrlo privlačno.     "Oh," she said. Then there was this very long pause. "Well, I'd like awfully to get together with you sometime, Mr. Cawffle.
    Zvučite mi kao veoma privlačna osoba. Ali zaista je kasno."     You sound very attractive. You sound like a very attractive person. But it is late."
    "Mogao bih da dođem do vas."     "I could come up to your place."
    "Čujte, u neko drugo doba rekla bih sjajno. Mislim, volela bih da svratite na koktel, ali devojka s kojom delim sobu je bolesna.     "Well, ordinary, I'd say grand. I mean I'd love to have you drop up for a cocktail, but my roommate happens to be ill.
    Leži već čitavu noć i oka nije sklopila. Maločas je zaspala."     She's been laying here all night without a wink of sleep. She just this minute closed her eyes and all. I mean."

    "Je l'? Baš šteta."     "Oh. That's too bad."
    "Gde ste odseli? Možda bismo mogli sutra da se nađemo".     "Where ya stopping at? Perhaps we could get together for cocktails tomorrow."
    "Ne mogu sutra", rekoh. "Mogao bih samo noćas." Kakva sam budala bio. Nije trebalo to da kažem.     "I can't make it tomorrow," I said. "Tonight's the only time I can make it." What a dope I was. I shouldn't've said that.
    "O? E, pa stvarno mi je žao."     "Oh. Well, I'm awfully sorry."
    "Pozdraviću Edija od vas."     "I'll say hello to Eddie for you."
    "Hoćete li? Nadam se da se dobro provodite u Njujorku. Sjajno je ovo mesto."     "Willya do that? I hope you enjoy your stay in New York. It's a grand place."
    "Znam. Hvala vam. Laku noć", rekoh.     "I know it is. Thanks. Good night," I said.
    Onda sam prekinuo vezu. Ljudi moji, stvarno sam uprskao. Trebalo je da se bar dogovorim za neke koktele ili nešto.     Then I hung up. Boy, I really fouled that up. I should've at least made it for cocktails or something.

>> Chapter 10